Index and Revision Status
Issued by: Dr. Bassam AlHamad
Eng. Rama Al Adwan / Eff. Date: / Rev.: A / Page 1 of 4
1QAC Director...... Rev. A
1.1Selection of a QAC Director...... Rev.A
1.2QAC Director Hand-over Procedure...... Rev.A
2DAC : Departmental Assessment (or Accreditation) Committee...... Rev.A
2.1Duties of DAC...... Rev.A
2.2Selection of a DAC Chair...... Rev.A
3PAC: Program Advisory Committee...... Rev.A
3.1General Purpose for PAC Committees...... Rev.A
3.2Roles of Advisory Committees...... Rev.A
3.3Size of Committee...... Rev.A
3.4Selection ofMembers...... Rev.A
3.5Orientation of New Members...... Rev.A
3.6Communication and Meetings...... Rev.A
3.7Frequencyof Meetings...... Rev.A
3.8Meeting Agenda:...... Rev.A
3.9Meeting Minutes: It’s a Process...... Rev.a
4SAC: Student Advisory Committee...... Rev.A
4.1Meeting of SAC...... Rev.A
4.2Function of SAC...... Rev.A
4.3Selection of SAC committee members...... Rev.A
4.4Code of Student advisory committee...... Rev.A
4.5Agenda of SAC...... Rev.A
/ Index and Revision StatusQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 00 / Rev.: A / Page 2 of 4
Quality Forms, Procedure and Maps
QF-1-rev.a.1 Meeting Agenda
QF-2-rev.a.1Meeting Minutes
QF-3-rev.a.1Attendance sheet
QF-4-rev.a.1Office Supply List
QF-5-rev.a.1AIMS Login Account Request
QF-6-rev.a.1Senior Exit Survey
QF-7-rev.a.1Alumni Survey
QF-8-rev.a.1Faculty Survey
QF-9-rev.a.1Employer Survey
QF-10-rev.a.1Training Workshop Survey
QF-11-rev.a.1Improvement Points Tracking Form
QF-12-rev.a.1Event Report
QF-13-rev.a.1Designer Checklist
QF-14-rev.a.1Survey Checklist
QF-15-rev.a.1Survey Analyst Template
QF-16-rev.a.1Audit Schedule
QF-17-rev.a.1Faculty checklist
QF-18-rev.a.1Audit Summary Report
QF-19-rev.a.1AIMS Data Audit Checklist
QF-20-rev.a.2Course Syllabus Form
QF-21-rev.a.1Academic Program Specifications Form
QF-22-rev.a.1Faculty CV Form
QF-23-rev.a.2Program Self Evaluation Report Template
QF-24-rev.a.2SER Rubric Template
QF-25-rev.a.2QAAC Self Evaluation Improvement Plan
/ Index and Revision StatusQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 00 / Rev.: A / Page 3 of 4
QF-26-rev.a.1Inactive Member Letter
QF-27-rev.a.1Letter Confirming Membership
QF-28-rev.a.1Recognition Recruitment Letter
QF-29-rev.a.1Secretary Course Portfolio Audit Checklist
QF-30-rev.a.1QAC(DAC)/QAC Director Course Audit Checklist
QF-31-rev.a.1Grade Distribution Form
QF-32-rev.a.1Assessment Distribution Form
QF-33-rev.a.1Assessment of PILOs, CILOs Form
QF-34-rev.a.1Handover Notes
QF-35-rev.a.1QAAC Director Course Portfolio Audit Checklist
Quality Procedures
QP-1-rev.a.1Procedure for analyzing QAAC Survey
QP-2-rev.a.1QAAC Website Handout
QP-3-rev.a.1Survey Workshop Handout
QP-4-rev.a.1QAAC Website Editorial Guidelines
QP-5-rev.a.1Using the AIMS Online System
QP-6-rev.a.2Assessment Info. Management Sys
QP-7-rev.a.1Auditing Procedure
QP-8-rev.a.1QAAC Recommended Standards
QP-9-rev.a.1Workshop on An Overview of Outcome-Based Assessment at UOB
QP-10-rev.a.1workshop on Developing Course Learning Outcomes and Portfolios
QP-11-rev.a.1Workshop on Performance Indicators and Program Self-Evaluation
QP-12-rev.a.1QAAC-Performance Indicators-Arabic-
QP-13-rev.a.1QAC Handover Procedure
/ Index and Revision StatusQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 00 / Rev.: A / Page 4 of 4
Process Map
PM-1-rev.a.1Submission & Audit of Course Portfolio
PM-10-rev.a.1AIMS Data Internal Audit
PM-11-rev.a.1Academic Program Assessment Process
PM-12-rev.a.1Overall Program Quality Assurance Process
PM-13-rev.a.1Program Annual OFIs and Action Plan Process
/ QAC Director Quality Manual – Section 1QAC Director
