Alpha Gamma Sigma / Alpha Psi Chapter – This state honor society local chapter (Alpha Psi) awards scholarships to transfer or graduating students who have been active members of AGS for at least one previous semester and have attended at least 6-8 official meetings. Scholarship awards are based on an application procedure whereby members in good standing submit their application, which is then scored along with their cumulative GPA. Alpha Psi members themselves fundraise the dollars that are distributed, honoring the hard work and academic dedication of all members. Statewide scholarships are available for eligible active members in good standing, which are awarded at the AGS annual spring convention.

Armine Janeves Scholarship – One of the “Forty-niners” faculty who opened LAHC in 1949, Armine Janeves has established this scholarship fund to recognize outstanding students in Business. Award recipients must have attained Sophomore standing.

Associated Students Organization Scholarship – Scholarships are based on leadership shown through the students’ participation in the A.S.O Senate and/or Campus Clubs.

Bernard Osher Foundation Scholarship - Funding is provided by the generosity of the Bernard Osher Foundation as part of the California Community Colleges’ Scholarship Endowment. Mr. Osher’s vision is to “not only benefit the community college students of today, but countless more for years to come.

Bill Stein Memorial Scholarship – Established by the family of Bill Stein, a very respected Adjunct Instructor and mentor in the Business Division for 35 years (1974-2009) and Director of Administration for the Port of Los Angeles. Scholarships are awarded annually to business majors who have taken at least one evening business class and who have demonstrated financial need.

Bonnie Easley Tutor Scholarship – This scholarship is open to tutors with a 3.0 gpa, completing at least 30 units at LAHC and having tutored at LAHC for at least 2 semesters and completed the Tutor Training class.

Bryan Nakano Scholarship – This scholarship was established by Brian Nakano’s family in his memory as a permanent endowment to the architecture department, and with the intention of encouraging students to follow their dreams of becoming architects.

Child Development Center Parents Scholarship Established by faculty members of the Child Development Center to assist student parents with academic programs.

Claudia Naranjo Scholarship – Established by the family of Claudia Naranjo to assist students facing physical and mental challenges.

Communications Retirees Scholarship – The scholarship fund was established by the Communications Division’s retired professors to assist students in the field of Language Arts, Foreign Language, and Journalism.

Doffoney Family Scholarship –The Doffoney Family Scholarship is awarded to Harbor College students who are prior foster youth, are maintaining a 3.0 grade point average, are planning to transfer to a university, and are actively participating in community service and/or in campus club activities.

Elma C. Korthe Geology Scholarship – Awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated dedication to geology and has financial need.

English Department Essay Contest - The English Department Essay Contest asked students to write an essay aimed at motivatingtheir fellow students to stay in school by sharing with them how they met the challenges they faceas a Harbor College student.

EOPS and CARE Scholarships – Awarded to participants of the EOPS and CARE programs, these scholarships recognize students who have performed outstandingly academically while overcoming significant social and economic obstacles to their continued college enrollment.

Faculty and Staff Book Fund Scholarship – LAHC faculty and staff contribute every month to this fund. It is used primarily to enable the Financial Aid Office to offer book vouchers to students whose financial aid is not ready when the semester begins. There is usually enough balance to fund some scholarships each year.

Foundation Scholarship– Los Angeles Harbor College Foundation Board’s Scholarship fund awards a generous number of scholarships per year from fundraising efforts such as the Annual Golf Tournament. Any Harbor College student that meets the college’s scholarship eligibility requirements may apply.

The Freye Scholarship – This scholarship recognizes diligent and highly motivated disabled students. Students must be goal oriented and working toward an academic goal/certificate. Priority will be given to single parents. Scholarship award must be used for fees or books at the college. Apply through Special Programs and Services.

Professor George B. Potter Scholarship – A scholarship established in honor of George B. Potter who taught business and business data processing at Harbor College from 1972-1988. This scholarship continues his legacy of teaching and learning.

Harold W. Garvin and Robert W. Dunn Political Science Award – This scholarship was established to honor Professors Emeriti Harold W. Garvin and Robert W. Dunn, founding members of the Political Science Department, to recognize students excelling in the field of political science.

Henry Zbojniewicz Scholarship – This scholarship evolved from a loving counselor at Harbor College and is an open category for Harbor students who have made use of the Career Center.

Irving and FreidaMuh Scholarship – This scholarship honors the memory of Dr. Linda M. Spink’s parents, who emigrated to the United States and saw that their children were highly educated. Eligibility for this scholarship is that the student or his/her parents were born outside the United States.

