
The Management of Diversity – Sources for Part 6

Sources for Part 6

Compiled by Miriam Chiasson

Bibliography 1

News Articles 1

January 8th 1

January 14th 1

January 15th 1

January 16th 2

January 17th 2

January 18th 3

January 20th 4

January 21st 4

January 22nd 4

January 23rd 5

January 25th 5

January 29th 5

January 30th 5

February 2nd 6

February 3rd 6

February 4th 6

February 5th 7

February 6th 7

February 7th 7

February 8th 7

February 11th 8

February 12th 8

February 13th 9

February 14th 9

February 18th 10

February 19th 10

February 21st 10

February 24th 10

February 25th 11

February 26th 11

February 28th 12

March 1st 12

March 3rd 12

March 4th 12

March 5th 13

March 6th 14

March 8th 14

March 10th 14

March 12th 15

March 13th 15

March 14th 15

March 19th 16

March 20th 16

March 21st 16

March 22nd 16

March 24th 17

March 25th 17

March 26th 17

March 28th 17

March 30th 18

March 31st 18

April 1st 19

April 2nd 19

April 3rd 20

April 4th 21

April 5th 22

April 6th 22

April 7th 22

April 8th 23

April 9th 24

April 10th 25

April 11th 25

April 12th 26

April 14th 26

April 16th 27

April 17th 27

April 19th 28

April 20th 28

April 22nd 28

April 24th 29

April 25th 30

April 27th 30

April 30th 30

May 1st 30

May 4th 31

May 5th 31

May 6th 31

May 8th 32

May 11th 32

May 12th 33

May 21st 33

May 22nd 33

June 7th 34

June 24th 34

June 25th 34

June 26th 35

June 27th 35

Other 35


The Management of Diversity – Sources for Part 6


News Articles

January 8th

1. Boivin, S. (2014, January 8). Charte des valeurs: des groups étonnants veulent s’exprimer. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/politique/201401/08/01-4726664-charte-des-valeurs-des-groupes-etonnants-veulent-sexprimer.php

January 14th

2. Dougherty, K. (2014, January 14). Election talk as hearings begin on Quebec’s values charter. The Gazette. Retrieved from http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Election+talk+hearings+begin+ Quebec+values+charter/9387636/story.html

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5. Séguin, R. (2014, January 14). Quebec values charter takes a beating at opening day of public hearings. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pq-showing-no-signs-of-compromise-as-hearings-begin-on-controversial-secular-charter-bill/article16327598/

January 15th

6. Radio-Canada. (2014, January 15). Charte des valeurs: les audiences se poursuivent. Sympatico. Retrieved from http://actualites.sympatico.ca/nouvelles/politique/charte-des-valeurs-les-audiences-se-poursuivent-2

7. Séguin, R. (2014, January 15). Opposing sides in Quebec’s charter debate dig in on second day of hearings. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/quebecs-secular-charter-will-lead-to-overwhelming-legal-challenges-law-expert-warns/article16348719/

January 16th

8. CTV Montreal. (2014, January 16). Bar association says Charter of Values is unjustified and inapplicable. CTV News. Retrieved from http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/bar-association-says-charter-of-values-is-unjustified-and-inapplicable-1.1642301

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11. Lessard, D. (2014, January 16). Le Barreau taille en pieces le projet de charte. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/dossiers/charte-de-la-laicite/201401/15/01-4729162-le-barreau-taille-en-pieces-le-projet-de-charte.php

January 17th

12. CNW Telbec. (2014, January 17). Avis externes de juristes sur la Charte des valeurs québécoises du PQ – Le ministre doit déposer les avis juridiques dès aujourd’hui, sinon qu’il cède sa place. Portail Québec. Retrieved from http://www.fil-information.gouv.qc.ca/Pages/Article.aspx?aiguillage=ajd&idMenuItem=1&idArticle=2201179515

13. Gagné, L. (2014, January 17). La démission du ministre de la Justice démandée. Canoe. Retrieved from http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/quebeccanada/politiqueprovinciale/archives/2014/01/20140117-114452.html

14. Lessard, D. (2014, January 17). Charte: des “atteintes aux droits” et des “conflits” à prévoir. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/dossiers/charte-de-la-laicite/201401/16/01-4729593-charte-des-atteintes-aux-droits-et-des-conflits-a-prevoir.php?fb_action_ids=10151811933477331&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B269221773233596%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.recommends%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D

15. Radio-Canada. (2014, January 17). Charte des valeurs: Québec inclusif veut que le ministre Drainville soit remplacé. Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/17/charte-des-valeurs-quebec-inclusif-bernard-drainville_n_4616764.html

January 18th

16. Bouchard, S. (2014, January 18). Audiences publiques sur la charte des valeurs: «à quatre pattes à terre». AmériQuébec. Retrieved from http://www.ameriquebec.net/actualites/2014/01/18/audiences-publiques-sur-la-charte-des-valeurs-a-quatre-pattes-a-terre-10142.qc

January 20th

17. Blais, A. (2014, January 20). La Charte des valeurs ne stoppera pas l’intégrisme. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/dossiers/charte-de-la-laicite/201401/20/01-4730587-la-charte-des-valeurs-ne-stoppera-pas-lintegrisme-selon-des-feministes.php