Issued by: Dr. Bassam AlHamad
Eng. Rama Al Adwan / Eff. Date: / Rev.: A / Page 1 of 3
1 QAC Director
The QAC director is the reference and the guide for the duties of the DAC. The following duties are the main duties of the QAC director:
1-He/she runs the meetings with the DAC committees and ensures the performance of DAC duties. One meeting per month would be sufficient to run the quality matters in normal conditions. In a process to achieve accreditation, more frequent meetings are expected.
2-The QAC director is responsible to monitor and maintain the quality of programs in the college. The QAC director is therefore responsible to provide the required training, in coordination with the QAAC Center.
3-The QAC director is responsible to monitor the data entry of the Program Specifications according to the ( QP-8-rev.a.1, QF-22-rev.a.1, QF-20-rev.a.2, QF-21-rev.a.1)within the website, however the data-entry task is done within the programs under the responsibility of the program/department.
4-Any program undergoing the accreditation process is to consult the QAC officer to assist in the process of accreditation.
5-The QAC director works as a key-person in delivering all requirements by QAAC Center to the departments. Therefore, the QAAC director is expected to provide the departments with all information regarding senior exit survey QF-6-rev.a.1, faculty survey QF-8-rev.a.1, Annual meetings, SER reports QF-23-rev.a.2 target dates, etc.
6-The QAC director is to ensure that all programs are abiding to their duties, such as conducting alumni QF-7-rev.a.1 and employer QF-9-rev.a.1surveys according to (QP-15-rev.a.1), assessing PEOS, PILOs and CILOS (please see QF-33-rev.a.2), PIs formulation, developing improvement plans QF-11-rev.a.1, managing course portfolios according to the auditing procedure and process map (QP-7-rev.a.1/ PM-1-rev.a.1) , etc.
7-The QAC director is expected to provide the QAAC Center with the latest performance of the programs in the QA meeting between the QAAC director and the QAC directors which held every two weeks.
8-The QAC director is the key-connection for all documents formulated by QAAC, or delivering the documents (SER report(QF-23-rev.a.2), improvement action plan (QF-25-rev.a.2) submitted by the department to QAAC.
9-The QAC director is to maintain the minutes of meeting with the DAC Chairs.
10-The QAC director is to follow-up the update of the PAC/SAC/DAC committees.
11-QAC Director is responsible to supervise and follow up NQF project within his/her college according to the Mapping UOB Programs to NQF level Descriptor Procedure (QP-14-rev.a.2)
/ QAC DirectorQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 1 / Rev.: A / Page 2 of 3
12-Workshop Activities or Training Sessions by QAC/DAC may include:
- Discussing the program educational objectives and unique program outcomes (other than a – k) that address specific strengths of their programs.
- Analyze outcomes into elements and define a set of specific skills for each element.
- Discuss Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) that incorporate these skills and create a plan for assessing each objective using graded student work.
- Select outcome indicators and performance targets to quantify the achievement of each outcome.
- Develop / adapt special rubrics to accurately assess student performance in each outcome, especially in those that involve soft skills (ex. teamwork, lifelong learning, contemporary issues, ethics, global and societal issues, communication, etc.).
- Discuss course and curriculum design that address specific program outcomes and / or increase student achievement in critical areas.
