Copyright 2017 AIAMasterSpec Full Length06/17


Copyright 2017 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Exclusively published and distributed by AVITRU, LLC (AVITRU) for the AIA

This Product MasterSpec Section is licensed by AVITRU, LLC to Action Floor Systems, LLC ("Licensee").

This Product MasterSpec Section modifies the original MasterSpec text and does not include the full content of the original MasterSpec Section.

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For more information, contact Action Floor Systems, LLC, 4781 N. US Hwy 51, Mercer, WI 54547-9708; Phone: (800) 746-3512 | (715) 476-3512; Fax: (715) 476-3585; Website: Email: .

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Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.

This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.

Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.



Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual.

  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. This Section includes wood athletic flooring.
  2. Related Requirements:

Retain subparagraph below to cross-reference requirements Contractor might expect to find in this Section but are specified in other Sections.

  1. Section096400 "Wood Flooring" for traditional solid-wood and engineered-wood, strip, plank, and parquet flooring.


Retain "Coordination" Article if Project includes concrete-slab depressions or floor inserts for volleyball post standards or other gymnasium equipment. Floor inserts are specified in Section116623 "Gymnasium Equipment."

  1. Coordinate layout and installation of slab depressions to accommodate layout and height of wood athletic flooring assembly.
  2. Coordinate layout and installation of flooring with floor inserts for gymnasium equipment.


  1. Product Data: For each type of product.
  2. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for wood athletic flooring.
  3. Sustainable Design Submittals:
  4. Chain-of-Custody Certificates: For certified wood products. Include statement of costs.

"Chain-of-Custody Qualification Data" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 and LEEDv4.

  1. Chain-of-Custody Qualification Data: For manufacturer and vendor.

"Product Data" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CS; LEEDv4; IgCC; ASHRAE189.1; and Green Globes. Coordinate with requirements for adhesives.

  1. Product Data: For adhesives, indicating VOC content.

"Laboratory Test Reports" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 for Schools, LEEDv4, IgCC, ASHRAE189.1, and Green Globes. Coordinate with requirements for adhesives.

  1. Laboratory Test Reports: For adhesives, indicating compliance with requirements for low-emitting materials.

"Product Data" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CSCreditIEQ4.4.

  1. Product Data: For composite wood products, indicating that product contains no urea formaldehyde.

"Laboratory Test Reports" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 for Schools.

  1. Laboratory Test Reports: For composite wood products, indicating compliance with requirements for low-emitting materials.

"Laboratory Test Reports" Subparagraph below applies to LEEDv4.

  1. Laboratory Test Reports: For composite wood products, indicating compliance with requirements for low-emitting materials.

"Product Data" Subparagraph below applies to IgCC.

  1. Product Data: For composite wood products, indicating compliance with requirements for formaldehyde emissions.

"Product Data" Subparagraph below applies to ASHRAE189.1.

  1. Product Data: For composite wood products, indicating that product contains no urea formaldehyde.

"Laboratory Test Reports" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 for Schools, LEEDv4, IgCC, ASHRAE189.1, and Green Globes.

  1. Laboratory Test Reports: For finish system, indicating compliance with requirements for low-emitting materials.
  1. Shop Drawings: For each type of floor assembly, include the following:
  2. Plans, sections, and attachment details.

Retain first subparagraph below if concrete-slab depressions are required.

  1. Details of concrete-slab depressions.

Retain first subparagraph below if various grades of wood floor are required.

  1. Locations of different grades of wood flooring.
  2. Expansion provisions and trim details.
  3. Layout, colors, widths, and dimensions of game lines and markers.
  4. Locations of floor inserts for athletic equipment installed through flooring assembly.
  5. Insert requirements>.

Retain "Samples" Paragraph below for single-stage Samples, with a subordinate list if applicable. Retain "Samples for Initial Selection" and "Samples for Verification" paragraphs for two-stage Samples.

  1. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, approximately [12 inches (300 mm) long] <Insert dimension> in size.
  2. Include Sample sets showing the full range of normal color and texture variations expected in wood flooring.
  3. Include Sample sets showing finishes[and game-line and marker paints] applied to wood flooring.
  4. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of wood athletic flooring and accessory in each type of exposed color and finish.
  5. Include manufacturer's color charts showing colors and glosses available for the following:
  6. Floor finishes.
  7. Game-line and marker paints.
  8. Samples for Verification: For each type of wood athletic flooring and accessory required; approximately [12 inches (300 mm) long] <Insert dimension> and of same thickness and material indicated for the Work.
  9. Include Sample sets showing the full range of normal color and texture variations expected in wood flooring.
  10. Include Sample sets showing finishes[and game-line and marker paints] applied to wood flooring.


Manufacturers measure assembly performance differently. See "Measuring Assembly Performance" Article in the Evaluations. "Product Test Reports" Paragraph below assumes manufacturer's standard tests are acceptable unless specific requirements are added to "Performance Requirements" Article.

