/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold
Gloucestershire GL54 1DW

tel. 01451 832 585

MinutesCouncil Meeting

held on Thursday 25 June 2015at 7:15pm


Cllr. Simon Clarke
Cllr. Richard Clifford
Cllr. Mike Curtis
Cllr. Val Davis
Cllr. Ben Eddolls
Cllr. Tom Edwards
Cllr. Sue Green
Cllr. Mike Moseley
Cllr. Colin Smalley
Cllr. Jenny Scarsbrook
Cllr. Alun White / (SC)
(AW) Chair / 1 x Press
Steve Jones (SJ)
Geoff Parke (GP)
Chris Skinner – (CSk) Police
Barry Dare – District Councillor
John Morris - Brethren
5 x public
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk


Were received and accepted fromCllr.Nigel Moor and Rebecca Scutt (RS - Stow School).

Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interest None

Formal Announcements from the Chair

a)Committees are now all running and have appointed chairs.

b)A letter from the Civic Society asking the Council to sponsor a quilt to be made by residents and sent to Appomattox, Virginia, USA as part of the Stow Festival activities was circulated to members. The money raised to go to the Festival’s charities. The majority of members had responded favourably to the request, 2 declared an interest. The chairman proposed to use his delegated powers to approve the spending.

Proposed: Under chairman’s delegated powers - to donate £100 to the Civic Society to make and send a quilt to. Money raised LGA 1972 S 144(2)

Public Participation No comments were made.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Annual meeting: Correction CS not SC to attend Silver Group meetings and JS to be added.

Council meeting In camera item was 5b not 5c.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Council Meeting held on 14 May 2015with the correction made were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed – AW Seconded -MM, All in favour

Matters Arising None

  1. Representatives from Outside Bodies

  • 9 crimes were reported during May, down from 12 for the same time last year.
CSk mentioned that the crime figures did not reflect how the police spent their time.
Clerk to arrange a meeting for councillors to discuss policing issues in more detail.
  • JM to liaise with police re. traffic flow / access when there is a meeting
  • Highways need to be contacted about problems arising from large lorries being diverted through Stow.
  • The bottleneck at Birdlip is increasing the amount of traffic through Stow.
  • Parking on verges: In a 30mph zone this is not an offence, obstructing the pavement is.
  • If there are any issues the public wish to bring to the police the station is open
9am – 4pm (closed lunchtime)
District Councillor – Barry Dare
  • The publication of election results by CDC was v. slow. The combination of town council and district council elections happening at the same time will next occur in 20 years.
  • BD and AW have discussed planning issues. BD said that he would represent the view of Stow but as he is a representative not a delegate and he would make his personal view clear at CDC meetings.
  • It was suggested BD arrived10 mins before council meetings (i.e. on the last Thursday of the month 7.05pm) to hold a surgery for residents wishing to speak to him.

Stow Youth Club
  • Will close in 3 weeks. Events during the summer holidays have been arranged and will be advertised. (See Town Council website)
  • GRCC are collating the results of the survey regarding the use of King Georges Field.

  1. MayStatement of Account
  • Park & Square Committee were congratulated on improving the look of the green
  • TE (chair of Finance Committee) announced that he would be looking at a re-budget to decrease the amount of money held in surplus.

Resolved: Accounts for May 2015were approved. Proposed CS, Seconded BE all in favour

  1. Spending Request: VIC (Cricket Museum)

Resolved: To make the final payment of £833.33 in acknowledgement that a service had been provided. Proposed SG, Seconded AW 10 in favour, 1 abstain.. LGA 1972 S 144(2)

  1. Internal Audit Report

The internal auditor (independent of the council) was satisfied with the financial arrangements of the council. Clerks were congratulated. MM agreed to continue in the role of Internal Checker.

