FScN Committees & Coordinators 2016-17

FScNAcademic and Student Affairs

Advising:B. Ismail, C. Marion, R. Perez, D. Smith, T.Liffrig

Curriculum & Scheduling: M.Reicks, D. Smith, B. Ismail, S. Cannon

Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD): C. Earthman , C. Marion, T. Liffrig,D. Lindblom (Advisory Committee)

Dietetic Internship:C. Peterson, D. Lindblom

Employment/Placement/Internships: Career and Internship Services

FScN Annual Grad Student Poster Event: N- Breann Abernathy, MurugiMutiga, Lauren Millen; FS- ?

FScN Student College Fee Committee:

D. Smith, D. Gallaher, B. Ismail, Jenna Brady (FS Grad), ?(N Grad), Carole Mortier(N UG), Amanda Lardy (FS UG)

Graduate Programs: M.Reicks (DGS-N), D. Smith (DGS-FS),N. Toedt (support)

Food Science Graduate Program Officers & Committee:

(appointments for 2 years, unless noted otherwise)

D. Smith, DGS- ends June 2017, to be replaced by J. Feirtag/ GRPRC Representative

G. Reineccius (faculty)

T. Schoenfuss, Affirmative Action Coordinator

Lauren Wisdorf (Grad Student)

Nutrition Graduate ProgramOfficers & Committee:

M. Reicks, DGS-ends June 2017, to be replaced by X.Chen, GRPRC Representative; D. Gallaher, J. Slavin, M. Kurzer

Katie Price (Grad Student)

Phi Tau Sigma:

Mary Schmidl, T. Labuza

Scholarships: G. Reineccius, C. Chen, , D., Smith, B. Ismail, S. Cannon, D. Hafner

Seminar (FScN 8310/Nutr 8610) Coordinators

T. Schoenfuss (FS-fall), C. Chen (N-fall), C. Hassel (N-spring), A. Csallany (FS-spring)

Student Academic Events: N. Toedt, S. Cannon

Student Club Presidents/Faculty Advisers:

SOND: Angela Moriarty (UG Pres),C. Earthman

FScN Club: Billy Kalil (UG Pres), ?(Grad Vice Pres), B. Ismail

Jonathan Ploeger (Leadership team)

M. Reicks(Nutrition Graduate Council)

Undergraduate Programs: D. Smith (DUGS-N), B. Ismail (DUGS-FS), S. Cannon (support)

U Council on Graduate Studies:

COGS Reps: Julie Hess (N), Amy Mathiowetz (FS)

FScN Departmental Affairs

Awards Committee: C. Earthman (chair), Faculty FS – G. Reineccius, T. Labuza, F. Diez, Faculty Nutr – D. Gallaher, M. Reicks, Staff Members - Corrie Marion

Faculty Meetings Representatives:

Civil Service: S. Cannon

Graduate Students: Keagan Ringling (N), Chelsey Hinnenkamp (FS)

FScN Diversity Committee: R. Perez, C. Hassel, M.Reicks, C. Earthman, B. Ismail, Mastura Luna

Post Tenure Review Committee: D. Gallaher' 14, M. Reicks' 15

Research Equipment Committee: T.Schoenfuss, B. Ismail, X. Chen, D. Gallaher

Safety:A. Csallany. J. Nelson

Social Committee: D. Hafner, S. Cannon, R. Reisig, G. Reineccius, Ken Smith (Grad), Julie Hess (Grad), D. Gallaher, Amy Mathiowetz (Grad)

Space: D. Gallaher (chair), D. Hafner,C. Smith, D. Smith, G. Reineccius

Strategic Planning Committee:

? (chair), D. Gallaher, C. Hassel, B. Ismail, T. Liffrig, R. Reisig

Teaching resources: D. Gallaher, B. Ismail, J. Nelson, K. Kauppi, D. Smith, D. O’Sullivan

Facilities and Resources

Accounting/Proposals:J. Lee

Animal Care: D. Gallaher

Hazardous Waste: R. Miller

Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center: L. Metzger (Director), T. Schoenfuss (Assoc. Dir.), P. Lehtola

Joe Warthesen Food Processing Center: T. Schoenfuss, R. Miller


Alumni Relations:S. Cannon, R. Reisig, N. Toedt, D. Hafner

Community Campaign: J. Nelson

Extension: M. Reicks, C. Hassel, J. Feirtag

CFANS Committee Members

College FCC: C. Chen

Collegiate Fee Committee: G. Reineccius, M. Reicks, AmbriaPfarr (N Grad), Jenna Brady (FS Grad)

Commencement Committee: C. Earthman

Diversity & Inclusion: C. Hassel

Graduate & Research Policy & Review Committee (GRPRC): M. Reicks (N), D. Smith (FS), (none this year)Graduate Student

Health and Safety:A. Csallany, J. Nelson

Honor & Awards: C. Earthman (Chair 2015-2016) ?

Intercultural Competency Task Force: C. Earthman

Promotion &Tenure Advisory:?

Student Learning: R. Perez, D. O'Sullivan

Student Board Adviser:?

CFANS Grad Student Board: ? (FS),? (N)

CFANS Student Scholastic Standing Committee: X. Chen (’15-’18)

Undergraduate Policy & Review: D. Smith (N), B. Ismail(FS); R. Perez (ex-officio)

Undergraduate Research Program:C. Chen

University Committee Members

Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee AF&T: ? (FS grad student)

Board of Regents:? (Grand Student)

Campus Curriculum Committee: (none this year from FScN)

Council of Graduate Students: Julie Hess (N),Amy Mathiowetz (FS)

Faculty Advisory Board for Honor’s Program: ?

Food Policy Research Center (FPRC): ?

Graduate Education Council (GEC): (none this year from FScN)

Institutional Biosafety Committee : C. Chen

Interprofessional Practice and Education Committee: C. Earthman

University Conflict Review panel: Z. Vickers (vice chair)

University Senate: C. Smith (’15-’18),C. Chen (’15-’18)

U Senate Student Academic Integrity Committee: Corrie Marion (P&A rep)