This iz a ratio zero action. It iz open to active TOPY Agents, Sigilizers and Allies, worldwide. Thee only true requirements are an OPEN mind and a strong WILL 2 DO this. However, in participation iz presumed soum basic knowledge ov Thee Temple Ov Psychic Youth, creating personalized sigils, and/or thee mechanix ov ritual practice. Please check thee links for further information. This action has been left az open-ended az possible to allow for maximum customization. This will promote a more potent outcoum. These instructions are simply a set ov guidelines geared to inspire and focus the participants. Dowhutchalike.


Where it all begins iz soo hard to capture. Thee idear came forward az an expansion ov an ever growing experiment on causing super-natural effects on large geographic areas. More specific'ly, we have been honing techniques for infusing areas with directed intent and being able to sense/use that intent, i.e. sigilizing to effect spaces, in addition to areas ov life experience. It combines thee idea ov creating a sacred space and charging a talisman with directed intent. Works extremely well. Cohorts and E have done six previous versions on larger and larger areas. Several worked far better and had effects lasting far longer than expected. We queried how well we could connect our 'cells' ov Power and amplify ALL our Intent. Could we sustain thee effect? This iz thee next step in yOUR experimentation. We wonder'd if it iz possible to cause an omnipresent effect (perhaps only temporarily) on ourselves and our entire environment. Just HOW big could we get it; how 'strong' would it be and how long would thee effect last? Each previous effort has been useful in creating thee next better version. Thee driving WILL behind this version has been/iz thee constant question posed by those within and outside our relative tribe az to whut activities we are up to these days, magik'ly speaking. Well, here's one open to ALL. Our research and practice iz constant, we work away separately, sharing and discussing our findings. There are, ov course, great benefits reaped froum us working az a more focus'd entity. Breeding connectivity. We can supercharge each other's work. Here iz arising a quickening ov our collective current. Here iz yOUR WILL made flesh. Several statements ov intent that have arrived lately bolster'd our energy and focus't our many-faceted outlook. Thee point iz to link up and share in our joined Power. Any focus't intent you create will generate thee desired outcoum when done with persistent WILL.

Soum say:

Infuse with Inspiration/Power

Cement thee Temple

Invigorate us all

Create XTC (JOY)


To allow for az many techniques to be used az possible, prep iz extra simple. There are only a couple things needed to participate in this action. A new or newly made candle ov any size or appropriate colour (a tea-lite iz fine) AND a small mat with a p-cross on at least one side. Try 8 1/2 X 11 az a goode minimum size. Customize or create your own az needed. Create upon or attach your sigil to thee mat. All other elements are open to your interpretation and inspiration. It iz suggested (for best result) that you provide az much sensory input az possible with use ov incense, sound, lighting and/or other means to create a small scale effect in your immediate locale. Charging your sigil will be done through soum traditional means such az threshold or endurance. Magick can be quite messy. Provide thee initial spark by having your matches ready.


Choose a goode one. Any sacred or special place you frequent. A ritual spot or locale significant to your focus in this action. If none ov these seems available or appropriate(try harder), then search out a 'transition spot' such az a bridge, crossroads, base ov a hill, cliff or beach. Try to choose a spot az though you were about to set off a huge magik'l smoke bomb. Privacy for about an hour iz ideal, but not required. It iz hoped that widespread and diverse participation will result in 'global coverage'. You are a supernova.


Our launch window iz EST 2300 hours (11:00pm), thee evening ov May 3rd, 2004 (thee past three were on thee preceeding 3rds ov thee month)

Using a human brain or other calculating device, adjust for your specific local time so that you are synchronized and in action at thee same moment az us all. For a well position'd and sensitive spectator, this rite will seem to create a 'starburst flash' covering thee entire surface az both day and nite sides get a charge in thee same moment. (Our apologies to those who find themselves working thee mojo at 11:00am...we're out here for ya.) Since this iz a group working among our collective tribe, (y)OUR focus will be center'd in soum way on thee Temple. It iz one ov thee things that connect us ALL. We want to charge up us ALL. Spend abit ov time collecting thoughts on this. You've got "time". E am sure soumthing goode will coum to you. It has been suggested that we focus on our personal place among TOPY. Also, that we think ov a direction we would like to go in thee future. These are goode suggestions, but far froum thee only ones. Your True Will iz thee best counsel for whut should be sigilized. Part ov thee effect we are creating iz generated by your intent. Everyone a star.


In your ritual position, in your special location, upon thee correct date and time. Focus on Intent. Make your sigil. Place thee emblem before you. Lit by thee candle. Recite your intent. Concentrate, Focus, Power. Chant thee charm. Make thee mark. Focus on Intent. Charge thee sigil. Shake off corrosion. Invigorate your Power. Focus on Intent. With a directed mind, visualize your actions generating a laser ov pure sense travelling straight up. Feel this sense charged with Intent. Froum your base, straight up, and out froum thee sigil before you. Into space, focus'd intent gives off lite. Feel/see thee laser strengthen to becoum a wide beam (az thick az your arm). Sense thee other 'beams' extending froum other points on thee planet. They give off lite at a strange wavelength. Focus on intent. Concentrate and feel/see thee beam open at thee top and becoum a gigantic cone, focus't on you and the intent generated froum within. Power flows into you froum outside. Thee cone strengthens. Hollowing out az it slowly widens and spreads into a flat plane ov lite. Focus on Intent. Sense thee other planes ov lite, generated froum over thee horizon, spread and join with yours az they blanket thee space between us ALL. Focus again on Intent. Radiate, Connect and draw upon thee Power generated. Sustain, Meditate and Focus on Intent.

( BANG ! ) it's over az you close it.


Actions like these have long lasting and far reaching effects. We need your input to continue our work. Those in need ov a destination for sigil work or whom would like to share/learn froum all ov our experiences, please drop us a line or three. ALL works are on-going and interconnected w/o respect to TIME. WE work together. Details and neatness count for extra goode karma. We also will accept donations ov postage stamps, envelopes, printer paper or other essentials to speed up our activities. If'n you really must send it via email...use "Sigil Project" az thee subject line. Send to:

We welcoum your documentation and insight. Hard evidence, recordings, photographs and written documentation ov all types should be sent to thee main station for cataloging and study. Thee universe doesn't just bend itself, ya'know.


North American Station

c/o Calder Square post office

P.O. Boxxx 10471

State College, Pa.


-Continuation (and Mutation)-

Although these instructions are intended for a single action, thee effect can be sustained and/or altered through repeated efforts. This rite will be enacted for 3 months following thee initial launch window on thee 3rd ov each month, 2300hrs EST There iz no reason why it cannot continue to be charged and fluff't w/ Power. In small groups, in larger ones. A street, a towne, a country, a continent. A new colour in (y)OUR pallet. All documentation and information welcoum froum now until thee end. Feel free to use this az you see fit. We learn and grow more potent together.

-Post Scripts...-

It iz suggested by soum to try and have thee 'visualizations' read to you or recorded in soum way other than memorization. Soundz goode. Soum wrote to ask if'n this could be done inna group...Ov course. They said 'let's xerox and cover thee entire locale with (y)our sigil' or 'use a sound loop ov your intent for a mantra'. Dig that one, too. Blaze forth superstar. 'Canna wait to see whut WE ALL DO.

-More Suggestions...-

(froum our recent email inbox)

A participant , encouraged by thee bhuddist idear ov thee temporary nature ov l-if-e, did his using only 'parishable' ingredients; loose sand, foodstuffs and flamable liquids were thee core. Another charged their sigil through repitition and endurance during thee launch window, then (using sticker paper) slapp't up many copies ov thee glyph in places she frequented everyday in order to continue burying thee intent beyond reasonable thought. It seems to work very well. Our favorites are thee ones coumpletely unhooked froum rationality, powerfully enegetic, though dif-occult to focus with any 'lazer-like' accuracy. Still, they pump enormous amounts into our current for all to share. Thank You, may thee Slack flow with you always.


Feb, 2004 Thee response has been far greater than originally envision'd. We have had 333 email contacts concerning this work. Who can say thee exect number ov sigilizers who joined in, but it iz certain that we were on 6 ov thee 7 continents (gotta get soumone in antartica). Coverage and contacts ranged through thee entire spectrum ov traditions. Soum sent documentation, soum sent suggestions, soum sent versions ov thee instructions, soum sent testimonials and soum sent anonamous nude photos ov themselves. It appears to be a common theme that thee participants have increased their level ov evolvement within thee Temple (or are considering joining) and have seen thee fruits ov their sigil manifest quickly / powerfully. This wave continues to flow through us still. Now on to thee second round... yOur persisent WILL, preforming this rite once more will re-vitalize thee current and make minor adjustments to thee course we have laid to materialize a more accurate reflection ov (y)OUR collective desires. This iz a core part ov our power. It iz hoped that through repeated, expanding participation a collective 'cashe' ov manifest magickal energies will be generated for mutual and long-lasting benefit to all.


Mar, 2004 Although thee participants have all pretty much 'done their own thing', soum have written in asking about thee "Location", wondering if iz okay to preform thee rite indoors or even in their normal ritual space. Ov course you can; thee instructions are merely a tool to enable us to begin at thee same point and customize froum there on out. Significant locales are suggested az one more means to amp your power and thee effectiveness ov thee rite. WE are doing this and so 'incorrect' and 'impossible' don't coum into play. If those type wordz hold any meaning in our exercise, a more concise usage might be 'ineffectual'. We are largely interested in techniques that ACTUALLY WORK, reguardless ov thee mythical trappings and dust that TIME has attached to it. Innovative and imaginative co-conspiritors are whut we're after, not machines. Your tinkering and then use ov thee method iz thee true work you are doing, thee effects after are a sort-ov 'fallout' reaction, thee greater cosmos readjusting to thee WillPower we have collectively produced. Both technique and effect are modivating factors, with each ov us focusing on thee aspects that attract us. Each one a quazar.


Apr, 2004 Participation seems to still be growing az thee cautious join their commited associates in attempting a connection. Most ov thee core-respondance has settled into testimonials concerning thee potentcy ov their experience during thee rite and thee observed 'boost' thee sigilizers sense in thee manifestation ov thee intent. Soum have drawn strange lines ov coincidence in connection to their participation. It iz seen az a goode sign. This always happens when collective energies are shared. Evidence ov thee current flowing. It happened in thee previous versions also. Thee opportunity to sense, draw froum and use this thread ov connection for understanding ov thee self and its 'oneness' with thee greater enviroment iz one ov thee side benefits we hoped to achieve by organizing a widespread, open-ended sigil project. Whut you do with this iz up to you. Our actions here fuel fires that NEED soum gasoline! So many have gotten off their butts and DONE soumthing powerful. Touch iz possible. Now there iz (at least) one more cycle to coumplete; focus on intent. Go out with a bang. A push to send us into hyperspace. With this next phase's coumpletion, a concentrated effort to distill a concise report ov whut we have all learned and how effective thee rite was will begin to congeal. All participants are encouraged to begin collecting any materials/writings/documentation that they would like to share and post it to one ov thee addresses given. You need not give your name, but soum tag would be helpful in case you are quoted. If you would like to share with everyone instantly az well az help with our research, then please post to thee feedback section for public joy. Thee world would love to hear froum you.

This Aktion Point by Thee Grey Lodge

Channeled by: c174 & Thee Owls

So many are called, So few stand up. -TOPY proverb