18. CTV Montreal. (2014, January 20). Fatima Houda-Pepin splits with Liberal Party. CTV News. Retrieved from http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/fatima-houda-pepin-splits-with-liberal-party-1.1648071

January 21st

19. CNW Telbec. (2014, January 21). Commission parlementaire sur la Charte des valeurs – Françoise David invite Fatima Houda-Pepin à contribuer au débat. Newswire. Retrieved from http://www.newswire.ca/fr/story/1292635/commission-parlementaire-sur-la-charte-des-valeurs-francoise-david-invite-fatima-houda-pepin-a-contribuer-au-debat

20. Loisel, M. (2014, January 21). Un projet de loi inutile contre le fondamentalisme, dit la FFQ. Le Devoir. Retrieved from http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/quebec/397821/un-projet-de-loi-inutile-contre-le-fondamentalisme-dit-la-ffq

21. Radio-Canada. (2014, January 21). 60 000 signatures pour la charte des valeurs. Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/21/60000-signatures-charte-des-valeurs_n_4641116.html

January 22nd

22. Gagnon, M. (2014, January 22). The political steamroller that is Quebec’s charter of values. CBC News. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/the-political-steamroller-that-is-quebec-s-charter-of-values-1.2507178

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January 23rd

24. Delmar, D. (2014, January 23). The thing about Fatima Houda-Pépin… CJAD. Retrieved from http://www.cjad.com/Blog/TheExchange/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10634386

January 25th

25. Coyne, A. (2014, January 25). Moral implications of ‘values charter’ not limited to Quebec. The StarPhoenix. Retrieved from http://www.thestarphoenix.com/life/Moral+implications+values+charter+limited+Quebec/9429226/story.html

January 29th

26. CNW Telbec. (2014, January 29). Avis aux médias – Le Conseil du patronat du Québec participera aux audiences publiques sur le projet de Charte des valeurs québécoises. Newswire. Retrieved from http://www.newswire.ca/fr/story/1296695/avis-aux-medias-le-conseil-du-patronat-du-quebec-participera-aux-audiences-publiques-sur-le-projet-de-charte-des-valeurs-quebecoises

27. Venne, M. (2014, January 29). Charte: Prendre le temps. Journal Métro. Retrieved from http://journalmetro.com/opinions/michel-venne/439068/charte-prendre-le-temps/

January 30th

28. Hamilton, G. (2014, January 30). Graeme Hamilton: Business leaders scaremongering over values charter like they did with Bill 101, PQ says. National Post. Retrieved from http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/01/30/graeme-hamilton-values-charter-will-harm-precarious-quebec-economy-businesses-warn-a-disbelieving-pq/

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February 2nd

30. Arbour, S. (2014, February 2). Libéraux, péquistes, charte et cohérence. Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/sophie-arbour/liberaux-pequistes-charte_b_4676622.html?utm_hp_ref=politique

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February 3rd

32. Cox, E. (2014, February 3). Ethan Cox: More Islamophobia in Quebec. National Post. Retrieved from http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/02/03/ethan-cox-more-islamophobia-in-quebec/

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February 4th

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35. Mathieu, A. (2014, February 4). La charte des valeurs contreviendrait au droit du travail. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/societe/201402/04/01-4735455-la-charte-des-valeurs-contreviendrait-au-droit-du-travail.php

February 5th

36. Malik, L. K. (2014, February 5). Quebec’s ‘values’ debate sows seeds of intolerance. Toronto Star. Retrieved from http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2014/02/05/quebecs_values_debate_sows_seeds_of_intolerance.html

February 6th

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February 7th

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February 8th

40. André, C. (2014, February 8). Charte des valeurs: renverser la doxa. Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/claude-andre/renverser-la-doxa_b_4748011.html

February 11th

41. Cousineau, M.-M. (2014, February 11). Bernard Drainville défend las valeurs québécoises. L’Étoile. Retrieved from http://www.journalletoile.com/Actualites/Politique/2014-02-11/article-3611920/Bernard-Drainville-defend-les-valeurs-quebecoises/1

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February 12th

43. Arbour, L. (2014, February 12). With the Charter, Quebec risks closing its mind. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/with-the-charter-quebec-risks-closing-its-mind/article16823409/

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February 13th

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February 14th

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February 18th

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February 19th

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February 21st

56. Lefebvre, S.-M. (2014, February 21). La charte des valeurs et Montréal dans la mire de Trudeau. Canoe. Retrieved from http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/quebeccanada/archives/2014/02/20140221-120919.html

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February 24th

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February 25th

61. Mathieu, A. (2014, February 25). De nombreuses écoles de la region de Québec appuient la charte. La Presse. Retrieved from http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/education/201402/25/01-4742187-de-nombreuses-ecoles-de-la-region-de-quebec-appuient-la-charte.php

February 26th

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February 28th

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March 1st

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March 3rd

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March 4th

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March 5th

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March 6th

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March 8th

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March 10th

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March 12th

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March 13th

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March 14th

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