Rockhampton Netball Association

Important Information for Players and Parents/Carers

Please read BEFORE submitting Rep Nomination Form for the 2018 Rep Season

Please do not nominate if your child is not available for the State Carnivals


Questions and queries: Rep Convenor –

Netball Queensland Carnivals

The Nissan State Age Championshipis Netball Queensland’s junior association representative carnival.

State Age Championship

Teams – One team per Association across the age groups

Location – Ipswich Netball Association

Date – 7th – 10th July

Premier League

The Queensland Premier League (QPL) Competition is a new addition to the Netball Queensland development pathway, and is the next level up from playing in a junior representative team. Last year, three of our QPL players were talent identified from the QPL carnival in Emerald, and from there were invited to Netball Queensland’s “Emerging Players Camp”, which serves as a preliminary selection process for Queensland squads.



Age Groups

16U years, 18U years, Open Ladies, Open Mens, Masters* (*turning 35 or over in 2018)

RNA Team & Positions Format


A minimum of 9 players will be selected for each team. For State Age, there will only be one team selected. A Development team will also be selected for carnivals TBA. The development team players will be the first in line to move into the State Age team should a position become available.

Training Partners

A training partner is a player identified to continue to train with the representative group, allowing the player to develop their skills as would any other representative player. The training partner, in the case of injury or illness, will replace a player either at the State Event, or any other carnival (such as Red Rooster).In the event of a player withdrawing from the State Age team, a Development team player will move up, and a training partner will enter the Development team.

Should a selected player continually not attend training and not abide by the Junior Representative Player Commitments, the selectors may elect to move a nominated training partner into the representative side. During the season, selectors may add onto the training partners.

In the case of 10 players being selected in a team, it will be at the selector’s discretion as to what position/s the 10th player will be put in.

Once teams have been named, they will be put up on the RNA website. You will also receive a letter from the Rep Convenor.

Even though players will nominate their preferences, they may not be selected in their 1st or 2nd preference. If, for example, the selectors opt to trial them in their 3rd preference, and identify that the team will be stronger with her in that position, that’s where she will be selected. We often find that, especially with the younger age groups, most players want to shoot. Unfortunately we can’t select a full team of shooters, so that’s why we changed the nomination form for players to order the positions in their preferences.


It is up to each individual player to maintain their own fitness, as team training sessions will be focussing on skills. We will be offering some ZUU fitness sessions, but players are to continue fitness training in their own time.

2018Carnival and Trials Information

Age Group / Year Born / Age Group / Year Born
12/U / 2006 / 15/U / 2003
13/U / 2005 / 16/U / 2002
14/U / 2004 / 18/U / 2001 and 2000
Carnival / RNA
Age Groups / Carnival
Dates / Travel
Days / Host
Venue / Player
State Age Championship / 13-15 years / 5th – 10th July
Red Rooster Carnival – 27th & 28th April / TBC
Nil / Ipswich
Development Team / 12-15 years / Red Rooster Carnival – 27th & 28th April
Other Carnival dates will be added once finalised / Nil / RNA / TBC
Premier League / See info above / See info above / TBC / See info above / TBC
*NB The costs above include all activities outlined in the Rep Program, plus the extra food for the State Events.

Players/Parents/Carers agree to abide with the following when nominating for the Rockhampton Representative Squad and Team trials:

  • Only players registering with Rockhampton Netball Associationin 2018 are eligible to trial.
  • A $10 Nomination Fee is to be paid PRIOR to trials (details on next page)
  • Shorts without pockets or bike/hotpants may be worn. Please ensure suitable footwear is worn.
  • Players & parents/carers are to respect fellow team members, coaches, managers & other officials and abide by RNA’s Code of Behaviour during the selection process conducted by RNA.
  • Do not coach from the sideline.
  • Senior/Junior players & parents/carers have noted all relevant trial and carnival dates.
  • By nominating to trial you have indicated that you are available on the dates of the event/s.
  • If a player is unable to attend the trials, the Rep Convenor must be notified by email prior to the session, with a detailed reason for being unable to attend. Further explanation may be sought by the Rep Convenor.
  • Senior/Junior players & parents/carers understand that teams will not be posted or disclosed until finalised by RNA Selection committee & approved by RNA.
  • If selected, all players/parents understand that RNA rep fees are required to be paid by due dates. Payment dates will be advised once teams are selected.
  • Failure to meet payment dates may result in the player being withdrawn by RNA
  • If selected, players will be requiredto purchase certain merchandise, such as tracksuit, rep shirt/bike pants (if not purchased in previous years). .
  • Players will attend compulsory training sessions, information sessions & carnivals if successful.
  • Failure to attend may result in the player being withdrawn from the team by RNA.

What To Do Now

  1. Complete the RNA Representative Nomination Form, and sign where required
  2. The Representative Nomination form must be received by the Association by 29th January 2018
  3. Forms will not be accepted on the day of trials.
  4. Complete Medical Form in full
  5. Ensure $10 Nomination fee (fee is non-refundable) is paidby 29th January 2018 as per one of the following payment options

a) Via internet transfer

RNA bank details

Rockhampton Netball Association A/C

BSB: 064710

A/C No: 0090 7182

Reference name details: <USE PLAYERS NAME> (ie not the A/C holder’s name or parent name). This assists RNA in matching deposits to player nominations.

b)Direct deposit at CBA branch (details as above)

c)Cheque direct to RNA office or via post

d)Cash direct to RNA office

Internet transfer or direct bank deposit is RNA’s preferred method of payment.

