Warrandyte Junior Football Club

“It’s all about the kids”

President: Sarah Drew
Secretary: Jennet Ure
Treasurer: Lilly Papadakis

All Correspondence to:

PO Box 259

Warrandyte Vic 3113

Annual General Meeting

Monday 7 November 2016


Meeting opened:7.30pm

Attendees: Sarah Drew, Jennet Ure, Andrew Paxton, Lilly Papadakis, Angela Germech, Martin Rostron, Travis Reddaway, Peter O’Rielly, Trent Ferguson, Michael Nitschinsk, Philip Ruth

  1. Chairman’s Welcome:Meeting opened and all attendees were welcomed by Sarah Drew (WJFC President)
  2. Apologies received from: Shannette Kontos, John Vaughan,Belinda Martin, Nikki McGown,Atsu Parker
  3. Confirm the Minutes of the previous AGM (2015)

Motion to accept the Minutes of previous AGM.

Moved by:Sarah Drew

Seconded by:Peter O’Rielly

Passed by the majority without discussion

  1. Receive from the President’s Report on the affairs of the club for the past financial year

Highlights of the 2016 season presented by the President of WJFCincluded:

  • A copy of the President’s Report is attached.

We reiterate the president’s thanks to the following outgoing committee members:

Martin Rostron, Andrew Paxton, Lilly Papadakis, Shannette Kontos, Atsu Parker, Shane Garrick

Report moved by:Jennet Ure

Seconded by: Lilly Papadakis

  1. Receive and Consider
  • Statement of Income & Expenditure for the year ended 30September 2016

The Statement is incomplete due to ongoing discussions with WSG in regards to WJFC accounts. WJFC making all possible efforts to balance accounts as soon as practically feasible. Inquire (WSG) re: Accounts balance

  • Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at 30 September 2016

Statements moved by:Sarah Drew

Seconded by:Peter O’Rielly

Passed by the majority without discussion

  1. Receive and Consider
  • Football Operations Report

Coaching nominations are in progress, to be finalised and announced soon

Clifford park season launch 26th of February 2017

Report moved byJennet Ure

Seconded by Sarah Drew

  1. Elect the Officers

Nominations for positions have been received. The Treasure Lilly Papadakis stepped down.

Moved by:Peter O’Rielly

Seconded by:Jennet Ure

Passed by the majority without discussion

Position / Nominated Person
President: / Sarah Drew
Vice President: / (not nominated)
Secretary: / Jennet Ure
Treasurer / Angela Germech
  1. Seek Nominations for all other Club Positions

Additional General Committee nominations were sought.

Football Operations (U8-12)Trent Ferguson

Football Operations (U13 – Colts)Travis Reddaway

YJFL Director/AdvocateVacant

Fundraising and Events CoordinatorVacant

Coaching CoordinatorVacant


Sponsorship CoordinatorVacant

Assistant Sponsorship/GrantVacant

Trainers’ CoordinatorVacant

Team Manager/Family Night CoordinatorVacant

Facilities & Risk Management CoordinatorPeter O’Rielly

Webmaster/Communications CoordinatorBelinda Martin

Apparel CoordinatorBelinda Martin

Property ManagerNikki McGown

Warrandyte Diary CorrespondentTaylor Padfield & Josh Huntly

Grounds ManagerVacant

Financial ManagerPhilip Ruth

Canteen CoordinatorJo May

Other Business

Girls Open Day to be held on the 20th of November. Paypal system to be replaced by Pin system. Inquire (WSG) re: Scoreboard progress

Meeting Closed:9.30 pm