Resolved: To accept the report of the Internal Auditor Proposed AW, Seconded MM All in favour

  1. Annual Return

Resolved: Council approved and chairman signed the accounting and governance statements on the Annual Return Proposed CS, Seconded AW All in favour

  1. Strategic Plan

Committees are to check and amend the 2nd draft by the Council meeting in July. A final, flexible plan will then be produced so the council knows what it would like to achieve over the next few years. Proposed SG, Seconded BE All in favour.

  1. Meeting Dates

The Council meeting proposed for the 31st December was rejected. Instead in January full Council will meet on Thursday 14th rather than at the end of the month.

Resolved. To accept the proposed dates with the meeting in December omitted.

Proposed SG, Seconded BE All in favour.

  1. Committee Terms of Reference

a)Resolved To give Parks and Square Committee responsibility for the VIC.

Proposed AW, Seconded BE All in favour

b)Resolved: To accept the Committee Terms of Reference as amended by a) above.

Proposed AW, Seconded TE All in favour.

  1. Grant Awarding Policy (S137)

A budget for awarding S137 grants now needs to be determined.

Resolved: To adopt the Grant Awarding Policy.

Proposed BE, Seconded SG 10 in favour. AW declared an interest.

  1. Reports from Clerk, Committees and Working Groups


  • Roadworks: Maugersbury Road adjacent to the Bell Inn will now take place 16 – 17 July. GCC will make arrangements for local access.
  • Stow Hill resurfacing will take place on 6 consecutive nights in September.
  • STC need to raise £12k for a footpath to link with the Monarchs Way. JM will ask the Brethren if they can contribute. Clerk to contact Conservation and Tourist Board.

Burial Board (CS) Council received minutes 10/6/15

  • Have walked about the cemetery and identified maintenance work to be undertaken.
  • Strategic Plan: a sensory garden and child burial area are being considered.

Finance (TE) Council received minutes 7/4/15 & 18/6/15

General Purpose & Policy (AW) Council received minutes 9/6/15

Deals with items not covered by the other committees.

Resolved To accept the Risk Assessment and Publication Scheme Proposed AW, Seconded BE All in favour

Neighbourhood Plan (BE)

  • To meet on an ad hoc basis and are enlisting new members.
  • Next stage is to talk to planners at CDC.
  • There will be a Neighbourhood Plan stand at the Stow Festival

Parks & Square Council received minutes 4/6/15

  • There has been positive feedback re. the circus presently on King Georges Field.
  • Committee have had a walk around Stow to identifying issues
  • 1st July from 5pm there will be a working group on the QE2 Field. All welcome, bring garden equipment.
  • The Farmers Market have been told that they can have a market twice a month during the summer.
  • An Events Subcommittee has been suggested to encourage and support organisations running events.
  • Clerk to ask Tescos to clear the area behind where the bins were and to mend the fence.

Planning Committee (AW) Council received minutes28/5/15 and 16/6/15

AW to attend CDC planning meeting on 8 July which will be discussing the two surgery applications and Aston House. MC thanked AW for previously representing STC at committee when Aston House was discussed.

Traffic and Parking Committee (MM) Council received minutes of the meetings held on 2/6/15

  • GCC decision to do night time working was appreciated.
  • The Town Councils ideas for improving the square have been passed to GCC
  • The 802 bus service linking Stow with Kingham station will start soon.
  • Drains on Sheep Street and Park Street are blocked. Clerk to notify GCC
  • BP Station: The in/out system is being ignored. Lorries are parking on the verge. Clerk to notify Bob Skillern.

Councillor Visits and Meetings:

AW attended the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club

MC attended the Armed Forces Day

SG & MC met Jenni Turner (Stow Times) and agreed that we will be able to publish our notes and Stow Times will continue to publish the short summary of the meetings.

