Invasive Plant Species Control Module FORESTRY SHORT COURSE 2003


June 4-6, 2003

8:30-5 daily


Mr. David Bakke
Regional Pesticide-Use Specialist
State & Private Forestry, Forest Health
Pacific Southwest Region
USDAForest Service
1323 Club Drive
Tel. (707) 562-8916
Fax 562-9054
/ Ms. Christy Martin
Public Information Officer
Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species
PO Box 61441
Honolulu, Hawaii96839
Tel. (808) 722-0995
Fax 949-0378


Thursday, June 5

8:30 – 9:45 – “Why Are We Concerned About Invasive Weeds?” - David Bakke

9:45-10:00 - Break

10:00 – 11:00“How do we decide what is a weed?” - Christy Martin

11:00-11:30 - Lunch

Field Trip to HawaiiVolcanoesNational Park

11:30 am - depart Hilo

12:00noon - Hirono's store in Mountain View – running bamboo

Linda Pratt, USGS Biological Resources Division

12:25 pm - Volcano Transfer Station – “Pandora’s Box” of species

12:50 pm - Volcano Village - tibouchina

1:15 pm - Wright Road - Australian tree fern, Myrica faya tree

1:40 pm - Park - Kahili ginger

2:00 pm – Old orchid farm on Escape Road near Thurston’s Lava Tube

Chris Zimmer – National Park

* In case of rain: Conference Room, Building 216, USGS research center

3:00 pm - depart Park for Hilo

3:30 pm – arrive at HawaiiCommunity College

3:30-3:45 pm – break

3:45 – 4:15 pm – Post-field-trip discussion of Risk Assessments – Christy

4:15 – 5:00 pm – Integrated weed Management – David

Friday, June 6

8:30 – 9:00 – Imperata Control on Palau & discussion – Pua Michael

9:00 – 9:30 – Imperata Control on Yap & discussion – Francis Ruegorong

9:30 – 10:00 – Strategic Planning – David

10:00 – 10:15 – Break

10:15 – 10:45 – Strategic Planning (continued) – David

10:45-11:15 – Class development of examples of strategic plans - group

11:15-11:45 - Lunch

11:45 – 12:45 – Organizing Agencies and Engaging the Public – Christy

12:45 – 1:15 - USFS Funding Sources – David

1:15 – 4:45 – Miconia Work TripGreg Santos, Big Island Invasive Species Committee

4:45 – 5:00 pm – Wrap-up and evaluations – Katie Friday


Daehler, Curt, and Julie Denslow. 2003 (updated in 2004). Progress Report: Testing an objective method for identifying invasive plants. [available online at includes up-to-date listing of Weed Risk Assessment scores]

Martin, Christy. CD of session powerpoints and field trip photos (see agenda)

  • “Strategic Planning and Invasive Plants,” David Bakke
  • “Coquie Frogs,” presented by Christy Martin
  • “Integrated Weed Management,” David Bakke
  • “An Island In A Sea of Change,” invasive species overview presented by David Bakke
  • “Weed Risk Assessment,” presented by Christy Martin

Miconia handouts (from Greg Santos)

  • “Appendix 1”
  • “Miconia calvescens – Ten Reasons to Control it in Hawaii
  • “Operation Miconia: Containment and Control of Miconia calvescens in Hawaii”
  • “Wanted: Miconia – Dead or Alive”
  • “War On The Purple Plague”
  • “The 10 Least Wanted Invasive Species on the Big Island”

“R&D Sprayer” (from Bruce Namihira)

Space, James. 2003 (updated in 2004). Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk: Invasive Plants of the PacificIslands (Version 3.6; since updated to version 4.0). Pacific Southwest Research Station, Institute of PacificIslands Forestry, USDAForest Service. Available online at or as compact disk from the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry]

USDAForest Service. “Forest Health Protection, Coop Lands Project Proposal” [applicable to state forestry offices only] Form FS-3400-2]

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