Minutes of Holybrook Parish Council January 2008


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7 January 2008 in the Beansheaf Community Centre, Charrington Road, Calcot.

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Present: Cllrs. Gilbert, Tull, Mary Bedwell, Dennis, Pate, Betteridge and Hedges.

Apologies: Received and accepted from Cllrs. Brumpton, Ward and Keep.

Open Forum for members of the public. Alex Gore from the Reading Chronicle was present and a parishioner.

Mark Vernon of the West Berkshire Council Youth Service attended the meeting regarding the discussion about Youth Provision within Holybrook parish. He told the meeting that his remit is across the south-east corner of West Berkshire for 2,200 young people aged 13-19, 700 of whom are in Holybrook. He added that there is a small team based in Theale with Lisa Beith as area officer who has recently taken up the post. Nicola Dye is a youth worker who also attends college. A minimum of two workers are required for each evening session.

The ‘Garage’ in Holybrook has been closed for a few weeks because of the bitter weather and absence of youngsters due to lack of heating, as well as part of last year due to staff shortages. A grant has been received for heating with the work to be done in January. Cllr. Mary Bedwell asked what the youth workers from Holybrook were engaged on when the Garage is closed. Mark Vernon replied that they were on detached duties at the Drop-In at Theale and Burghfield Village Hall. These activities are advertised through schools, posters, internet and word of mouth. He added that there is planning permission for four evenings a week at the Garage but only sufficient staff to cover two evenings.

Integrated locality teams have been tasked by central government to speak to local school children at Little Heath, Denefield and Willink schools asking about their activities and what they would like to do. Cllr. Tull said that staffing is a big issue at the Holybrook Centre with lack of continuity and is keen to know what activities would interest the young people. Mark Vernon replied that there have been over 2,000 responses from their district wide strategy and that the parishes or schools could be identified through postcode for individual needs. Cllr. Betteridge questioned the length of time the needs of each community will take to be identified.

A part time professional youth worker vacancy is to be advertised in the national press. Cllr. Dennis added that Holybrook have a significant number of young people and questioned the time taken for setting up each evening which reduces the time enjoyed by the young people. Mark Vernon replied that if the demand is there longer sessions might be arranged.

Cllr. Tull questioned the requirement for staff to be available for deployment to other areas. A good part-timer who wanted to work only at the Holybrook Centre was lost because of that ruling. Mark Vernon replied that in practice only full time staff are deployed elsewhere and that evening staff are unlikely to be moved and are dedicated to one project. The opening hours and perhaps earlier groups for younger teenagers and later sessions for older ones might be appropriate. Mark Vernon added that ideally there should be four evenings a week.

Cllr. Betteridge suggested that there should be a new launch with a big splash and hot food offered to the youngsters. This should be advertised in the Spring Holybrook newsletter and Reading Chronicle. Cllr. Betteridge asked that there should be a briefing when the Garage reopens and Cllr. Tull invited Mark Vernon to come back with his findings. He told the meeting that he keeps in touch with the neighbourhood wardens, Andrew Cooch of Sovereign Housing and the police and that all the different agencies work together.



The Chairman wished everyone a Happy New Year.

Declarations of Interest.


65/07/08 MINUTES

It was unanimously RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 December 2007 be adopted as a true record. Proposed Cllr. Mary Bedwell, seconded Cllr. Val Betteridge.

Matters arising from the Minutes of the above meeting.

The pyracantha bushes were planted by two Neighbourhood Wardens and PCSO just before Christmas. The clerk has expressed the Council’s gratitude to those concerned.

Wardens patrolled the Latimer Drive/A4 footpath early on three mornings and issued a number of leaflets to dog owners. The problem continues, however, and the clerk will be meeting the dog warden, Andrea Dixon, early in the New Year. She is new in post but will be asked to attend the February Council meeting.

The clerk wrote to three bidders for the loft conversion feasibility study and awaits a reply from Archytas, the successful bidder.

66/07/08 West Berkshire Council report – Cllr. Brian Bedwell

District Councillor Brian Bedwell reported that he is to meet the Chief Executive and site owner of Underwood Road shopping centre regarding the sequence of building and commented on the need to keep the Post Office and shops open.

One of the items at the Eastern Area Forum on 15 January would be the agreement of the creation of a box junction at the junction of Langley Hill/the A4/and Charrington Road.

Cllr. Bedwell announced that West Berkshire Council has now achieved a 3 star rating.

West Berkshire Council will enable residents to recycle more from their doorsteps in future. Cllr. Tull suggested encouraging recycling at Sainsbury’s, Calcot by costume characters helping people at the recycling bins.

Cllr. Betteridge questioned whether there would be free bus passes from April and was told that the date as yet could not be confirmed.



a)  Clerk’s report

An Annual Parish Questionnaire had been issued to members with input invited for completion of this return. This assesses how parish councils view their relationship with West Berkshire Council and to help identify areas for improvement. Cllr. Tull spoke of the problems engaging the community with the Parish Plan with lack of resources and Cllr. Gilbert commented on the speeding problem in the parish. Lack of urgency from West Berkshire Council will be reflected in the questionnaire from the clerk and councillors. A report by Jeremy Sandell of the Youth Team in West Berkshire Council which was started two years ago never materialised.

