SPANISH 7TH & 8TH Grades


The Spanish class is more than learning to speak the language; it is also understanding and experiencing the various cultures of the Hispanic world. Therefore, in my class we will be doing a variety of activities including singing, acting, sampling foods and playing games. Being able to communicate effectively is what this program is all about.

Please note that oral participation is stressed because Spanish is a spoken language, and practicing in class is a necessary part of learning a foreign language. Opportunities for credit will be in large group, small group, and individual activities to minimize the stress level of the student while maximizing the potential speaking time.

Homework will always be corrected in class, so students can get feedback on the assignment. Classwork is also very important. In 7th grade, students will be working with three units: Getting Started (alphabet, numbers (0-100), greetings, colors, Spanish speaking countries, classes, agreement of adjectives, My Friend and I Unit, and School Unit. The 8th graders will be reviewing the basics concepts. This year they are going to work on the following three units: House/Home Unit, Sports/Leisure Unit and Stores, Shopping and Clothing Unit.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at (770) 651-5176. I hope this year is a good one for your child, and I hope he/she develops a love the Spanish language, it can only benefit them in the future.


Magdalena Cardona

Spanish teacher at CLMS

Chestnut Log Middle School

7th and 8th Grade Spanish


Spanish (50 minute block)

Course Description:

The Spanish class is more than learning to speak the language; it is also understanding and experiencing the various cultures of the Hispanic world. Therefore, in my class we will be doing a variety of activities including singing, acting, sampling foods and playing games. Being able to communicate effectively is what this program is all about. Please note that oral participation is stressed because Spanish is a spoken language, and practicing in class is a necessary part of learning a foreign language. Opportunities for credit will be in large group, small group, and individual activities to minimize the stress level of the student while maximizing the potential speaking time. Homework will always be corrected in class so students can get feedback on the assignment. Class work is also very important. We also will be reinforcing Reading going to the Media Center every other week or by reading in the target language. We will be using Level 1 Georgia Performance Standards, which can be found at The following is a breakdown of the sequence by grades.

7th Grade –Scope and Sequence

1st 9 Weeks / 2nd 9 Weeks / 3rd 9 Weeks / 4th 9 Weeks
Introduction of Greetings/ fare-wells, Numbers,Time, Body Parts, Class-room, Date, Weather, Seasons, Gender of Nouns, Indefinite/Definite articles, cognates / Physical/Personality traits, Giving info, Hispanic speaking countries (Project), Describing people, places; activities & obligations, verb ir and tener que,Gustar and encantar, Christmas- Cultural / My friends and I: Likes/Dislikes, Activities, subject pronouns, time, exchanging info, calendar, number 0-100, verb tener, classes , places around the school, Seasons & Weather / School: Classes; Classroom items/furniture, parts of the classroom, prepos-ition of location, Verb Estar, plurals of nouns/articles.

8th Grade –Scope and Sequence

1st 9 Weeks / 2nd 9 Weeks / 3rd 9 Weeks / 4th 9 Weeks
Review basic concepts like the verbs ser, tener, estar, ir; colors, days/months, time, numbers, activities, classes/places, infinitive verbs, subject pronouns, weather, nouns, adj, / Introduce Leisures and Sports. Verbs: Gustar, encantar, perder, ganar, jugar, etc.
Christmas- Cultural / Introduce Clothes,
Emotions/feelings, present progressive form, describing location, asking & giving directions, ordering people to do something, exchange mone, Num.100-1,000,000 / Verbos saber,salir,& dar, Projects, clothes, ordinal numbers, stem-changing. Verbs, making a purchase; ordering foods, taking an order, Tener idioms, indirect object pron.

Evaluation and Assessment: How Often

Tests (CDA) /Projects/Quizzes 30% One to two per 9 weeks

Classwork/Participation 55% Every week/daily

Homework/Quizzes 15% 4 assignments per week

Materials Grading Scale

*Textbook: Realidades /Dime

Lecturas para Todos A 90-100

*Three ring binder and paper / Composition Notebook B 80-89

*Pen/pencil C 71-79

*Colored pencils/markers D 70

*Have these materials with you every day! F 69 and below

Students will be required to bring materials to class daily, will keep a Reading Log and will keep a Student portfolio in class. Students will follow Rituals and Routines set by the teacher and the school. Students will follow all rules given by the teacher including the Rituals and Routines.


Tutoring is encouraged immediately as problems arise. Do not be afraid to come by or ask for extra help. Every Tuesday I have tutoring for Spanish

Since this class is taught 90% in Spanish, it is to your benefit to try to speak Spanish at all times in class, especially during partner and classmates activities.

Please sign and place in student’s notebook. Please use this sheet as a reference throughout the year.


Student signature Parent signature Date