國 立 師 大 附 中 九十六 學 年 度 第 二 學 期 第 二 次 期 中 考 英 文 科

Listening Section: 15%

Part A

Questions 1-2

Part B

3. (A) You could describe it if you tried.

(B) How about moving to a developing country?

(C) You should turn on the air-conditioner.

(D) How can you be so numb to the temperature?

4. (A) Congratulations!

(B) I hope you recover quickly.

(C) The doctor is the best here.

(D) Let me show you how.

5. (A) How much time does she have?

(B) Time can’t be created by us.

(C) She never told me that before.

(D) That’s why she is so inefficient.

6. (A) I didn’t receive any from her.

(B) Would you write it for me?

(C) She was moved to tears.

(D) I never write to anyone I know.

7. (A) I got pretty high grades on it.

(B) The teacher said it needs refining.

(C) The conclusion is looming.

(D) I have to tear away part of it.

Part C

8. (A) Everyone enjoyed Jen Tao’s acting.

(B) Jen Tao is good at singing.

(C) Jen Tao has made a comeback.

(D) The woman is jealous of Jen Tao.

9. (A) Ryan meant no harm to the man.

(B) Ryan is a mean person.

(C) Ryan wanted more experience.

(D) Ryan is not guilty of a crime.

10. (A) Read an article to the audience.

(B) Give a speech from memory.

(C) Take notes for a keynote speaker.

(D) Deliver an impromptu speech.

11. (A) So she can say sorry to her.

(B) To make an appointment with a hairstylist.

(C) So she can pay her money back.

(D) To make up for her poor performance.

12. (A) At a water company.

(B) Inside a car company.

(C) In a convenience store.

(D) At a computer store.

Part D

13. (A) They are all undeveloped countries.

(B) They have too many mines.

(C) They have major environmental problems.

(D) They are all fighting over recycling laws.

14. (A) It has beautiful scenery.

(B) It is not a good place to live.

(C) It has the strictest pollution laws in the world.

(D) It is the most polluted city in India.

15. (A) Storm clouds from Russia.

(B) All the bicycles on the streets.

(C) Factories dumping waste into the water.

(D) Cars, mines, and factories.

Reading Section: 85%

Part A

I. Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases (15%)

16. During the war, they were forced to seek ______from the fighting.

(A) dread (B) refuge (C) audience (D) episode

17. I don’t believe in ______power at all unless it can be proved to be real.

(A) tremendous (B) supernatural (C) theatrical (D) unbearable

18. If the resources are ______fairly in the world, we might be able to free a lot of people from poverty.

(A) handicapped (B) conjured (C) burst (D) distributed

19. His charming leadership ______all his employees. Everyone in his company admires him.

(A) enthralls (B) emerges (C) circulates (D) deliberates

20. My boyfriend invited me for dinner at an elaborately decorated restaurant. I was thrilled that a pianist and a violinist _____ us with classical music while we were dining.

(A) serenaded (B) refilled (C) showcased (D) retained

21. Alice organizes her files _____ so she can easily retrieve what she needs.

(A) occasionally (B) gleefully (C) remarkably (D) systematically

22. Li Bai is perhaps the most _____ poet in Tang Dynasty of the ancient China. Almost every Chinese knows and recites his poems.

(A) neglected (B) acclaimed (C) harvested (D) invaded

23. The major _____ behind global warming is the rapid increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

(A) prescription (B) heritage (C) culprit (D) medication

24. Students in the library are preparing for the _____ exam. Knowing the exam is coming in no time, they all look heavy-hearted and drink coffee to keep awake.

(A) infectious (B) impending (C) innocent (D) impromptu

25. Every year, HSNU holds a 5-km cross-campus race to test the students’ _____.

(A) endurance (B) comprehension (C) lethargy (D) retention

26. Kate’s shifts are assigned on a _____ basis, so sometimes she works mornings and other times she works evenings.

(A) compulsory (B) consistent (C) recycled (D) rotational

27. It is my _____ belief that if we work together and practice conservation we can achieve a greener world in the near future.