Ismael Hernandez Scholarship – This scholarship is in memory of Mercedes Yanez’s father who emigrated to the United States and saw that his daughters were highly educated. To be eligible, applicants must be an immigrant with a grade point average of 3.0 or better and involved in community or volunteer service.

Janice H. Sandell Scholarship – In memory of a wonderful educator who was well loved by students, staff, and faculty. Janice Sandell was a Sociology professor at Harbor College for 43 years.

John S. Meek Family Scholarship – To provide financial assistance to an economically disadvantaged student that has demonstrated progress toward attaining an A.A degree from Harbor College or toward transfer to a four year institution.

Latina Leadership Network Student Club Scholarship – Awarded to a member in recognition of their leadership, academic excellence, community outreach, fundraising efforts, and networking for the Latina Leadership Network.

Linda Whitehead Scholarship - Established by her family, in memory of Linda Whitehead. This scholarship continues her legacy of teaching and learning. Awarded to a student who has demonstrated dedication to Health/Kinesiology.

Los Angeles Harbor College Foundation Scholarships - Students are eligible for scholarships funded by the Los Angeles Harbor College Foundation, based on multiple criteria; financial need, academic merit, and extracurricular activities.

Nick and Betty Zorotovich Scholarship – This scholarship was established in memory of Nick Zorotovich, a former chair of the Social Sciences Division at LAHC and his wife, Betty, a long time teacher in San Pedro. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student in the field of social sciences.

Nursing Division Scholarship – The Nursing faculty selects students from each graduating class to receive the following scholarships: Sally Gay Professional Nurse Award; Wendell Black Bedside Nurse Award; and Leadership Award. In addition, clinical agencies offer awards to nursing students.

Osher Scholarship – Funding is provided by the generosity of the Bernard Osher Foundation as part of the California Community Colleges Scholarship Endowment. Mr. Osher’s vision is to “not only benefit the community college students of today but countless more for years to come”

Paul M. and Catherine M. Humphreys Scholarship – Rev. and Mrs. Humphreys spent nearly a half century ministering to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of others.

Ricky K. Benjamin Speaker Scholarship - Established by Ricky K. Benjamin, LAHC staff member and first-ever LAHC Scholarship Ceremony Student Speaker, this annual scholarship is awarded to the runner-up applicant for Graduation Speaker. If no runner-up exists, the scholarship will be awarded to an active student member of Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society with a G.P.A of 3.0 or higher and has a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer experience.

Rosa Hoodye Scholarship - Established in memoriam of her caring spirit and dedication in service to the staff and students at Harbor College.

Soroptimist International of Los Angeles Harbor Women’s Opportunity Award – The Women’s Opportunity Award who provide the primary financial support for their families and who have shown an outstanding commitment to obtaining a college degree or completing a vocational program.

Spanish American Institute Scholarship – The Spanish American Institute is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational assistance to Hispanic students in Southern California.

Stephen P. Harshfield Scholarship – This scholarship was established in honor of Stephen P. Harshfield who directed the Disabled Student Programs and Services from 1972 until 1986. Awards of varying amounts have been made annually to disabled students who have been in the Disabled Student Program at least one semester, have “strong motivation, determination and perseverance to overcome their disabilities to achieve their educational goal,” and are example of what the human spirit can overcome when faced with tremendous adversity. Apply through Special Programs and Services.

The President’s Scholarship–The President’s Scholarship is awarded by the College President and is designated for a deserving Harbor College student who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to both academic success and leadership. The awardee should be goal driven and show a strong motivation and perseverance in achievement along with a strong love for learning. The student in receipt of this award has overcome many obstacles to achieve their educational dreams.

William L. Gram Scholarship – Established by his family, this scholarship honors the memory of William L. Gram, History Professor, who served the students of Harbor College from 1966-1995.

Watson Land CompanyScholarship – The Watson Land Company originated from the land holdings of the Dominguez family descendants as one of the original Spanish land grants in Rancho San Pedro. Today, the company is the largest land owner in the City of Carson where it actively participates in community activities and especially supporting youth. As Harbor College serves a large student population from Carson, Watson Land Co. established a scholarship for students entering the fields of Architecture, Planning, Business, and International Trade.

Wendell C. Black Memorial Scholarship Fund – This fund has been established by friends, colleagues, former students, and community leaders to honor the former president of Harbor College, Wendell C. Black. The income from this fund is used to establish scholarships each semester, based on the criteria selected by the fund’s trustees.

William McMasters Scholarship - This fund has been established in the memory of William McMasters, former Assistant Dean of Admissions and Guidance. Income from this fund is used to award one or more scholarships per year to deserving students who show academic perseverance and improvement.