The Thirty First Annual General Meeting of the Grand Prix Express North Wales Cross Country League was held at the Ysgol Morgan Llwyd Leisure Centre, Cefn Road, Wrexham, on Friday, March 27th 2015 at 7.15pm.

Members present: Russell Godwin (Chairman), Bernard Jones (Vice Chairman), Representatives from Colwyn Bay, Wrexham, Prestatyn, Eryri, Abergele, Shrewsbury, West Cheshire, Buckley, and D A Williams (Secretary)

Apologies were received from Mrs Helen Walling, George and June Tudor, Mrs Margaret Morris, Oswestry (Ian Lowe, Steve Roberts), Steve Livett and Telford.

Members present observed a minute’s silence in memory of Mr Les Baldwin (Life Member) and Mrs Sue Sayer (President, Welsh Athletics) who had died during the last twelve months.

Proposed Buckley, seconded Wrexham and agreed that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Friday, April 4th, 2014 should be accepted as a true record.

Matters arising from the minutes:

(i) Last year, with Mrs Helen Walling moving to Buckinghamshire during the summer months it was agreed that if the host club could have a ‘reserve’ available it would be greatly appreciated in case ‘she couldn’t make it’ at times. This request had worked splendidly especially at Lilleshall when Telford’s Graham Kelcher stood in as a very able Referee.

(ii) Following last year’s Annual General Meeting the Secretary had reported back to the North Wales Regional Athletics Council re Bangor University AAC’s eligibility to take part in the League. Members present were pleased with the positive outcome and glad that the students had been able to win the Division One male team section during the winter season 2014-2015.

(iii) Following the decision taken at last year’s Annual General Meeting the North Wales Junior Cross Country League’s season would be discussed in any other business.

Chairman’s Report: Mr Russell Godwin welcomed everyone to the 31st AGM of the Grand Prix Express North Wales Cross Country League and thanked members present for attending.

He thanked all the five host clubs for, once again, providing excellent venues this season. This included the organisers, marshals and helpers for giving up their time and ensuring our courses were safe and well marked. My thanks also extends to all the catering facilities offered at each venue, to which we have now all become accustomed, and we are extremely grateful.

Furthermore, he added, thanks to the race referees, Bernard Jones and Helen Walling, for taking control and a special mention to Bernard for vetting all the courses and keeping good order.

The Chairman felt this season had witnessed some excellent team and individual performances with the prizes being shared among most of the 23 clubs represented in our ‘friendly’ League. Congratulations to all those who won trophies and, of course, to everyone that took part. He went on to say there had been some excellent and noteworthy individual performances during season 2014 – 2015.

1. The performances of young Menai Track and Field siblings Iolo and Cari Hughes, who at 18 years of age and only just 16 years of age, are both talents to watch out for in the future.

2. Alison Lavender of Oswestry Olympians AAC continued her great form by winning the senior women’s title for the third time in four years.

3. For the second year running the League witnessed an Over 80 male champion. Wrexham AAC’s Ray Billington won the title and it is a remarkable achievement. It is impressive to see so many ‘super’ vets from 70 years upwards competing in both the men and women’s races.

4. The Bebbington Trophy for Endeavour was deservedly presented to Abergele Harriers’ Chris Birch and is recognition for loyalty to the League for over 30 years.

Russell wished to thank Gareth Bicknell, Paul Sanderson and Dennis Wall for their excellent race reports in the Daily Post, Shropshire Star and Flintshire/Wrexham Leader newspapers.

Finally, he thanked David Alun Williams for all his hard work as secretary and ensuring our League is run smoothly.

He wished everyone a good summer and looked forward to the new season in the 2015-2016 winter.

Secretary’s Report: Newcomer Ben Ashcroft of Shrewsbury AAC had won the senior men’s title while Alison Lavender retained the senior ladies top spot with an impressive four victories. It was pleasing to see a variety of age groups within the best six in both sections with West Cheshire AAC’s David Alexander deserving praise for finishing a great second among the senior men. As the Chairman had pointed out there were a number of great battles in many of the masters age groups categories with athletes from no fewer than eleven clubs receiving gold medals. Congratulations to Bangor University AAC and Eryri Harriers for winning the male and female team sections and Shrewsbury AAC and Wrexham AAC taking the masters team sections.

We were all pleased to see the Wrexham AAC Under 17 men, led by overall champion Christian Smith, winning the Frost Family Trophy team prize. Let us hope that there will be more teams taking part in this section next season. Well done also to Buckley RC and Denbigh Harriers for winning the Division Two male and female team categories respectively and they will be in Division One next season.

The Secretary seconded the Chairman’s thanks to all those who had helped make last winter’s activities a success but also added our sincere thanks to Russell Godwin and Grand Prix Express, for their continued sponsorship and a great interest in all that we do.

He also thanked Alison and Andy Whitelaw for typing up all the results and Tom Annable for keeping our website updated.

It was pleasing to note that an overall total of 1098 athletes completed League races this winter – five more than in 2013-2014 – and we look forward to starting all over again in 2015-2016.

Season 2014 - 2015: Members present felt that it was important to look back at the season and comment on the venues.

Bangor: Bernard Jones (Referee) felt it was a better course and it had been well marked out. Although the bottom field was wet the shorter grass had helped make it an easier surface for the athletes. The accident in the woods when Gareth Hughes fell over was discussed and it was felt that the communication between the marshals and the first aiders in the ambulance was not good. It would be better if one of them was standing near the track as this was not the first time a runner had fallen at this spot. There is, perhaps, a need to paint the roots, etc., in order to make it a little easier/safer for the athletes to negotiate this particular path.

