Weekly Review Quiz as of 2008-01-31

Luxury Labels Hit in the Pocketbook
by Rachel Dodes and Christina Passariello

1. Which of the following is NOT true about luxury marketers in the current economic environment?

a) The growth of high-end brands has slowed considerably.
b) Several luxury brands are raising their prices in response to slowing demand.
c) Luxury marketers are pursuing growth in China and Russia to offset downturns in the U.S. and Japan.
* d) Many luxury brands are now launching low-priced brands in response to shifting consumer demand.
e) All of these statements are true.

Will Marketing Change After Star's Death?
by Marshall Crook and Peter Sanders

1. Which character has been primarily featured to-date in Warner Bros.' Web campaign for the movie The Dark Knight?

a) Batman
* b) The Joker
c) Catwoman
d) The Riddler
e) Robin

2. To-Date, How has Warner Bros. featured Heath Ledger's character to promote the movie?

a) They slowly revealed the Joker through a series of spoof web sites.
b) By solving several clues, viewers were given an early peek at a photo of the Joker.
c) The Joker asked fans to participate in a scavenger hunt.
d) The Joker asked fans to submit photos of themselves with white faces and red smiles.
* e) All of the above

Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism
by Robert A. Guth

3. Bill Gates offered several suggestions for how capitalism could help narrow the gap between rich and poor. Which of these is NOT one of them?

a) Companies should create businesses that focus on building products and services for the poor.
b) Offering stripped down software and alternative ways of paying for PC's to poorer countries.
c) Businesses should dedicate their top people to poor issues.
d) Using technology to address problems that seem intractable.
* e) All of the above are part of Mr. Gates' plans and recommendations

Ask Searches for Answer to Luring New Users
by Jessica E. Vascellaro

4. What kind of site is Ask.com?

a) A collection of popular advertisements
b) A sex trivia site
* c) A search engine
d) A resource for locating experts in a particular field of inquiry
e) A game site

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies used by Ask.com to lure visitors to its site?

a) It turned to advertising to try to draw attention to its features and technological advantages.
b) Attempted an anti-monopoly campaign in the U.K. against Google.
c) Featured a close-up tour of Ask's new search-results page.
* d) Built a campaign around a monkey trying to find its parents.
e) All of the above have been attempted by ask.com