- Design / adapt a systematic process and a timeline for assessing program educational objectives and program outcomes on a regular basis with minimum faculty workload.
- Discuss challenges inherent in the implementation of a continuous improvement process and brainstorm ways to overcome challenges.
- Raise awareness about the importance of the National Qualifications Framework
- Train faculty members on the process for mapping their courses to the NQF and on how to prepare and fill in the Course Syllabus Form (QF-20-rev.a.2) and the mapping scorecard form (QF-38-rev.a.1).
1.1 Selection of a QAC/ Director
President of the University is responsible for theappointment oftheQAC Directorin each college every two years.
The selection of a QAC Director is based on the following criteria:
-The QAC Director should have the required knowledge in the field of quality education.
-Such knowledge would include the understanding of the process of formulating and assessing the PEOs, PILOs and CILOs.(please see QF-33-rev.a.2).
-Such knowledge would include understanding the concept of conducting the surveys and how to gain improvement actions from the surveys.
-The QAC Director should have the sufficient communication skills with a visionary and management personality
/ QAC DirectorQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 1 / Rev.: A / Page 3 of 3
Note: for more information please read all quality procedures (QP) and quality forms (QF) and Process maps (PM)such as:
QP-7-rev.a.1Auditing Procedure
QP-8-rev.a.1QAAC Recommended Standards
QP-9-rev.a.1Workshop on An Overview of Outcome-Based Assessment at UOB
QP-10-rev.a.1workshop on Developing Course Learning Outcomes and Portfolios
QP-11-rev.a.1Workshop on Performance Indicators and Program Self-Evaluation
QP-12-rev.a.1QAAC-Performance Indicators-Arabic-
QP-14-rev.a.2Mapping UOB Programs to NQF level Descriptor Procedure
QF-33-rev.a.2CILOs, PILOs Assessment
PM-11-rev.a.1 Academic Program Assessment Process
PM-12-rev.a.1Overall Program Quality Assurance Process
PM-13-rev.a.1Program Annual OFIs and Action Plan Process
1.2 QAC Director Hand-over Procedure(QP-13-rev.a.1)
Handover procedure is used to help future employee understand what needs to be done in order to maintain performance in that job. It is made by QAC Director who is leaving and are given to the employee who is starting their shift.
- To hand-over your job to your replacement please follow the procedure (QP-13-rev.a.1).
/ QAC Director Quality Manual – Section 2
DAC Committee
Issued by: Dr. Bassam AlHamad
Edited by : Eng. Rama Al Adwan / Eff. Date: / Rev.: A / Page 1 of 4
2 DAC Departmental Assessment (or Accreditation) Committee/QAC (Quality Assurance Committee)
The DAC/QAC is the steering force behind the assessment and quality assurance process. It coordinates the quality assurance and accreditation activities and is responsible for organizing and reviewing the program outcomes, objectives, course portfolios, assessment (PM-11-rev.a.1) and survey data, as well as writing the self-evaluation report draft.
(Note: some departments assign this role to the Curriculum Committee, Academic Committee, or the Quality Assurance Committee).
Figure 1 shows the roadmap of the QAC/DAC Director. Figure 2 shows the role of the QAC/DAC Director with the timeline of the roles of the QAAC and QAC.
2.1 Duties of DAC/QAC
The duties of the DAC/QAC committee are the following:
1-Work in hand with the QAC Director for the preparation and Revision of the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs), Performance Indicators (PIs), and Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs). QAAC Recommended Standards (QP-8-rev.a.1), alsoQP-9-rev.a.1, QP-10-rev.a.1, QP-11-rev.a.1, QP-12-rev.a.1are recommended to use while formulating the PEOs, PIs, CILOs, etc.
2-Work in hand with the faculty to assess the PEOs using surveys ( QF-7-rev.a.1, QF-9-rev.a.1), and assess PILOs - PIs & CILOs using the assessment types and learning activities (PM-11-rev.a.1) and (QF-33-rev.a.2).