(A) sloppy (B) sincere (C) sporty (D) snappy

28. The homeroom teacher said proudly that the _____ for their winning in the cheerleading competition went to everybody in the class.

(A) knockouts (B) pains (C) credits (D) signs

29. I don’t mean to offend you but I don’t think we have much time left. So, stop joking around and let’s _____.

(A) get down to business (B) make a full recovery (C) do the trick (D) scream like crazy

30. The newly elected president has promised to _____ a promising plan to put the country back on its financial feet.

(A) make it up to (B) scratch the surface of (C) give no comments on (D) come up with

II. Grammar (10%)

31. A friend is someone who you want to ______.

(A) hang out (B) hear the truth (C) depend (D) protect

32. With DNA samples ______from hundreds of children and mothers, the court could help determine which children belong to which parents.

(A) taken (B) are taken (C) taking (D) are being taken

33. ______in 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest transparently operated charitable foundation in the world.

(A) Founding (B) Founded (C) Found (D) Having found

34. The world-famous singer ______for ten years.

(A) has died (B) got married (C) has been living here (D) is making a fortune

35. Several officials are involved in the scandal, _____ two ministers.

(A) include (B) including (C) included (D) inclusive

36. Scientists develop stronger plants more quickly by changing their genetic material, and foods from plants _____ in this way are called GM foods.

(A) which grow (B) that is grown (C) growing (D) grown

37. We were unable to get funding and, , couldn’t help but abandon the project.

(A) in fact (B) what is more (C) therefore (D) most importantly

38. When you receive the treatment of acupuncture, thin needles are not inserted in the place of pain positioned under the surface of the skin at special nerve centers around the body.

(A) but also (B) when (C) as if (D) but

39. The expert suggested that ______.

(A) mankind protect endangered species.

(B) the blue whale be the biggest mammal ever living on earth.

(C) the authority concerned took measures to save wildlife.

(D) they should have falsely stated some theories.

40. Despite ______in his school work, he still spends a great deal of time chatting on the Internet.

(A) of falling behind (B) having fallen behind (C) now that he is falling behind (D) to have fallen behind

III. Cloze Test (25%)

Biofuels (生質燃料) once sounded like the perfect 41 to solving the Earth’s energy problems. Made from planet materials, biofuels can be mixed with gasoline for vehicles, making a fuel that burns cleaner and is less harmful to the environment. This can 42 global warming 42 getting worse. With such an exciting prospect, no wonder the E.U. set a policy, in January 2007, to get 10% of its road fuels from plant sources.

However, some reports have revealed unexpected 43 effects of biofuel production. For example, to make room for growing biofuel crops, large energy companies in Indonesia are destroying rainforests and driving poor people off their land. Besides, more farmers are producing fuel crops instead of food; there is less food available.

44 , food prices are going up.

Now that these problems have come to light, E.U. Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimos admits that they seem 45 the wrong policy. He believes that it would be much better to miss the target than to achieve it by hurting the poor or further harming the environment.

41. (A) method (B) means (C) approach (D) way

42. (A) prevent…from (B) fight…against (C) live…through (D) add…to

43. (A) modified (B) negative (C) genetic (D) advantageous

44. (A) In addition (B) As a result (C) After all (D) On the other hand

45. (A) making (B) to make (C) having made (D) to have made

Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine, 46 the body is seen as a delicate balance of two opposing and inseparable forces: yin and yang. Yin symbolizes cold, slow, or passive aspects of the person, 47 yang symbolizes hot, excited, or active aspects. A major theory is that health is achieved through balancing yin and yang and disease is caused by an imbalance 48 to a blockage in the flow of Qi. According to traditional Chinese medicine, health is achieved 49 the body in a "balanced state"; disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin and yang. Qi can be unblocked by using acupuncture at certain points on the body that 50 pathways where Qi flows.

