Writing an Investigative Newspaper Report

As a muckraker, you uncovered alarming information about problems in

American society at the turn of the century. You will now expose what

you learned to the American public by writing a newspaper report that

will stir your readers to action.

Your article must include these elements:

An appropriate and appealing title.

• A byline with your name and an appropriate date from the time period.

• An introductory paragraph with a brief explanation of what it means to be a muckraker and an overview of what problems in society you plan to expose in your article.

• Three paragraphs, one for each of the problems within the designated Field Site, describing the problems you uncovered during your investigation. Use vivid and shocking language that might spur average citizens to become involved. Remember Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. Each paragraph should include at least 4 references to the details in the text, plus at least one detail from the photo that you analyzed, and at least one reference to the primary source that hung with each photo as evidence of the problem.

• A conclusion summarizing the reasons your readers should take action to address the problems you uncovered. (Reasons to help, make it personal, what might happen if no citizens do or say anything?)

• Add in a “photograph” from your investigation with a brief caption. This can be a drawing you make or a copy of a photograph from a book or the Internet. It should depict something you wrote about in the article. Make sure it is specific to the time period. Don’t hand me pictures of Wal-Mart.

• Any other clever and creative touches that will make your article more realistic can only help your final evaluation.

Rough draft

Due on Tuesday January 3rd, 2011 to be brought into class or emailed to me at

so I can print it for you.

Final Draft

Due on Thursday January 5th, the day we return from our break.

This assignment is worth 50 points in total.