Waist/Hip Ratio, 8MI, Percent Fat

Waist/Hip Ratio 1. Measure, or have a partner measure, your waist at the point of noticeable waist narrowing (approximately at your navel). If there is no noticeable narrowing, feel for the 12th (bottom or floating) rib and take the measurement just below it. Pull the tape enough to maintain its position but not so much that it indents the skin. Be sure the tape is horizontal all the way around your body. Record the measurement to the nearest eighth of an inch (1/8 = .06, 2/8 = .25,3/8 = .38, 4/8 = .50, 5/8 = .63, 6/8 = .75, 7/8 = .88).

1. Waist measurement: inches

2. Measure, or have a partner measure, your hips at the greatest circumference to the nearest eighth of an inch.

Hip measurement: ___inches

3. Calculate the waist/hip ratio:

Waist divided by Hip = ratio

4. A waist-to-hip ratio greater than 1.0 for men and 0.8 for women indicates an increased cardiac risk.

I do not have an increased risk. Yes No

I do have an increased risk. Yes No

Body Mass Index (BM!)

1. Weigh yourself without shoes. If your weight is in pounds, convert it to kilograms.

Pounds divided by 2.2 = ______kilograms

2. Determine your height. If your height is in inches, convert it to meters.

____ inches divided by 39 = _____ meters

3. Calculate BMI:

weight = BMI

height x height


1. Multiply your weight in pounds (no shoes) by 703.

2. Divide the answer by your height (in inches, no shoes).

3. Divide the answer again by your height (in inches, no shoes).

______I am normal. weight. BMI = 18.5-24.9

______I am overweIght. BMI = 25-29.9*

_____I am obese. BMI = 30 or greater

*Individuals who are overweight should try not to gain weight. Individuals who are overweight and have two or more risk factors for heart disease and/or have a high waist measurement should try to lose weight. Individuals who are obese should try to lose weight gradually with a 1/2- to 2-pound loss per week.

Source: Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, in cooperation with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of

Health, June 1998.


Healthy Weight Calculated Using Known Percent Fat

Present % fat ______Present weight in pounds

(minus) - Ideal % fat (times) x Decimal form of % fat difference

(equals) =Difference in % fat (equals) = Pounds to be lost

(divided by) 100 .

(equals) = IDecimal form of ______Present weight in pounds

% fat difference

(minus) - Pounds to be lost

(equals) = Healthy Weight