On Track Volunteer Application form

Personal Details
Title / Address
Surname / Post code
Home telephone / Email
Mobile number / Date of birth
Emergency Contact Details
Relationship to you
Mobile number
Please confirm you are available for at least 6 months after date of application / Yes / No
Please tick the times below when you are available to regularly volunteer
Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri
During a lunch break
Please give details of two people (not a relative) who we may approach for a reference. For example, an employer, voluntary organisation manager, college tutor or someone who has known you for at least three years.
Referee One / Referee Two
Name / Name
Relationship to you / Relationship to you
Address / Address
Email / Email
Telephone / Telephone
About you
Please tell us a bit about yourself - hobbies, interests, including any languages you may know, or ‘hidden talents’ you may have
Please provide details of any qualifications or training achievements you would like to share with us
Please use the space below to tell us why you wish to volunteer, what skills and experience you possess, particularly in relation to young people and employment.
Do you have any access requirements, (e.g. large print, wheelchair access etc.) while being invited for an informal interview?
Other required information
Convictions disclosure
Please give details of any criminal convictions (with dates) in the space below or write ‘none’ if you have no convictions.
Because of the nature of the placement for which you are applying, this placement is exempt from the provisions of section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Applicants are therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the Act. In the event of obtaining a placement, failure to disclose relevant convictions could result in termination of that placement by The Matthew Project.
Any information given will be treated on a strictly confidential basis. Having a criminal conviction will not be an automatic barrier to volunteering, as The Matthew Project has a positive view of individuals who have demonstrated the ability to change their lifestyles. The Matthew Project views each situation individually and by its merits. Therefore it is vital that any conviction is disclosed within this application.
Should your application to volunteer be successful, The Matthew Project will need to hold and process personal information about you. This includes information given for equal opportunities monitoring purposes.
Please read the following statements and tick the checkbox to confirm your acceptance
I give my consent for The Matthew Project to hold and process personal information about me, in accordance with the above requirements.
I confirm that the information I have supplied in this application is true and correct, and understand that any misrepresentation will invalidate my application.
Signature (insert your name for electronic applications) / Date
Entitlement to volunteer in the UK
If you are selected for interview, you must bring with you a British passport or National Insurance Card in order to prove your entitlement to volunteer in the UK.