Mrs. Gillum
English 2
Children’s Book Project
Rubric: Illustrations/Creativity
Student’s Name:
Category / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Pictures/Page / Every page has an illustration to enhance the reading. / Every page but 1-2 have illustrations. / Almost every page has an illustration. 3-4 pages don’t have any. / Over 4 pages are missing illustrations. / There are no illustrations within the book at all.
Uniqueness / Every illustration has some unique characteristic. / Every page but 1-2 have unique characteristics. / Almost every page has a unique attribute. 3-4 pages don’t have any. / Over 4 pages of illustrations are taken straight from an outside source, with nothing done to enhance them. / There are no illustrations at all.
Storyline / The storyline given is one of a kind, and sparks the reader’s interest from the beginning. / The storyline is good, but lacks the ability to hold the reader’s interest from start to finish. / The storyline is adequate. It is well enough constructed to be read, but isn’t something the audience will connect with. / The storyline is poor. It lacks creativity, and is a struggle to get through the reading. / There is no storyline. The story is a jumbled mess that makes no sense to the reader.
Author’s Background / The author’s background page is excellent and gives great insight about the author. / This page is good, and contains the essential parts necessary, but is nothing that will impact the reader. / This page is adequate. It contains the basic information needed, but nothing more. / This page is poorly constructed, and gives little, if any, information about the author. / There is not author’s background page.
Total Points: /50
Rubric: Writing
Student’s Name:
CATEGORY / 5 / 3.5 / 2 / .5Grammar / No grammatical errors occur throughout the book. / There are 1-3 grammatical errors. / 4-6 grammatical errors are evident within the text. / The text has so many grammatical errors that it interrupts the flow of reading.
Spelling / No spelling errors occur throughout the book. / There are 1-3 spelling errors. / 4-6 spelling errors are evident within the text. / The text has so many spelling errors that it interferes with comprehension.
Punctuation / No punctuation errors occur throughout the book. / There are 1-3 punctuation errors. / 4-6 punctuation errors are evident within the text. / The text has so many punctuation errors that it is difficult to understand.
Text / The book meets all requirements for length (pages and sentences). / The book is almost complete, with just a few sentences missing. / Some pages and/or sentences are missing. / Several pages and/or sentences are missing.
Total Points: /50
* Brainstorm - /10
* Plot outline and/or rough draft - /15