All UNT students of Economics classes

are invited to meet and hear

J. Carter Murphy, Ph.D.

(UNT Economics Class of 1946)

As a true citizen of the world, he will present

“Global Macroeonomic Equilibrium”

J. Carter Murphy, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus of Economics, Southern Methodist University. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Carter earned a B.S. in Economics at UNT in 1946. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Chicago in 1955. Dr. Murphy is a distinguished scholar in the field of International Trade. He served as a Senior Staff Economist with the Council of Economic Advisors in the Executive Office of the President in Washington, D.C. from 1971-1972 and has been a consultant with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas since 1995.

Dr. Murphy is a true citizen of the world. He was named a Fulbright Scholar to Denmark 1957-58, a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in Italy, 1961-62, Research Scholar in Spain under a grant from the Spanish-U.S. Joint Committee on Educational and Cultural Affairs in 1981, University College at Oxford as an SMU-in Oxford faculty member from 1982-89 and Director in 1991. Carter served as Visiting Professor, 1961-62 at the Bologna Center, School of Advanced International Studies of the John opkins University in Bologna, Italy, aa

Hopkins University in Bologna, Italy, Technical Assistance Expert with the United Nations for the Institute of National Planning in Egypt, 1964, Special Field Staff for Social Sciences and Visiting Professor through the Rockefeller Foundation at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand in 1966-1967. He lectured on U.S. Foreign Economic Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1961-62, served as a member of the U.S. Delegations to Meetings in Paris, 1971-72, member of the U.S. Delegation for the 8th Meeting of the Joint U.S.-Japan Economic Committee in 1972, lectured on Thematic Programs in Economic Dependence in the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand in 1972. During the 1980s Carter lectured at meetings in Costa Rica, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Indonesia.

Prior to joining the faculty at SMU as a Professor of Economics in 1961, Dr. Murphy served The Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri for 11 years. He served as Chairman of the SMU Department of Economics from 1967-1971, Professor of Economics from 1961-1990, and was named Professor Emeritus in 1990. In 1986, SMU bestowed upon him the “M-Award”, the University’s highest award for service to SMU. He was also awarded the “Willis Tate Award” for Outstanding Faculty Member in 1986 and 1989.

He is saluted in Who’s Who in Science and Technology, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in the Southwest and Who’s Who in Texas. He is a saluted member of American Men and Women of Science: Economics, Who’s Who is American Education, Outstanding Educators of America, and Personalities of the South.