  1. Provide both RNA Rep Nomination Form & Medical form to RNA Office by 29th January 2018, either by:
    a) Email to:
    b) Post: RNA, PO Box 427 Rockhampton
    c) At RNA Office: Monday – Friday between 9.00am – 3.00pm
  2. It is Players/Parents/Carers responsibility to ensure contact details are accurately recorded.
  3. Players/Parents/Carers are required to notify Rep Convenor if any contact details change.
  4. Interested players are required to attend trial sessions. Details for sessions are below.

State Age/Development Trials: 12 and 13 years / Queensland Premier League Trials
Date: 3rd February 2018 / Date: 31st January 2018
Venue: TBC / Venue: Rockhampton Netball
12 years / 10:00am / 16U & 18U / 6.00pm
13 years / 1:00pm / *Age groups may be separated if numbers allow.
State Age/Development Trials: 14 and 15 years
Date: 4th February 2018
Venue: TBC / Queensland Premier League Trials
Date: TBC
Venue: Rockhampton Netball
14 years / 10:00am / Open Ladies, Open
Mens & Masters / 6:00pm
15 years / 1:00pm


Player Details
Surname: / First Name:
DOB: / Player’s Mobile:
Suburb: / Post Code:
Player’s Email:
2017 Club/Team/Grade: / Club / Team / Grade
Shirt Size (for training singlet)
Parent/Guardian/Carer Contact Details
Primary Contact Name: / Mobile Ph:
Relationship to Player: / Home Ph:
Email*: / Work Ph:
Secondary Contact Name: / Mobile Ph:
Relationship to Player: / Home Ph:
Email: / Work Ph:
* NB: Primary Contact email address for correspondence is “mandatory” if player is under 18 years of age (Please print address clearly & accurately to ensure contact can be made with you for any necessary updates and representative information).
Selection Details (please )
State Age Division: / 13’s / 14’s / 15’s
Development Team: / 12’s / 13’s / 14’s / 15’s
QPL Division / 16’s / 18’s / Open Ladies / Open Mens / Masters
Playing Positions (please order in preference from 1-7)
GS / GA / WA / C / WD / GD / GK
All players will trial in 1st and 2nd preference. It is at the selector’s discretion if players trial in other preferences.
I/We understand, and agree to abide by, all information outlined in “Important Information for Players and Parents/Carers”. I/We understand that if selected as shadow player, the player is to attend all training sessions, and will be available for the carnival if the need arises. I/We understand team/shadow members may not be chosen in their 1st or 2nd position preference.
Player’s Signature: / Date:
Parent’s Signature: / Date:
Amount Paid: / Date: / Signature:

Athlete Medical Profile – Personal Record

All information on this sheet is confidential.

Access is limited to President, Secretary, Convenor, Coach and Manager

Personal Details
Surname / Given Names
Address / Number / Street/Road
Suburb/Town/City / State / Postcode
Phone Numbers / Home / Business / Mobile
Sex / M F / Date of Birth / Age / Years / Height / cms / Weight / kgs
Blood Group / Do you object to transfusions? / Yes No
Emergency Contact
Surname / Given Names
Phone Numbers / Home / Business / Mobile
Health Care Details
Medicare Number / Private Health Insurance / Yes No / Fund
Private Doctor / Telephone
Address / Number / Street/Road
Suburb/Town/City / State / Postcode
Can Doctor be contacted at all times? / Yes No
Private Dentist / Telephone
Address / Number / Street/Road
Suburb/Town/City / State / Postcode
Can dentist be contacted in emergency? Yes No
Current History
Current Medical problems:
Regular medications including supplements, stating name and dosage:
Sporting Injuries (please list any injury which is current/recurring/requiring surgery)
Past History
Have you had..... / Do you wear...... / Have you sustained......
Epilepsy / Yes / No / Glasses / Yes / No / A fracture in the last 3 years?
Hepatitus A / Yes / No / Contact Lenses / Yes / No
Hepatitus B / Yes / No / Soft / Yes / No / If yes, where?
Diabetes / Yes / No / Hard / Yes / No / A dislocation?
Heart Problems / Yes / No / Protective Equipment / Yes / No / Yes / No
Heart Murmur / Yes / No / Mouth Guard / If yes, where?
Asthma/Bronchitus / Yes / No / at training / Yes / No / Do you suffer from...
Hernia / Yes / No / at competition / Yes / No / Recurring pain in any joint?
Concussion / Yes / No / Other / Yes / No / Yes / No
Back/Neck Pain?
Yes / No
Have you ever been treated for a head, neck or spinal injury? / Yes / No
Does this condition affect your performance?
To the best of my knowledge, all information contained on this sheet is correct.
(If under 18, please have parent or legal guardian sign)
Signature / Date