The purpose of this outline is to inform both the students and his/her parent(s) of the course content and expectations of each student in my Speech II class. It is my hope that the year will be fun and rewarding, while at the same time improving the skills of each student. It must be understood that ALL school rules as outlined in the Student Handbook will be observed in my classroom. These rules will be discussed during August. Of great importance are the Attendance and Tardy policies. It is important and expected for students to be in class and on time.


We will cover expository, persuasive, extemporaneous, demonstrative and impromptu speaking as well as listening skills, student congress, current events, oratory, oral interpretation, memorization and debate. Extra credit may be given for participation in any outside speech contests. Students may be required to participate in the Mock Interview process sponsored by the Tracy Industry and Education Partnership which will include preparation of a cover letter, resume, and reference page, complete a job application, and participate in an interview as part of this process. This will enhance our career unit. Students may also prepare a Reader’s Theater production that may require extra outside reading. Students will prepare a short PowerPoint presentation as an integral part of a speech. If time permits, Parliamentary Procedure will be covered. In addition, there will be outside reading and research required, as well as additional classroom and outside projects. This class also produces the video bulletin broadcast school wide, and participation is a requirement. Students should be aware that they will frequently be required to dress appropriately for formal speaking situations (i.e. slacks, collared shirt and tie for men, and a dress or suit for the ladies).


  1. Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings. Walk in quietly and check the board for instructions.
  2. Be prepared for class daily, having all required materials with you when you arrive.
  3. When the bell rings, work silently.
  4. Be kind and respectful toward fellow students, school personnel, and the instructor.
  5. Respect classroom and school property.
  6. Be POSITIVE to everyone (no put downs).

***CD players, IPods, MP3 players etc, on campus are a disruption to the learning process, and should be left at home. Cell phones are allowed on campus, but may not be used, and must be kept in the “off” or “silent” mode while in class. Students will not be allowed to have cell phones visible while in class.


Offense # / Teacher Consequences
1 / Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent.
2 / Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent.
3 / Referral to counselor; teacher and counselor make contact with parent. Discipline & Attendance Review Team (DART) held.
4 / Referral to administration for assignment of detention. Student may be returned to classroom once detention has been assigned. OR Teacher suspension from class (Documented in accordance with Ed. Code 48910: as soon as possible the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian to attend a parent/ teacher conference regarding the suspension.)
Administrative Consequences
5 / Assignment of Saturday School (2 - 4 hr. assignment; 8:00 am – 12:00 pm)
6 / Full day placement in-house suspension (held on Friday during normal school hours)
7+ / Home suspension with parent conference.

Violations of a more serious nature will be dealt with appropriately at administration’s discretion.


Trustworthiness is a key Character pillar. All work submitted by students should be a true reflection of their effort and ability. If it is not, then the student has manifested unacceptable behavior. The following criteria define cheating:

· Claiming credit for work that is not the product of one’s own honest effort.

· Providing unwarranted access to materials or information so that others may dishonestly claim credit.

· Representation of another person’s words, ideas, as your own by not properly citing the source and giving the author credit.

· Copying off the internet.

· Knowledge and tolerating of the foregoing circumstances.

Any behavior which can be defined as cheating represents a violation of mutual trust and respect essential to education at West High School. Students who cheat should expect to be confronted by their teacher and will be subject to the following penalties:

a. A “zero” on the submitted work;

b. Notification of parents.

c. Further disciplinary steps as deemed appropriate.

If a student is found to have cheated a second time or is involved in a particularly serious act of cheating, the student will be referred to an assistant principal for a conference of those concerned: student, teacher, parents, counselor, and administrator. Consequences may include suspension from class and/or school; dropping the student from class with no credit; and/or notification of student’s prospective colleges.


  1. A student may make up work and/or tests missed as a result of an EXCUSED absence. He/she will have the same number of days as that of the absence to make up the work.
  2. Any speaking assignment is due on its assigned day. If a student is out with an excused absence, he/she must be prepared to speak on the first day back from the absence and each day thereafter until he/she can be accommodated within the speaking schedule.
  3. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what was missed while he/she was absent. The teacher keeps an assignment binder for this purpose. The student must request the make up assignments the first day back to school after the excused absence. This must be done at a time that is convenient for the teacher.
  4. Any test missed by the student because of an excused absence must be made up within one week from the return of the student, outside of class time and at a convenient time for the teacher.
  5. If a student is suspended from class, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to arrange for make-up work. This must be done by the end of the day of suspension. All make up work will be due at the beginning of the class period on the day the student returns to class. No exceptions.
  6. With regard to time spent in in-house suspension due to tardiness, the school tardy policy will be followed.
  7. Students who are suspended from school will NOT be allowed to make up work or tests assigned or given during the suspension.


