April 2001

Trade Related technical assistance – summary

This summarises the results of a stocktaking exercise on current trade related technical assistance carried out by AIDCO/F/1 after consultations with DG trade on February 7th 2001.

A total of 79 complete fiches were received by February 27h.

The following analysis is based on the information received by AIDCO/F1

TRTA support.

The total amount of the projects for trade development reported is € 709,530,421 for a total of 79 projects and programmes - an average amount per project of nearly € 9 Mio. There may be additional programmes not reported. Figures were not received from directorates managing TRTA programmes in central and eastern Europe estimated at approximately a further 300 million. Nor does the survey cover

The Commission’s aid geared towards trade related technical assistance was nearly always part of a broader framework of co-operation, only 20% of the projects reported (17 projects) included exclusively TRTA and capacity building as their main objective.

In most projects TRTA came as a section of a broader support programme. It is therefore difficult to determine the exact allocation of funds to TRTA activities.

Geographic concentration of TRTA projects

The division between country-specific projects and Regional initiatives was almost 50% slightly favorable for country specific projects. Most of the regional projects focused on the ACP region.

Nature of the programmes

Three types of projects were identified:

1.  Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in the areas of trade policy and trade-related regulation.

2.  Trade development and Economic Co-operation

3.  Cooperation activities with trade development as one of the overall objectives of the project.

The distribution per type of project was the following

As mentioned above projects geared exclusively to TRTA in capacity building only encompassed 20% of the projects. The figure on the graphs for TRTA is higher because it includes programs that had an element of TRTA in capacity building but were not exclusively focused on this area.

Clearly, a majority of the projects reported fell within the third category, with trade related technical assistance as part of a larger objective. Programmes specifically supporting access of countries to WTO include programs for China, Yemen and Azerbaijan (these were the only ones reported in the survey but other programmes contain elements to support adoption of particular WTO agreements).

The nature of the programs was varied ranging from sector and country-specific to more broad projects such as PROINVEST, encompassing the whole of the ACP region and the private sector.

Specific areas of TRTA cooperation

Although not all the answers provided details on the specific areas of TRTA cooperation (approximately 80% of the fiches reported on this aspect) the majority of the programmes dealt with issues of regional, economic and trade integration and standards, norms, testing and technical regulations. Customs related issues also had an important part in the projects reported, with 13% of them falling under this category.

List of Programmes Reported – April 2001

Country / Region / Project name
Azerbaijan / WTO Accession support azerbaijan
Bangladesh / TRACE - Trade co-operation and Economic Policy Reform South East Asia
Botswana / Trade Development Programme
Buthan / Buthan Trade Development
China / Framework Programme for EU support to China's accesion to the WTO
China / China Programme on Intellectual Property Rights
Dutch Antilles / Dutch Caribbean Promotion in Europe
Dutch Antilles / Business Development Scheme II
Egypt / Trade enhancement project Egypt
Haiti / Assistance Technique Négotiation Haiti CARICOM
India / India Programme on Intellectual Property Rights
Jamaica / Trade Development Project
Kenya / Tourism Diversification and Sustainable Dev.
Macao / Macao-Financial Services (Offshore Ser. Dev Progr.)
Madagascar / Rehabilitation Système Douanier
Mauritius / Renforces capacités de Mauritius Freeport
Mauritius / Support to clothing technology center
Mauritius / Appui aux PME
Mauritius / Technology Development in private firms
Mozambique / Private Sector Development Programme
Namibia / Trade and Investment Dev. programme
Russian Federation / IPR PROTECTION
Seychelles / Tourism capacity building project
Seychelles / Study Macroeconomic Strategy Seychelles
South Africa / Support for SADC Finance and Investment Protocol
South Africa / Finance and Investment Sector research project
South Africa / Support to dev. trade and industry policy
South Africa / Trade and Invest Dev. programme
South Africa / Trade Investment SMME Dev programme
South Africa / Technology Support for SME
Swaziland / Private Sector Development Programme
Ukraine / UEPLAC - Ukrainian European Policy Legal Advice Centre
Yemen / WTO Accession study Yemen
Yemen / WTO Accession support Yemen
Zimbabwe / Export Development Programme
Zimbabwe / Trade and Enterprise support Facility
Zimbabwe / Export Development Programme
Zimbabwe / Mining Sector Diversification Programme
Zimbabwe / Private Sector Development Program
ACP / Programme initiative pesticides
ACP / Capacity Building in support and prep. of Economics Parnership Agreements
ACP / Support integration ACP into WTO
ACP / TA Groupe ACP Negotiations Coop Economique et Commerce
ACP / Meeting Commerce Ministers ACP
ACP / Renforcement capitaux a risques BEI
ACP / Seminars ACP in WTO
ACP / Modernisation Eurotrace
ACP / Etude impact economique futur rel. commerce EU-ACP
ANDEAN / Harmonisation of Competition Law within the Andean REgion 98/0099
ANDEAN / Programa de Cooperacion y Asistencia Tecnica
UE-Grupo Andino en Materia de Calidad SAR/B7-311/96/188
ASEAN / Intellectual Property Rights Programme
ASIA / Standards and Quality Programme
ASIA / EBICs (European Business Information Centres in Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam
ASIA / ASIA Invest
CARIBBEAN / CARIFORUM Secretariat Programme Unit
CARIBBEAN / Regional Tourism Development Programme
CARIBBEAN / Trade Development
CARIBBEAN / Caribbean Trade Sector Programme
INDIAN OCEAN / PRIDE Intégration économique pays de COI
INDIAN OCEAN / PRIDE Intégration économique pays de COI
INDIAN OCEAN / TA Indian Ocean Commission
MED / Promotion of Euro-Med Market Insruments and Mechanism
MERCOSUR / Estadisticas MERCOSUR and Chile 996/0465+99/0127
MERCOSUR / Normas Tecnicas MERCOSUR 93/15
PACIFIC REGION / T. to Pacific Forum Islands Secretariat (8 RPA 5=Economic Partnership)
PALOP / Trade and Investment Promotion (RIP-PALOP I)
SOUTHERN AFRICA / EU_SADAC Investment Promotion ESIP Program
WEST AFRICA / UEMOA Pari Sector Privé
WEST AFRICA / Programme d'appui a la UEMOA
WEST AFRICA / Programme d'appui a l'intégration UEMOA (PARI 2)