  1. Product Test Reports: For each wood athletic flooring system, for tests performed by a qualified testing agency.


  1. Maintenance Data: For wood athletic flooring and finish systems to include in maintenance manuals.


Retain "Manufacturer Qualifications" Paragraph below if required for LEED 2009.

  1. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer that is certified for chain of custody by an FSC-accredited certification body.

Retain "Manufacturer Qualifications" Paragraph below if required for LEEDv4.

  1. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer that is certified for chain of custody by an FSC-accredited certification body.

Retain "Vendor Qualifications" Paragraph below if required for LEED 2009.

  1. Vendor Qualifications: A vendor that is certified for chain of custody by an FSC-accredited certification body.

Retain "Vendor Qualifications" Paragraph below if required for LEEDv4.

  1. Vendor Qualifications: A vendor that is certified for chain of custody by an FSC-accredited certification body.

Retain "Installer Qualifications" Paragraph below to require an MFMA-accredited Installer. Verify that installers are available to perform work in Project location using list of accredited installers available online through MFMA.

  1. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual that has been approved by MFMA as an accredited Installer in accordance with the MFMA Accreditation Program.
  2. Installer responsibilities include installation and field finishing of wood athletic flooring components and accessories, and application of game lines and markers.
  3. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects, and to set quality standards for installation.

Indicate portion of floor represented by mockup on Drawings or draw mockup as separate element.

  1. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing.

Retain subparagraph below if the intention is to make an exception to the default requirement in Section014000 "Quality Requirements" for demolishing and removing mockups.

  1. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.


  1. Deliver floor assembly materials in unopened cartons or bundles.
  2. Protect wood from exposure to moisture. Do not deliver wood components until after concrete, masonry, plaster, ceramic tile, and similar wet-work is complete and dry.
  3. Store wood components in a dry, warm, well-ventilated, weathertight location and in a horizontal position.


  1. Conditioning period begins not less than seven days before wood athletic flooring installation, is continuous through installation, and continues not less than seven days after installation.
  2. Environmental Conditioning: Maintain ambient temperature between 65 and 75 degF (18 and 24 degC) and relative humidity planned for building occupants, but not less than 35 percent or more than 50 percent, in spaces to receive wood athletic flooring during the conditioning period.
  3. Wood Conditioning: Move wood components into spaces where they will be installed, no later than beginning of the conditioning period.
  4. Do not install wood athletic flooring until wood components adjust to relative humidity of, and are at same temperature as, spaces where they are to be installed.
  5. Open sealed packages to allow wood components to acclimatize immediately on moving wood components into spaces in which they will be installed.
  6. After conditioning period, maintain relative humidity and ambient temperature planned for building occupants.
  7. Install wood athletic flooring after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed.


Manufacturers and products listed in SpecAgent and MasterWorks Paragraph Builder are neither recommended nor endorsed by the AIA or Avitru. Before inserting names, verify that manufacturers and products listed there comply with requirements retained or revised in descriptions and are both available and suitable for the intended applications. For definitions of terms and requirements for Contractor's product selection, see Section016000 "Product Requirements."


Retain "Basis-of-Design Product" Paragraph and list of manufacturers below to require a specific product or a comparable product from manufacturers listed.

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Action Floor Systems, Inc.; <Insert product name or designationor comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Aacer Flooring, LLC.
  3. Conner Sports Surface Solutions.
  4. Horner Flooring Company, Inc.
  5. Mondo America Inc.
  6. Robbins Sports Surfaces.
  7. Tarkett Sports; a division of the Tarkett Group.
  8. WD Flooring, LLC.
  9. Insert manufacturer's name>.


Retain "System Type" Paragraph below if generic description is required. First option indicates systems not fastened to the concrete substrate; second option indicates systems mechanically attached to the concrete substrate; third option indicates systems with resilient pads that are mechanically restrained by channels and clips; fourth option indicates removable flooring systems used in multipurpose arenas.

  1. System Type: [Floating] [Fixed] [Anchored resilient] [Portable] <Insert system>.

Options in "Overall System Height" Paragraph below are examples only. Systems are available in various heights; coordinate system heights with slab depressions.

  1. Overall System Height: [As indicated on Drawings] [2-1/8 inches (54 mm)] [2-1/4 inches (57 mm)] [2-1/2 inches (64 mm)] <Insert height>.


Before inserting performance requirements in accordance with ASTM, MFMA, or European standards for wood athletic flooring, see "Measuring Assembly Performance" Article in the Evaluations.

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009. Manufacturers certifying products as "FSC Mixed Credit" do not have to use 100 percent certified wood in the products; however, in their total production, manufacturers must use an amount equal to or greater than the percentage of their production that is labeled "FSC Mixed Credit."

