GD #7 08/05/07 McGuire 3

Mark 16:1-8 / Matthew 28 / Luke 24 / John
Mark 16:9-20 did not belong to the Gospel of Mark and were added about 150-200 A.D. from Matt/Luke/John to compensate for the lack of resurrection appearances in Mark.
v. 2 "very early" vs. "early" in v. 9
v. 5 What/who is there?
Why are they afraid?
v. 6 What does the angel reveal?
v. 7 GO TO GALILEE. Rehabilitation of Peter
(Mark 14:28)
v. 8 What is the significance of the fear and trembling?
Mark 5:33
Exodus 3:2-6
Mark: 4:41, 6:50-51, Mark 9:6, Philip. 2:12
Fear & trembling is the response to God's revelation of himself in Mark and elsewhere.
-for those on the path to salvation
-those who reject God now do not fear tremble now BUT will on the day of judgment
How can we overcome our fear of God? (filled with love, virtue garnish our thoughts, wax confident before God (D&C 121:45-46)
. / v. 2, 6 Why did the angel roll back the stone?
v. 3 = Daniel 7:9
v. 7 Why to Galilee? What happened there?
v. 8 How does this response differ from that described in Mark?
v. 9 How do the women respond to Christ?
v. 10, 16-20
on a mountain in Galilee
v. 18 = Daniel 7: 13-14
v. 19-20 Great commission
v. 20 Immanuel theme (Matt 1:23) / 24:1-12
Empty tomb
v. 3-4 response of women to empty tomb?
v. 4-7, 8 What is the purpose of the instruction in v. 5-7?
v. 7 is not in Matt & Mark. Lucan theme: Christ's death is necessary and fulfills a sacred pattern of prophets of old as well as their prophecies (no theological "ransom explanation" like Mark 10:45) note: being taught by an angel
(see 9:22, 44)
v. 11, 12 Response of disciples, Peter.
Disciples going to Emmaus
v. 16 why were their eyes veiled? (still ignorant)
v. 18-21
v. 19 How is their understanding incomplete (a prophet)
v. 21 How is their understanding incomplete? (not to redeem)
Note echo from infancy stories 1:68-70, 2:38
v. 22-25
Lack of faith and understanding explicitly demonstrated and then confirmed by Jesus
v. 26-27
What does Christ teach them? (v. 32)
How does verse 26 answer the perplexity of v. 21?
For more on Emmaus see below.
v. 31, 32, 35 How was Christ known to them (see table and notes below)
33-49 Appearances to Apostles/disciples
v. 36 Who gets peace in this life?
D&C 59:23
How does Christ show he is not a spirit?
v. 39-40
v. 41-43
What further significance does Christ's eating "before them" have?
v. 44 Fulfillment from LAW, PROPHETS, WRITINGS (Psalms)
v. 45 What was opened?
v. 46 On what point was their understanding opened?
Written that Christ should suffer:
1. Servant songs
Is. 42:1-14, 49:1-7, 50:4-9, 52:13 – 53:12
2. Psalms 22, 55, 69, 116, 118
3. Zech 12:10, 13:6
Written Christ should rise on the 3rd day:
Psalm 69:9-11, Is. 53:10-11, Jonah 1:17
v. 47-49 Commission to the Apostles
(cf Acts 1:8, 5:31, 10:1-3, 13:38, 26:18, ACTS 2:2-4)
like John Luke 3:3 and like Christ 4:18
Power from on high
Like Christ 3:22, 4:1, 4:14, 4:18
Fulfilled in Acts – keeps story open
Ascension 24:50-53
Why does Luke have two ascensions?
= Literary closure
"carried up to heaven" vs. 1:28-38 (came down from heaven)
"worshipped him" = shepherds Simeon, Anna
"great joy" vs. 2:9-10, 17-20
"in the temple" vs. 1:9 / John 20 Resurrection
v. 8-9 Jerusalem
Who believed first? John
How to well did they understand the scriptures? (didn't)
Mary Magdalene saw first.
v. 14-15 Why didn't she recognize Christ?
v. 16 By what means did Mary recognize Christ?
Significance? (my sheep hear my voice) John 10:3-4
v. 17 Touch me not? A bad translation: don't hold me; I have other things to do.
When/what is the ascension?
v. 19 Sunday
v. 22 Breathed on them ?
What does this allude to? Gen. 2:7 breath of life
What does it mean? (just different from Luke/Acts?)
v.26 Sunday again (John 1:49)
v. 28 Significance of Thomas' confession? Calls him God – not the son of God.
v.31 Purpose of John – at the end (like the BOM preface, which was originally at the end.
John 21 Epilogue: Galilee
v. 6-11 Significance of catching the fishes: do what Christ says in order to gain converts.
153 = St. Jerome recognized 153 kinds of fish
net = gospel. (Widstoe: In the gospel net)
Three questions to reverse his denial
v. 18-19 Death of Peter:
When was this written? Suggests after Peter's death.
v. 21-23
(Rev. 10:11)
3 Nephi 28:4-16, esp. 4-7
3 Nephi 28:37-40
D&C 7
1 Ne. 14:18-27
John 21:24 "We?"
The only time this happens in the Gospels – this is the highest Christology; most divine narrative

Three meals in Luke:

Emmaus meal (v. 29-35) / Last supper / Feeding 5000 (Luke 9)
Toward evening
Reclined to eat
Took bread
Blessed bread
Broke bread
Gave bread
-after opening the scriptures to them
-followed by seeing Christ / (night)
took bread
gave thanks
broke bread
gave bread
followed by instruction / "day began to wear away"
reclined to eat
took bread
blessed bread
broke bread
gave bread
-after speaking of Kingdom of God
-followed by confession of Christ

v. 31, 32, 35 How was Christ known to them?

Understand scriptures + fellowship meal + see Christ = full knowledge

(see alone is NOT enough; you must comprehend and be one with what you are seeing).

To share a meal is to share life.

How does the sacrament meeting relate to all this?