Name:Mary Jane Probola / Woodland Hills High School / Content Area:Biology
Date:10/14/2014 / Lesson Plans
Edline was updated this week:
My class website was updated this week:
/ Length of Lesson:2 week
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):Bio.B.4.1 / Big Ideas:Describe ecological levels of organization in the biosphere. / Understanding Goals (Concepts):students will understand how abiotic and biotic organisms work and live in an ecosystem
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:describe organism, popuation, community, ecosystem, biotic, abiotic and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems / Essential Questions: / Vocabulary:coevolution, parasitism, secondary compounds, symbosis, mutualism, commensalism, competition,niche, realized niche, fundamental niche,competitive exclusion biodiversity, climate, biomes, littoral zone, limnetic zone, profundal zone
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:interactive notebook, project on coevolution / Other Evidence:quizzes, tests, worksheets
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources:Biology books, binders, colored pencils, projector, video
CONTENT AREA READING: Biology / Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#2. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#3. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons)
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
Describe usage: / Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
#2 . Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
Describe usage:
Procedures / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Date10/13 / Day / Date10/14 / DayB / Date10/7 / DayA / Date10/8 / Day B / Date10/9 / DayA
  • In-service
  • Read pages 385-387 and take notes on important facts
  • students will complete Data Lab page 387
  • Period 2: Computer lab: choose a biome, show commensulism, mutualism, parasitism and coevolution with pictures and explanantions
  • Read page 388-390 and take notes on important facts
  • students will view Relationships in Ecosystems and determine what the relationship is between 17 different examples
  • Period 2: complete cards or project
  • Read pages 391-395
  • students will complete the Biome cards using information from the book or the internet
  • Period 2: complete page 400 #1-10
  • Watch Children of the Tundra: write 2 paragraphs or make a Venn Diagram how life is different in the tundra than life here

Assignments /
  • Do it Now: Name one country that is located in each biome on page 392
  • Do it Now: A scientist finds no evidence that species in a community are competing and concludes that competition never played a role in the developmentof this community. Is this conclusion valid? Justify your answer
  • Do it Now:
  • create a nemonic sentence to remember the 7 biomes of the earth.
  • Finally Friday Do it Now: If you could choose a biome to live in, what would it be and why? What drew you to live there?

* Include Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Metacognition, Modeling, & Scaffolding