Сценарий сказки на английском языке


Автор: учитель английского языка

I квалификационной категории


Третьякова Е.И.

A new house fortwo little pigs.


Merry and Sad (two brothers - pigs)

Big Bear, Grey Wolf, Red Fox, Little Mouse, White Hare

Part 1

(One of the brothers is sleeping)

One of the children:Once upon a time there lived two little pigs.

Merry(standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Merry. My brother is still sleeping. Wake up, my dear. It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time to wake up!

Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Get up, little brother:

The morning is bright.

The birds are all singing

To welcome the sunlight.

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother Sad,Brother Sad?

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing:

Ding, ding, dong!

Ding, ding, dong!

Sad (stretching): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Sad.

Children: Good morning, little pigs! We are glad to meet you.

They are two funny pigs

Not very little and not very big

Not very pink and not very green

Not very dirty and not very clean

Merry: We like to dance and sing songs:

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy,

In summer it’s sunny and fine,

In autumn it’s cloudy, windy and rainy,

In spring you may jump up to the sky.

Jumping, jumping, never still

Running, laughing with a will,

All the day and some at night,

Playing hard with our might.

Merry:But why are you so upset, my dear brother?

Sad: We live in an old house!

The North wind does blow

And we have an old home

And what do the little pigs do then, poor things?

I want to live in a new house.

Merry: That’s a good idea! Let’s build a new house. We have three thousand roubles!

Sad: Three thousand roubles?! In the crisis! We are poor pigs, as poor as church mice. Where can we take money?

Merry: Don’t worry! We live in the Big Greenwood Forest and we have many friends. Let’s go to see them.

Part 2

One of the children:So they walk on and on and meet a big bear.

Big Bear: Good morning, little pigs!

The pigs: Good morning, Big Bear! Where do you live?

Big Bear:

I live in the forest

I live in the zoo

And what about you?

Merry:We are poor pigs; we live in an old house, put some money, please. (into the hat)

One of the children:So they walk on and on and meet a grey wolf.

The pigs: Good morning, Grey Wolf! Where do you live?

Grey Wolf:

I live in the forest

I live in the zoo

And what about you?

Merry:We are poor pigs, we live in an old house, put some money, please. (into the hat)

One of the children:So they walk on and on and meet a red fox.

The pigs: Good morning, Red Fox! Where do you live?

Red Fox:

I live in the forest

I live in the zoo

And what about you?

Merry:We are poor pigs, we live in an old house, put some money, please. (into the hat)

One of the children:So they walk on and on and meet a little mouse.

The pigs: Good morning,Little Mouse! Where do you live?

Little Mouse:

I live in the forest

I live in the zoo

And what about you?

Merry:We are poor pigs, we live in an old house, put some money, please. (into the hat)

One of the children:So they walk on and on and meet a white hare.

The pigs: Good morning, White Hare! Where do you live?

White Hare:

I live in the forest

I live in the zoo

And what about you?

Merry:We are poor pigs, we live in an old house, put some money, please. (into the hat)

Sad: That’s not enough.

Merry:Don’t worry! I know a cheap shop. We can buy good bricks there.

One of the children:

Two pigs went to town to buy the bricks.

What? Pigs with the bricks?

Bricks for the pigs?

Who ever saw pigs with the bricks?

One of the children:

Everybody has a place to go,

Everybody wants a place to be,

When birds fly they’re swimming in the sky

While fish are swimming in the sea.

One of the children:

Two brothers – pigs they lived alone

In a broken old home

But since their plan got organised

They’re living much more civilized

Song: (all the characters and children together)

We have made our house of bricks

House of bricks,house of bricks


One of the children:

The house is tiny and warm and neat

And warm and neat, and warm and neat,

The house is tiny and warm and neat

The wind’s at the door each morning.

Song: (all the characters and children together)

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad wolf,Big Bad Wolf

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf


We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad wolf,Big Bad Wolf

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


Список использованной литературы:

1.Амамджян Ш.Г.Играя, учись!: Англ. яз. в картинках для детей дошкол. возраста. – 2-е изд..- М.:Просв.,1982.- 223с.

2. Запевай: Сб. песен на англ яз. для учащихся сред. шк./ Сост. Б.Б.Здоровова.- М.: Просв., 1990.- 192с.

105064 Москва. М. Казенный пер., д.5 «Б», Московский городской педагогический университет, редакция журнала «Иностранные языки в школе»