46. (A) in which (B) when (C) that (D) which

47. (A) if (B) though (C) while (D) as

48. (A) lead (B) leading (C) which lead (D) led

49. (A) by maintaining (B) to maintain (C) and maintained (D) to be maintained

50. (A) inserted into (B) connect with (C) interrupted by (D) suffer from

Young children watch everything their parents do, and parents have most powerful influence 51 kids. In their small world, a dutiful father is like a pillar of strength and a loving mother a 52 . As time goes by, the kids develop into adolescence. A common characterization of this period is that parent influence 53 and friend influence 53 . Family is not the single source of satisfaction for children. When they are in trouble, adolescents turn to friends who are just as inexperienced and even more rebellious. 54 , parents often find it difficult swaying children from their immature decisions. Although parents are confronted with the challenge in communicating with their teens, wise parents persist in the belief that the seed they have planted in their children will flourish someday 55 they keep pouring water on the seedlings.

51. (A) in (B) of (C) to (D) on

52. (A) love affair (B) security blanket (C) charity volunteer (D) loyal follower

53. (A) decreases/increases (B) grows/declines (C) destroys/constructs (D) expands/contracts

54. (A) As it turns out (B) To bring out the best (C) From father to son (D) In contrast

55. (A) until (B) so that (C) in case (D) if

Can you imagine a leading actress in a popular TV series with thick glasses, shaggy eyebrows, and a mouth full of braces? Well, here is a perfect example—America Ferrera. In the hit American comedy-drama Ugly Betty, Ferrera 56 Betty Suarez, a plain-looking but good-hearted and hard-working assistant at a fashion magazine company.

Ferrera has made up her mind to become a performer since she was 7, 57 she landed a role in a school play. Her mother, however, was worried that she couldn’t succeed and insisted that she develop other interests. __58__ taking her mother’s advice, Ferrera stuck up for her goal and got her first big break in 2002, playing a part in a Disney Channel movie called Gotta Kick It Up!

Ferrera’s big success arrived when she played the role of Betty. Similar to her Betty character, Ferrera makes no 59 for not being so thin as fashion models. With her one-of-a-kind charm, Ferrera, a young Latina, serves __60 a positive role model for both women and minorities. To her, making a difference and inspiring people brings her the most happiness.

56. (A) pretends (B) prescribes (C) pursues (D) portrays

57. (A) when (B) where (C) which (D) that

58. (A) In addition to (B) Aside from (C) Instead of (D) Looking to

59. (A) refusals (B) sense (C) labels (D) apologies

60. (A) by (B) as (C) in (D) for

Is it just a dream for every child around the world to have a laptop? Three years ago, people believed it crazy to create a(n) 61 laptop for children in developing countries. To everyone’s amazement, MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte has made this seemingly crazy goal a reality.

The first challenge Negroponte faced was lowering the cost of the laptop computer screen. 62 that goal, he developed one that uses less power than other screens. The one he 63 displays in color as well as in black and white and it costs only US$40. The second challenge Negroponte faced was that children in developing countries don’t have a reliable source of electricity, so a laptop that saves energy is a must. 64 saving files on a memory card instead of the hard drive, Negroponte successfully solved the problem.

Showing great determination and his love across borders, Negroponte has finally achieved this 65 goal: thousands of children worldwide are already playing and learning with XO laptops.

61. (A) affordable (B) chronological (C) unpredictable (D) botanical

62. (A) Achieve (B) To achieve (C) Achieved (D) When achieving

63. (A) reduced (B) enforces (C) estimates (D) manufactures

64. (A) From (B) With (C) By (D) For

65. (A) generic (B) staggering (C) external (D) harmless

IV. Reading Comprehension (16%)

Coffee is by far more fun to drink than it is to cultivate. After planting a coffee tree, four to five years must pass before a crop can be picked. Once a crop is ripe, harvesting is very labor-intensive. Since fruit on the same branch of a coffee tree ripens at different times, it must be picked by hand, and one tree will require several visits by the pickers.