Correspondencewas made available for inspection

Any Other BusinessNone


Date of next Council meeting: Thursday 30th July 2015 at 7.15pm

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Financial Balances for May 2015
April / May / Predicted May Expenditure
Lloyds Current account less OS cheques / 167,618.59 / 153418.52 / Insurance / 3,600.00
Invested (CCLA (1726) / 40,424.11 / 40424.11
Cash book balance beginning of May / 208,042.70 / 193842.63
Budget Expenditure to Date / Budget / Actual / Variance / % Used
Administration / 65,500 / 8957.00 / 56543.00 / 13.67%
Central Services / 47,050 / 7266.00 / 39784.00 / 15.44%
Burial Board / 11,600 / 733.00 / 10867.00 / 6.32%
Parks / 13,900 / 242.00 / 13658.00 / 1.74%
Parking / 15,000 / 15000.00 / 0.00%
Neighbourhood Plan / 2,000 / 638.00 / 1362.00 / 31.90%
Planning / 5,000 / 5000.00 / 0.00%
Reserve Contingency / -
Totals / 160,050 / 17836.00 / 142214.00 / 11.14%
Cheques for May 2015
Cheque no. / Name / Description / Net / Tax / Power / Authority
2389 / Zurich Municipal / Insurance / 1652.36 / 99.14 / LGA 1972 s 111,113 / Council 30/4/15
2400 / Acorn Childrens Hospice / Grant from donated money / 150.00 / Council 30/4/15
2401 / Kates Home Nursing / Grant from donated money / 150.00 / Council 30/4/15
2402 / Stow Disability Association / Grant from donated money / 150.00 / Council 30/4/15
2403 / Midlands Air Ambulance / Grant from donated money / 150.00 / Council 30/4/15
2404 / SLCC / Cilca registration fee / 250.00 / LGA 1972 s 111 / Council 30/4/15
2405 / E Sajewicz / NHP roadshow expenses / 202.50 / LGA 1972 s 144 / Council 12/2/15
2406 / Ben Eddolls / NHP roadshow expenses / 135.00 / LGA 1972 s 144 / Council 12/2/15
2407 / CGS / Grass cutting / 1451.00 / 283.00 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10 / Council 30/4/15
2408 / Cancelled cheque / 0.00
2409 / CGS / Regrassing the green / 900.00 / 180.00 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10 / P&S 24/3/15
2410 / Stow Ag / Dog sign for play areas x 2 / 27.10 / 5.42 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10 / clerk
2411 / T20 Media / VIC website / 50.00 / LGA 1972 s 144 / Council 30/4/15
2412 / Cancelled cheque / 0.00 / 0.00
2413 / SRH Services / Town cleaning / 160.00 / 0.00 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10 / P&S 24/3/15
2414 / Stow Skips Ltd / Wells Working Party / 180.00 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10 / P&S 24/3/15
2415 / Caroline Doran / Camera and Admin / 75.89 / LGA 1972 s 111
2416 / RBSRialtas / Software Maintenance / 194.00 / LGA 1972 s 111
2417 / GMTF / Membership / 250.00 / LGA 1972 s 143
2418 / Cancelled cheque / 0.00
2418 / Cancelled cheque / 0.00
2420 / Viking / Stationery and Stamps / 242.72 / 22.04 / LGA 1972 s 111
2423 / Cleaning / TC 69.80 YC130.72 / 200.52 / LGA 1972 s 111
2424 / John Wise / April & May inspections / 70.00 / Open Space Act 1906 s9 & 10
2425 / Poor Man's Answer / NHP roadshow expenses / 250.00 / LGA 1972 s 144 / Council 12/2/15
2426 / Stow Times / Insert / 240.00 / 48.00 / LGA 1972 s 142
2427 / St Edward's Church / NHP roadshow expenses / 50.00 / LGA 1972 s 144 / Council 12/2/15
2421 / Administration / Office Expenses (Salary) / 2353.43 / LGA 1972 s 112
2422 / Administration / LGA 1972 s 112
Total / 9534.52 / 637.60

Signed …………………………………………………

Mike Curtis (Chairman)

Date ………………………………………….…………

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