Members were asked if they wished to submit comments on the Reading Transport Commission paper which will examine the current and projected traffic problems of accessing central Reading, including the IDR. There were no comments.

Papers were issued to members on the Post Office closure programme. The Fords Farm Post Office is not scheduled for closure. Cllr. Gilbert commented that it should be retained when the area is rebuilt.

An interim report was issued to members on the North-South Access and A4 Feasibility Study. A further meeting is scheduled for 28 February at the Beansheaf Centre from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. This will be attended by Cllrs. Mary Bedwell, Dennis and Tull and any others who wish to go. The Highways Agency report that the M4 and A4 are at saturation point.

At the last Council meeting the payment by the Council of the Society of Local Council Clerks’ (SLCC) subscription for the clerk and assistant clerk was raised. For information, the clerk reported that Holybrook Parish Council no longer subscribes to the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Association of Local Councils (BALC) as members did not consider the subscription of £800+ to be value for money. The SLCC offers legal advice, inter alia, and does not restrict itself to clerks.

Cllr. Mary Bedwell will attend the Eastern Area Forum meeting on 15 January 2008.

Suggestions were asked for to celebrate St George’s Day. Cllr. Tull suggested bunting, balloons in the playground and fancy dress. This should be advertised in the spring newsletter. Cllr. Mary Bedwell thought an Open Day and that the Keep should be kept available on the day with possibly a display of photos. Suggestions of tea/coffee by the Pre-school were put forward and other hirers taking part such as Scrabble.

Cllr. Tull asked that the clerk write to The Rt. Hon. Yvette Cooper MP, Housing Minister with copies over a wide range, including to Martin Salter MP, West Berkshire Council, Southcote and Burghfield Parish Councils regarding concern over the proposed Kennet Valley development which is in the EIP report to the South East Planners. Suggestions of a petition regarding flooding were also put forward.

b)  Members’ comments


Committee reports.


68/07/08 Community Organisations’ Forum

Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG)

Cllr. Gilbert is to attend the Neighbourhood Action Group meeting on 10 January 2008.

Parish Plan update.

Cllr. Tull told the meeting that the next Parish Plan meeting is to be held on 21 January 2008.

Neighbourhood Wardens.

The latest report from the Neighbourhood Wardens had been issued to members.

Transport Users’ Forum

No meeting to report.

Friends of Linear Park

No meeting to report.

69/07/08 Planning

There were no new applications


Members were asked to RESOLVE the amount of Precept to be demanded from West Berkshire Council for the 2008/09 year. Details from the Finance Committee plus comments had already been sent to members. On a precept of £86,105, as recommended by the Finance Committee, each Band D household will pay £33.01 per annum for the parish precept. Raising the precept by, for example, £10,000 would increase the household charge to £36.81 per annum.

The clerk commented that fuel costs have risen very sharply since the finance meeting. Cllr. Mary Bedwell said there will be an increase of 15% on fuel costs. Cllr. Dennis was told that the suppliers are Scottish Power and British Gas. It was RESOLVED that the amount of Precept for 2008/09 be £91,105 to allow for increased fuel charges and more expensive photocopying should a new colour copier be hired. Gas and electricity provision is to be increased by £2,000 each, and photocopying by £1,000. This therefore added £5,000 to the Finance Committee’s proposal. Proposed by Cllr. Pate and seconded by Cllr. Betteridge, and agreed unanimously.

Members had requested that the Beansheaf Pre-School hire charges be reviewed at the end of the year. During the Pre-School Group’s difficult times two years ago members agreed a hire rate below the concessionary rate and they currently pay £6.50 per hour instead of £9.00 for the Linear hall. The fortunes of the group have improved dramatically, with a full roll and a waiting list, and various fund-raising events which have raised several hundreds of pounds. Members were asked to consider whether the current below-concessionary rate should continue. It was RESOLVED that from 1st April 2008 the Pre-School hire charge should be £7 per hour. This was proposed by Cllr. Dennis and seconded by Cllr. Betteridge.

The clerk told members that British Gas is no longer hiring the premises because of training budget cuts.

Cllr. Dennis reported his findings on the proposed update of the office IT equipment. The clerk reported on the discussion with IKON regarding a colour photocopier. The present black and white photocopier costs £1,850 a year to hire including VAT. The proposed colour photocopier would cost £2,400 a year to hire. Cllr. Dennis thought that the black and white photocopier should be retained and a new colour laser printer with duplex facility bought. This would replace the Canon DeskJet printers. Two new 19” monitors were also suggested, together with Microsoft Professional 2003 software and a photo package. This was proposed by Cllr. Tull and seconded by Cllr. Betteridge and RESOLVED unanimously. It was agreed that a cheque for the cost of the new equipment/software be made payable to the clerk once Cllr. Dennis had determined the costs, and before ordering, in order that the clerk might order the equipment/software using his own bank account as the council has no card facility for on-line payments.