April 14, 2010-Call for Action/Update
In this Edition
  • Urge Congress to Support Full Funding for the Elder Justice Act in FY 2011!
  • Follow the EJC on Twitter
  • EJC Database Updates
The Elder Justice Coalition
A National Advocacy Voice for Elder Justice in America
622 Member Coalition
John B. Breaux
Honorary Chair
Robert Blancato
National Coordinator

Urge Congress to Support Full Funding for the Elder Justice Act in FY 2011!

As we advised you on March 23rd, the Elder Justice Act was signed into law by President Obama. The next step is to obtain funding for the EJA for FY 2011 and we need your help!
The Elder Justice Coalition is asking for full funding of the Elder Justice Act, which is approximately $195 million for FY 2011. On Tuesday, the Coalition sent a letterto the Chairs and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Subcommittees which deal with Labor/HHS appropriations bills urging full funding of the EJA.
If your Senators/Representative is listed below, please contact them and ask them to support full funding for the EJA in FY 2011:
Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee / House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee
Sen. Tom Harkin, Chair (IA) / Rep. David Obey, Chair (WI-7th)
Sen. Thad Cochran, Ranking Member (MS) / Rep. Todd Tiahrt (KS-4th)
Sen. Daniel Inouye (HI) / Rep. Nita Lowey (NY-18th)
Sen. Judd Gregg (NH) / Rep. Denny Rehberg (MT-At Large)
Sen. Herb Kohl (WI)* / Rep. Rosa Delauro (CT-3rd)*
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) / Rep. Rodney Alexander (LA-5th)
Sen. Patty Murray (WA) / Rep. Jesse Jackson (IL-2nd)
Sen. Richard Shelby (AL) / Rep. Jo Bonner (AL-1st)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA) / Rep. Patrick Kennedy (RI-1st)*
Sen. Richard Durbin (IL)* / Rep. Tom Cole (OK-4th)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) / Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34th)
Sen. Jack Reed (RI)* / Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-9th)*
Sen. Mark Pryor (AR) / Rep. Michael Honda (CA-15th)*
Sen. Arlen Specter (PA)* / Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-4th)
Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-17th)
Rep. James Moran (VA-8th)
*Denotes Elder Justice Act co-sponsor in the 111th Congress!
If you are able to make contact with your Senator or member of Congress, please email us at so we can follow up here in DC!

Follow the EJC on Twitter!

The Elder Justice Coalition is on Twitter. Be the first to know important EJA updates and information! To follow us, please CLICK HERE.

We are Working to Update the Elder Justice Coalition Member Database…

If you need to update your address, phone number or email, please CLICK HERE! Or submit your updates by emailing !