ANSLL Community,

Reminder the fields we play on are kept somewhat by the county but mainly by the league. Who is the league? You are the league! ANSLL is all volunteers and there is no maintenance crew so pitch a little at every practice/game and with everyone helping a bit many things will go well. We will have a pre-season field maintenance day. Yes, we appreciate you volunteering as a manager,coach, team parent, other aspects and keeping the fields maintained. We know your time is scarce too, we are all volunteers but just a little time at practices/games will go a long way.

Please follow these simple tasks to make this league and our parks as nice as they can be.

Rake the dugouts to smooth out the flooring – this prevents puddles from forming in the dugouts.

Infield care–screen dragging prevents puddles and low spots from forming on the fields. However it can also damage the fields, do not drag against the grass, keep 6” away from the grass. Do not pull the screen into the grassit will create lips. Do not broom puddles/mud. This will create lower spots.

Raking the baselines – rake lengthwise from base to base, keeping the dirt off the grass. Do not go side to side itcreates lips and forms a low spot in the middle.

Players need to clean up – don’t leave trash in the dugouts, near the bleachers or fields.

Have the parents clean up after themselves – there are trash cans at each field use them, the county empties the cans, but does not pick up trash from the ground.

Keep the sheds clean – screens, rakes, power cords and other equipment in the sheds should be placed in there neatly.

Keep the sheds closed when not in use – there are many things that kids can be hurt with and the containers at Pine Ridge get very hot.

Keep the cages locked when not in use –equipment is expensive and kids (players and siblings) can get hurt in the cages.

No pets on the fields – don’t believe ANSLL folks are guilty but if you see anyone else ask them politely to getoff the playing fields,..the evidence is there. This is a County violation.

No driving up to Pine Ridge – removing the post is only for emergencies and if there is a handicapped situation this is allowed but please be VERY careful.

Illegal parking – parking is limited at Howery and Pine Ridge be aware the police will ticket illegally parked cars. Use the overflow lots at both parks and obey No Parking signs….Especially Howery!

ANSLL Field Maintenance Instructions listed below

Please follow these instructions when preparing a baseball field for play and repairing a baseball field after team use, including practices and games.
NOTE: Grass Maintenance is taken care of by ANSLL. There is no requirement for Managers, Parents, Players or Children to operate any of the field maintenance equipment to include the Riding Mowers, Push Mowers or Gas Trimmers. We ask that you not operate any of this equipment for safety, liability and maintenance reasons.

Dragging the Infield Dirt Areas: After each practice and/or game, the dirt that has built up around the edges of the bases should be pushed back out into the infield area, and any holes in the infield particularly around the bases, batters box, and pitchers mound should be filled in. The infield should then be dragged to remove any depressions. This prevents water from accumulating during wet weather and field irrigation.Do not drag against the grassline, keep it about 6 inches to a foot away from the grassline.

If the infields have been properly groomed after the previous field use, then the infield should be dragged prior to the next playing event. If the infield has not been groomed since the last play, then perform the activities described above.

Raking the Base Paths: Base paths should be raked level before each playing event. The raking direction must be from “base to base” rather than across the base path to keep the dirt in the playing area and in the grass area. This also avoids a “lip” build up which creates a player safety hazard.

Lining the Base Paths: Before each game day, the base paths should be lined with marking lime to identify the fair play and foul areas. Marking lime and liners are available in the equipment shed along with a string line. Pull the string line from the corner of home plate to the foul side edge of the base and use as a guide to lay the base line.

Lining the Batters Box: Before each game, the batters box should be lined with marking lime to identify the batting area. Use the PVC batters box template in the equipment shed and mark the area prior to lining with the marking lime and liner.

Removing Water Puddles: Puddles should be drawn into a bucket with the field pump and removed from the dirt area. Puddles may be “broomed” but NOT INTO THE GRASS only ontoother dirtand you must refill the area broomed.Fill holes withinfielddirt from the dirt box otherwise you will create low spots and compound the problem the next time it rains.If you remove mud, use a shovel and a wheel barrow put the wet material in the dirt box, and replace thematerial that was removed after use, The dirt boxes contain an infield mix type of dirt and sand.