Developing a Testable Question

Page due: ______

Questions for inquiry must be testable. Consider the following formats below:

The Effect Question:

What is the effect of ______on ______?

Sunlightplant growth

Eye colorpupil dilation

Temperaturethe size of a balloon

The How Does Affect Question:

How does the ______affect ______?

Color of a materialthe absorption of heat

Humidity in airthe growth of fungi

Color of lightthe growth of plants

Now it’s your turn. Create your testable science fair question using either the “Effect Question” format or the “How Does Affect” question format.


Background Research/ Introduction

Pages Due: ______

Testable Question: ______


Topics related to your testable question that will require research: ______


In the table below, record important information about your topic and information about the source on the other side.

Important Facts to be Included in Introduction/ Background Information / Source of information

In the space below, write an introduction for your topic using information from your sources above. This introduction will be included on your Science Fair boards.


Identifying Variables:

  1. The independent variable is: ______(Remember the independent variable is a factor YOU change on purpose to get a result)
  2. The dependent variable is: ______(Remember the dependent variable is the factor that changes AS A RESULT OF the change in the independent variable.)
  3. Identify the DV and IV in the testable question below:

How will increasing the drop height of a ball in 2m increments affect the height of the ball’s bounce after it hits the ground?

  1. What are your control variables: (Remember that these are variables kept CONSTANT during the experiment.) ______
  2. The purpose of this experiment is ______
  1. Write your hypothesis in an If…then…because format. (Your “because” explanation needs to be rooted in your background research. ______
  2. List the materials your will need for your science experiment below.
  1. Procedure: List the steps you have to do in order to perform the experiment below. Procedures are written in a numbered, step-by-step format.

Data/ Results/ Conclusion

Pages Due: ______

Data Collection: Design a table/ chart to collect your information. Charts should be neat and attractively placed on your Science Fair boards.

Data Analysis/ Results: In a few brief sentences, describe the relationship between your IV and DV based on the data you collected. What increased/ decreased/ stayed the same? Determine the best way to display your data: line graph, bar graph, pie chart, or histogram. (Line graphs are most commonly used in scientific writing.) Attach any charts you’ve created to this page for credit.

Conclusion: Use our communication format to discuss your findings.

  1. The purpose of this investigation was to….
  2. The hypothesis stated that….
  3. State the relationship between your IV and DV: The data shows that…..
  4. The results of the data support/ do not support the hypothesis because…

Use the space below to write a formal conclusion to your investigation. Formal conclusions will need to be neatly placed on your Science Fair boards.

Final Boards due: ______

Checklist of Science Fair Packet Due Dates:

Page 1: Developing a testable questionDue: ______

Page 2: Background Research/ Introduction/ Variables/ HypothesisDue: ______

Page 3: Data/ Results/ ConclusionsDue: ______

Science Fair Display BoardsDue: ______

Class PresentationsDue: ______