Logan Community Mental Health Network


Date: / 1st June 2016 at 2.00 pm
Chairperson: / Fleur Kenny, FSG
Minutes: / Karen Gale, Administration Officer MSMHS
Venue: / Conference Room 51 Wembley Road Logan Central
No / Item: / Raised by:
1. / Opening and Attendance: Chair welcomed all members and would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners and give gratitude and thanks to past and present elders.
FK - Fleur Kenny, Senior Coordinator FSG Australia
JE – Jan Elston, Wellbeing Hub Coordinator Relationships Australia QLD
LW – Lynn Williamson, Com Education & BE Project Officer LWHWC
HF – Helen French, Social Work Student KENG
AT – Anna Thompson, Community Development KENG
TS – Tanya Shih, Peer Support Worker Logan Wellbeing Team MSAMHS
JL – Judy Liu, PHaMs Support Worker, The Benevolent Society
JF – Jason Fowler, Team Leaser The Benevolent Society
BS – Brett Stevens, Relationship Manager, BSPHN
DN – Dan Nguyen, Capacity Building Officer QPASTT
IR – Isabel Rivera, Program Manager YFS Ltd PHaMs
AK – Ani Katene, Coordinator Brook RED
TR – Teresa Raj, Facilitator Brook RED PIR
TS – Tracey Slater, Coordinator Centacare Anam Cara
DS – Dee Sweetman, Coordinator RFQ- Resolve
RM – Rudolf Manu, a/Area Manager, RFQ Client Services
2. / Apologies:
Rod Buchner
3. / Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of previous meeting held on 6th April 2016 confirmed as a true an accurate record by FK.
4. / Business Arising
4.1 / Leadership Group update – update by Andre Pirini
·  Irregular or inconsistent attendance have been a challenge to the business at these meetings
·  Two key stakeholders encouraged to attend are MSHHS and BSPHN.
·  The GSJMHC acknowledges the valuable work done the Mental Health Networks around all regions.
·  From past experiences it appeared that the GSJMHC may have set a work program that was outside the capacity upon which the Collaborative could reasonably deliver.
·  The Collaborative is now in a position of assessing ‘where to from here, what will we do and how will we do it!’
·  The Benevolent Society (by virtue of Amanda Trunley holding the Chair role for GSJMHC) has funding from BSPHN to commission a project on future direction of the Group.
·  The Collaborative (thank you to AT for her amazing work) is canvassing sources to do this work and findings and recommendations should be available prior to the next meeting.
·  GSJMHS will meeting quarterly (next meeting August 2016) with “out of session” meetings as required should there be working group activities.
·  Chair position is due for rotation. AT will hold in the interim.
4.2 / MHPN 2016
·  Topic - Assisting clients to access services for their physical health needs.
·  Date – 6th July at 9.30 am
·  Carer Working Party next MPHN 15th June 8.30-10.30 am at the Progress Hall Mt Gravatt.
·  Topic – MH Act 2016
4.3 / Care Coordination Panel
·  Logan – next meeting 21st June.
·  Rebecca Fitzgerald SIC is working with services to set up a panel in the Bayside area.
·  RM stated it was good to see panel starting in Bayside.
·  PA also looking to commence a Panel soon.
·  Encourage consumers to attend Panel.
·  SIC’s will oversee and ensure key stakeholders are in attendance.
·  Fantastic attribute to have however could be intimidating for the consumer.
·  Will only succeed if referrals are received.
·  If unsure referral is appropriate, please send to RB for consideration.
·  It is the roles of the Collaborative members to promote within your agencies.
4.4 / Mental Health Week 2016
·  Development of register for events occurring in Logan in 2016?
·  Who would like to hold the register?
·  No LCMHN Zest for Life event being held in 2016.
·  FSG noted they have more time to input into Thrive by the Bay as only one event this year.
·  FK will arrange for Thrive by the Bay flyer to be distributed when finalised.
·  To be held on 29th September, 10 am – 2 pm, near the Capalaba Library.
·  Framework for the event is ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’ rather than just services.
·  All services involved will be providing activities for attendees.
·  What other promotional activities are occurring during MH Week?
·  How will this be co-ordinated?
·  .
·  Beaudesert / Boonah. Benevolent Society is supporting FSG with ‘What Wellbeing may look like’ event. JF will raise using Wheel of Wellbeing at next BMNH meeting.
·  Carers Qld & FSG are holding a family fun day between Carer and MH Weeks.