Concerns were expressed, once again, about athletes and spectators wandering on to the top field when the University had asked us to stay away. This was a big problem when the field was wet but the host club do tape it off and it is important that we follow their request as we do not want to lose a fine venue. During a long debate about the unfortunate fall it was proposed Bernard Jones, seconded Shrewsbury and agreed unanimously that an accident book would be available at all League meetings to record the details.

Llandudno: Bernard Jones complimented a good course and everyone had enjoyed a fine day. The Referee felt the far field could be better marked – the athletes needed stakesx2 at certain points especially on the last lap when they were getting tired.

Wrexham: everyone agreed that all had gone well on the day with the gap between the two fields much drier than in many previous years.

Lilleshall: Bernard Jones felt it was a tougher challenge this year for the runners but it was better marked out.

Oswestry: The Referee was pleased with the course but would have liked a little more tape by the lake. Members present were, as usual, very grateful to the club for hosting another greatly enjoyed post race presentation.

Gareth Hughes (Prestatyn) had been asked to raise a concern re the Oswestry course by his club. Three different people had raised the issue of the stile on the course, which was recently replaced. One of their members was spiked in the hand as another runner tried to go over at the same time. One very experienced athlete had asked whether the Association would consider making an offer to the landowner towards the cost of a gate which could be opened. He had offered to contribute £20 towards the cost. A long discussion followed with members recognising the possible dangers at the stile – it was an ‘in and out’ situation with the ‘side on’ angle complicating the position. Many viewed that patience was requested from the athletes and they could be reminded of the possible accident issues by the officials at the start. It was also felt that the League should not supply a gate for one race in a year.

The Secretary suggested, and it was unanimously agree, that he should write to Oswestry Olympians AAC about the letter received and ask them to negotiate with the landowner re possible improvements.

Season 2015-2016: The Secretary had received seven written invitations to host a fixture next season from Oswestry, Colwyn Bay, Wrexham, Deeside, Eryri, Telford and Shrewsbury.

In his letter Paul Sanderson (Telford AAC) had informed him that they would be happy to allow another Shropshire based club to take their place next year as Lilleshall seemed to be hosting their county championships every January. He hoped that we could return to Telford at a future date. It was agreed, subject to confirmation, that our fixtures should be held as follows:

October 3rd 2015 Eryri

October 17th 2015 Colwyn Bay

November 28th 2015 Deeside

January 16th 2016 Shrewsbury

February 6th 2016 Oswestry

Affiliation Fees: The Secretary reported that he had received £1250 in fees from clubs and sponsorship and had paid out £100 x 5 to the host clubs together with £474 for medals, etc.

Proposed Eryri, seconded Buckley and agreed that the affiliation fees should remain at £50 per club for season 2015-2016.

Referees: Proposed Abergele, seconded Buckley and agreed that Helen Walling and Bernard Jones should be re-elected as League Referees for season 2015-2016 with thanks for their outstanding work during season 2014-2015.

The Secretary informed members present that John Purdie of Charisma Trophies was retiring on March 31st, 2015 and would not be preparing and selling medals/trophies for us in future. The League had worked with Jack for 30 years and he had been a great supporter ensuring that we received prizes of the highest quality. John had also given us a generous discount for the medals/trophies every year and we will miss him greatly.

But, the Secretary could also tell the members present that he knew Mr Alan Taylor who would be taking the business over on April 1st 2015. He would be happy to work with Alan in the future and hoped the League would support this proposal.

After a short discussion it was proposed Shrewsbury, seconded Colwyn Bay and agreed unanimously that the League wished Mr Jack Purdie a long and happy retirement with thanks for his great efforts on our behalf. And, all present were prepared to support Mr Alan Taylor to take over and prepare our medals/trophies in the future.

The members present agreed to discuss the following proposal from Prestatyn RC which had arrived in the days after the agenda had been distributed.

“It is proposed that the way be opened for two teams to be promoted and relegated in the League. The bottom team in Division One should be relegated automatically, as occurs already, but if the team next to the bottom has fewer points than the second-placed team in Division Two they should also swap places.

We believe that this would not only be an incentive to teams in Division Two but also for teams lower down in Division One who might consider themselves safe from relegation under the current system if one team is clearly adrift and destined for the drop. This has happened on numerous occasions and is frustrating for those in Division Two who field full teams at every fixture, accruing more points than some Division One clubs who turn out in strength for only two or three races.

After a long debate and a variety of views the majority of those present agreed with the Secretary that, as the clubs not present had not been informed of the proposal we could not make a decision on the night.

It was then agreed that the Secretary would distribute a questionnaire with the minutes and all member clubs could complete a copy and return to him by a date to be fixed.

Any Other Business

1. Prestatyn R.C. had also suggested that Lord Newborough (from the Rhug Estate, near Corwen) be considered as a life member of the League. Everyone agreed that he had been a great supporter of cross country in the region and it was proposed Prestatyn, seconded Buckley and agreed that Lord Newborough be accepted as a Life Vice President of the North Wales Cross Country Association.

2. The North Wales Junior Cross Country League series had been well supported in 2014 with an overall total of 388 youngsters taking part in the four meetings. Steve Livett was thanked for his work in organising the League with the four host clubs also deserving praise for supporting his efforts. It was hoped that the 2015 League fixtures would be held on October 3rd, October 17th, November 28th and December 5th.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.15p.m.