  1. Certified Wood: Wood products shall be certified as "FSC Pure"[or "FSC Mixed Credit"] in accordance with FSCSTD-01-001 and FSCSTD-40-004.

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to LEEDv4. Manufacturers certifying products as "FSC Mixed Credit" do not have to use 100 percent certified wood in the products; however, in their total production, manufacturers must use an amount equal to or greater than the percentage of their production that is labeled "FSC Mixed Credit."

  1. Certified Wood: Wood products shall be certified as "FSC Pure"[or "FSC Mixed Credit"] in accordance with FSCSTD-01-001 and FSCSTD-40-004.

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to IgCC.

  1. Certified Wood: Wood products shall be labeled in accordance with the AF&PA's Sustainable Forestry Initiative, be certified as "FSC Pure" in accordance with FSCSTD-01-001 and FSCSTD-40-004, or be certified and labeled in accordance with the standards of the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification.

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to ASHRAE189.1.

  1. Certified Wood: Wood products shall [contain not less than 60 percent] [be made from] certified wood tracked through a chain-of-custody process. Certified wood documentation shall be provided by sources certified through a forest certification system with principles, criteria, and standards developed using ISO/IECGuide59 or the World Trade Organization's "WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade."

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to Green Globes.

  1. Certified Wood: Wood products shall be certified in accordance with the American Tree Farm System's "AFF Standard," the AF&PA's Sustainable Forestry Initiative, FSCSTD-01-001 and FSCSTD-40-004, or the standards of the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CSCreditIEQ4.4.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Products shall be made without urea formaldehyde.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 for SchoolsCreditIEQ4.4.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Products shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Public Health's "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers."

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEEDv4.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Products shall be made using ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde resins as defined in the California Air Resources Board's "Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products" or shall be made with no added formaldehyde.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to IgCC.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Formaldehyde emission rates shall not be greater than the following when tested in accordance with ASTMD6007 or ASTME1333:
  2. Hardwood Plywood: 0.05 ppm.
  3. Particleboard: 0.09 ppm.
  4. MDF More Than 5/16 Inch (8 mm) Thick: 0.11 ppm.
  5. MDF 5/16 Inch (8 mm) or Less in Thickness: 0.13 ppm.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to ASHRAE189.1.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Products shall be made without urea formaldehyde.


  1. Maple Flooring: Comply with MFMA grading rules for species, grade, and cut.

Retain "Certification" Subparagraph below if required. Only MFMA members can use mark; however, nonmembers may comply with grading rules. Manufacturers listed in Part2 provide flooring that carries MFMA mark.

  1. Certification: Provide flooring that carries MFMA mark on each bundle or piece.

Retain "Random-Length Strip Flooring" Paragraph below to coordinate with products required.

  1. Random-Length Strip Flooring: Northern hard maple (Acer saccharum), kiln dried, random length, tongue and groove, and end matched.
  2. Grade: MFMA-RL [First] [Second and Better] [Third and Better].

If applicable, retain "Exception" Subparagraph below.

  1. Exception: For areas under stacked portion of telescoping bleachers that are normally concealed from view, provide Third and Better Grade.

Unless otherwise specified, MFMA permits flat grain. Edge grain is more resistant to effects of moisture and is more durable than flat grain.

  1. Cut: [Edge] [Flat].

Usually retain first option in "Thickness" Subparagraph below. Retain second option only if required for heavy-duty applications such as roller-skating rinks. Other thicknesses, including 27/32 inch (21 mm), are available.

  1. Thickness: [25/32 inch (20 mm)] [33/32 inch (26 mm)] <Insert dimension>.

Face width of 2-1/4 inches (57 mm) is most common. Face width of 3-1/4 inches (83 mm) is also available.

  1. Face Width: [2-1/4 inches (57 mm)] [1-1/2 inches (38 mm)] <Insert dimension>.

Retain "Finger-Jointed Strip Flooring" Paragraph below to coordinate with products required.

  1. Finger-Jointed Strip Flooring: Northern hard maple (Acer saccharum), kiln dried, random length, tongue and groove, and end matched.
  2. Grade: MFMA-FJ [First] [Second and Better] [Third and Better].

If applicable, retain "Exception" Subparagraph below.

  1. Exception: For areas under stacked portion of telescoping bleachers that are normally concealed from view, provide Third and Better Grade.

Unless otherwise specified, MFMA permits flat grain. Edge grain is more resistant to effects of moisture and is more durable than flat grain.

  1. Cut: [Edge] [Flat].

Usually retain first option in "Thickness" Subparagraph below. Retain second option only if required for heavy-duty applications such as roller-skating rinks. Other thicknesses, including 27/32 inch (21 mm), are available.

  1. Thickness: [25/32 inch (20 mm)] [33/32 inch (26 mm)] <Insert dimension>.

Face width of 2-1/4 inches (57 mm) is most common. Face width of 3-1/4 inches (83 mm) is also available.