Homework will be assigned on a regular basis (refer to the Administrative Regulation 6154a and Board Policy BP6154 in your student handbook) and students are expected to have it completed prior to the start of class. Copying another student’s work or copying work off of the Internet, or using sources off of the internet without proper referencing will not be tolerated, and late homework will NOT be accepted.


A little late is too late! Every instructional minute counts and student tardiness interferes with the learning process. Please be respectful of your teacher and fellow classmates and be on time to class. Specific tardy policies and procedures are as follows:

A tardy is defined as arrival to class within the first ten (10) minutes after the tardy bell rings. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Arrival to class 10 to 29 minutes after the tardy bell will constitute a late. Arrival to class 30 minutes or later will constitute an unexcused absence.


1-4 / Teacher consequence…teacher records the tardy in the roll book and AERIES; notifies student; includes tardy #. Students who do not fulfill teacher consequence may be teacher suspended.
*Teacher consequence can include verbal warning, teacher detention, natural consequences on grade, seat change, extra assignments, conference, and others as approved by site administration. Teachers are expected to specify any four options when writing their syllabus.
*A good faith attempt to contact parent (date and time) is required prior to 5th tardy referral to the office.
5 / Administrative DART and parent contact
6 / In-House suspension; Parents contacted by AP.
7 / Home suspension. Parent contacted by AP.
8+ / Home suspension. Parent contacted by AP.

A student late to class by 10 minutes or more will be termed “late” and will receive appropriate tardy consequence. Tardy consequences will be assigned on a per period basis.


Students are expected to have the following materials with them each day.

  1. Three ring binder or notebook (may be shared with another class(es).
  2. Three notebook dividers.
  3. 3x5, 4x6 or 5x7 Index cards.
  4. One spiral notebook (at least 70 pages each).
  5. Blue or black pen.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Highlighter pen.
  8. Audiocassette tape.
  9. Three “Mini (three inch) DVD-RWs. These will be stored in the classroom at all times, except on the night after the student has presented a speech.


Grades will be based on class discussion participation, speaking performances, tests, quizzes, class work, homework, daily preparedness, class participation, and listening and cooperation. It should be noted that points will be deducted from the listening and cooperation portion of a student’s grade for any talking, rude behavior, remarks, noises, etc. Students will be expected to keep a notebook that will be checked for completeness and organization. Every assignment, quizzes, tests, in class assignments, homework, writing assignments, notebooks, etc. will be given a point value. At the end of each quarter, the total points will be calculated to determine the student’s grade. Final examination points will be included in the semester total points. Grades will be based on a percentage basis.

90% - 100% = “A” 50% - 69% = “D”

80% - 89% = “B” 0% - 59%

70% - 79% = “C”

Semester grades will be based on an accumulation of points throughout both quarters and the final examination.


In an effort to safe guard our student’s back health, our district has, whenever possible, purchased a classroom set of textbooks. Students will also be issued individual texts to be kept at home. Students will be assigned a classroom set textbook identified by number. Students will be required to use ONLY that particular classroom textbook. Failure to use only the assigned numbered textbook will result in disciplinary action. Students will report any textbook damage to the teacher immediately. Failure to do so will result in that student being held responsible for damage.


Grades for a Teacher’s Assistant will be based on attendance, cooperation, thoroughness and accuracy of tasks assigned, confidence, and trustworthiness.


Any student or parent having questions or concerns may contact me. The best method of contact is by e-mail. My e-mail address is (all lower case). You may also leave a message with the school office at (209) 830-3370. I will return your call as soon as possible. In addition, students may contact me before school or after school in room MS-14.

Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course outline and that you understand the contents. Return this portion to Mrs. Desautels ASAP or by the required date.

SPEECH I – Mrs. Desautels

STUDENT’S NAME (print) ______DATE______

PARENT(S) NAME (print) ______

I have read and acknowledge the classroom procedures and policies.







Comments or concerns: