World Masters Hockey

Nomination Process for Chairs and Members of Interim Working Groups

It is planned that the World Masters Hockey (WMH) Standing Committees will be elected at the first WMH Congress to be held in November 2018 to deliver the objectives outlined in the WMH Standing Committee Terms of Reference dated 25 July 2017, or as subsequently amended.

In order to develop plans for each Standing Committeethe Interim WMH Management Group agreed at its meeting on 3 July 2017 that Interim Working Groups will be established from September 2017 in order to consider and formulate the change management and work plans for each of the following WMH Standing Committees:

-Commercial & Communications




IMHA and WGMA are invited to nominate persons to act as Chairs and Members of the Interim Working Groups as outlined below.


Each organisation may nominate up to 4 persons to be considered as Chairs of the 4 Interim Working Groups. It is anticipated that each organisation will have 2 persons appointed as Chairs. Those persons nominated as Chairs may also be nominated as Members and will be considered if they are not appointed as a Chair (see below).


Each Interim Working Group will consist of 6 Members and a Chair. Each organisation is invited to nominate 3 persons with appropriate experience, skills and expertise to be appointed as Members to each of the 4 Interim Working Groups.

An additional (4th) person may be nominated if one of the 3 initial nominees is also nominated as Chair of that Interim Working Group. If the person is subsequently appointed as Chair, the remaining 3 nominees will be appointed as Members. If the person is not appointed as Chair, the first 3 nominees will be appointed as Members and the 4th nominee will not be considered, subject to the conditions stated in the following paragraph.

It is initially planned that each organisation will have 3 persons appointed to each Interim Working Group. However, the Interim WMH Management Group reserve the right to appoint 4 Members from one organisation and 2 from the other based on the level of experience and expertise of all nominees in the specific area of responsibility for a particular Interim Working Group.

It is not expected that any persons will be nominated for more than one Interim Working Group in order to provide as wide a spread of individuals as possible and in recognition of the likely responsibilities and level of commitment required by each appointed person.

Nomination Process

IMHA and WGMA are invited to submit nominations to the WMH Project Officer by email to be received by no later than 10 September 2017. Each organisation should submit one Nomination Form listing all their nominees. Nominees will only be accepted and considered if the Nomination Form is accompanied by a completed Personal Information Form for the nominee (see below).

Those nominated will be considered at the meeting of the Interim WMH Management Group on 27 September 2017 and persons appointed will be advised after this meeting. Interim Working Groups will commence operation immediately as directed by the Interim WMH Management Group, and will serve until the first WMH Congress in November 2018. Those persons appointed to Interim Working Groups may subsequently submit nominations for membership of WMH Standing Committees from November 2018.

Personal Information Form

Each nominee must be sent a copy of the attached Personal Information Form for them to complete and return to the appropriate organisation by no later than 8 September 2017. The organisation submitting the Nomination Form must also complete the first section of the Personal Information Form before submitting to WMH.


If you have any questions on the above process or the attached forms, or require further information with regard to the nomination process or the Standing Committee Terms of Reference, please contact:

Stephen Catton

WMH Project Officer


M: +44 7710 099551

WMH Interim Working Group Nominations04Aug17