·  If Agencies are having any events please let RB know so they can be promoted through the networks.
5. / New Business
5.1 / Discussion topic – Working with LGBTI
·  Are you interested in gaining an understanding of issues and how to cater to these needs?
·  Keen to learn about building culturally inclusive LGBTIQ spaces.
·  Neami National, PIR ate holding a free LGBTIQ Inclusivity Training at Springwood (see flyer attached).
·  MP happy for RB to contact re MHPN in September for ideas and presentation.
·  Relationships Australia Qld – Rainbow Team Leader would also be happy to present.
·  RB to contact JE for contact details.
·  LGBTI are much more likely to experience anxiety than the broader population.
·  Also at greater risk of suicide, self-harm and self-injury. /
5.2 / Update of Logan Street Services Guide
·  Feedback for the 2nd edition by 3rd June 2016.
·  If you are a new service provide help to the homeless or vulnerably housed people in Logan please complete the attached for inclusion in future editions /
6. / Internal Member presentation - nil
7. / Guest Speakers - nil
8. / Information for Noting
·  Commonwealth HASP funding ceasing.
·  How are other services managing the impacts to services for clients?
9. / Associated Network Minutes
·  Minutes will be uploaded to the Mental Health Collaborative website.
·  http://mentalhealthcollaborative.com.au
10. / Agency Program Promotion
10.1 / RFQ
·  12th Biennial Asia Pacific International Mental Health Conference ‘Recovered Futures’
·  24,25 & 26th October 2016
·  Still looking for abstracts.
·  Link to website to register - http://aspacmentalhealth16.com.au
10.2 / Relationships Australia Queensland
·  New Wellbeing Hub for Logan and Bay Islands.
·  Universal approach.
·  Social media and Website
·  Community events, training and workshops
·  Support for 16 months from Maudsley Institute who recently provided a training session to RAQ.
·  JE is keen to provide training to agencies on building capacity.
·  Happy to provide to individual agencies, Network or possibly MHPN session.
·  Wheel of Wellbeing (WOW).
·  Mental Wellbeing impact assessment tool available for using with a new service or policy to consider the impact on users.
·  If you have any initiatives which may benefit please contact JE.
·  JE involved in setting up Hub on the Bay Islands.
10.3 / The Benevolent Society
·  Using Wheel of Wellbeing for staff/team meetings, going well.
·  Vacant Position – Senior Practitioner for MH team, please email JF if interested in role.
10.4 / Centacare Anam Cara
·  Vacancy in High Support (24/7) house, one application currently to be reviewed if you have others pleases send.
·  Goal is for consumers to live independently at the end of 6 months.
10.5 / Brisbane South PHN
·  Funding has been received for a number of different programs.
·  Circulated MH Plan, scoping services a priority.
·  Headspace – continuation of services, some programs may cease e.g. Early Psychosis.
·  PIR funding has been extended to transition to NDIS.
·  Scenic Rim will be first area to come on board in this region on 1st July 2017.
·  PHN – NDIS – Local Coordinators will be looking at eligible consumers and what services are available for those who are not eligible.
·  What supports will PHN provide to Beaudesert area which is lacking in services?
·  Mainly at a Strategic Level, look at services, active role in leadership group.
10.6 / YFS Ltd
·  Vacant Position – YFS PHaMs Peer Support worker, will be advertised soon, any interest please contact YFS.
10.7 / Logan Women’s Health & Wellbeing Centre
·  Launched Social Enterprise to provide Personal and Professional training.
·  Funds will be reinvested to enable provision of counselling services.
·  Logan Women’s Health &Wellbeing Centre will be holding a Holistice Wellbeing Expo in September.
·  Stall holder EOI and letter attached.

10.8 / Compass Housing
·  Robyn masters lead on Creating Happiness Expo, March 2017
·  Next meeting for interested agencies is Thursday, 16 June at 2 pm at Multilink.
·  All welcome.
11. / Next Meeting
The next meeting scheduled for 3rd August 2016 at 2.00 pm in the Conference room 51 Wembley Road Logan Central
11.1 / Internal Agency Presenter
11.2 / Guest speaker
11.3 / Agenda Item for next meeting – Planetree as mentioned in Metro South website.

Please send apologies and agenda items for discussion to:

Roderick Buchner

Service Integration Coordinator

Phone: 3089 4132


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