3-Conducting the surveys (alumni QF-7-rev.a.1, employer QF-9-rev.a.1) according to the procedure (QP-15-rev.a.1) and analyzing the results QP-1-rev.a.1 coming out with improvement actions for the program QF-11- rev.a.1. The senior-exit surveyQF-6-rev.a.1 and faculty surveyQF-8-rev.a.1 are handled by the QAAC center.
4-Form and meet with the advisory committees, SAC and PAC. Prepare for the AgendaQF-1- rev.a.1 and writing up of the minutes QF-2-rev.a.1.
/ DAC CommitteeQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 2 / Rev.: A / Page 2 of 4
5-Make sure that course portfolios are prepared at the end of each semester according to the auditing procedure(QP-7-rev.a.1) and process map (PM-1-rev.a.1)
6-Audit of course portfolios using the Auditing Procedure QP-7-rev.a.1 to fill Audit Summary ReportQF-18-rev.a.1.
7-Preparation of SER Report QF-23-rev.a.2.
8-Prepare QAAC Self Evaluation Improvement PlanQF-25-rev.a.2with the Chairperson
9-Follow-up the implementation of action concerning the activities above.
10-DAC/QAC committee is responsible to map the academic programs to theNQF level according to the Mapping UOB Programs to NQF level Descriptor Procedure (QP-14-rev.a.2)
11-Running training sessions ensuring the spread of the culture of quality level of learning.
- (QP-9-rev.a.1) Workshop on An Overview of Outcome-Based Assessment at UOB
- (QP-10-rev.a.1) workshop on Developing Course Learning Outcomes and Portfolios
- (QP-11-rev.a.1) Workshop on Performance Indicators and Program Self-Evaluation
- (QP-12-rev.a.1) QAAC-Performance Indicators-Arabic
2.2 Selection of a DAC/QACChair
Program chair person is responsible for theappointment ofthe DAC/QAC committeein each college every one year.
The selection of a DAC Chair is based on the following criteria:
1-The DAC/QAC Chair should understand the philosophy of quality in education and its influence on academic life.
2-The DAC/QAC Chair should have been a DAC member to be able and have the capability of running training sessions, revising portfolios, having the knowledge of assessing PEOs and PILOs, etc.
3-The DAC/QAC Chair should have a good understanding of the tasks of the main committees in the program, such as the Academic Committee.
4-The DAC/QAC Chair should be able to coordinate, having good managing and communication skills.
5-The DAC/QAC Chair should be an active member
/ DAC CommitteeQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 2 / Rev.: A / Page 3 of 4
Figure 1: Roadmap of QAC/DAC Director
/ DAC CommitteeQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 2 / Rev.: A / Page 4 of 4
Figure 2: Timeline of QAC Director, DAC Committee
/ QAC Director Quality Manual – Section 3PAC Committee
Issued by: Dr. Bassam AlHamad
Eng. Rama Al Adwan / Eff. Date: / Rev.: A / Page 1 of 5
3 PAC: Program Advisory Committee
ThePACserves an advisory role for the program and its development. ThePACis usually composed of employers, scholars, or any other external person representing a stakeholder (industry, business, government, other agencies) with an interest in the quality of the program's graduates.
3.1 General Purpose for PAC Committees
One of the most common characteristics associated with high-quality academic programs is their close ties with business, industry, and labor.
Education today must align with and fulfill employers’ needs for competent, high-performing employees who enter the workforce with technology expertise and fundamental job-success skills. Because academic programs must be integral parts of the communities they serve, it is necessary to have close cooperation between the college and local employers. One of the most effective ways of providing a link between the community and the college is through advisory committees. Advisory committees are essential and play an important role in guiding, strengthening, and improving existing programs. The Programs must be inter-linked with the business, industry, and labor representatives who indeed have a wealth of expertise, personnel, and technologies to offer community and college systems.
What is an advisory committee? An advisory committee is a group of employers and employees who advise educators on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of academic programs. Each advisory committee is made up of individuals with experience and expertise in the field that the program serves.
3.2 Roles of Advisory Committees
The roles of the advisory committee are to advise, assist, support, and advocate the academic programs. Advisory committees also provide specifications for a program and help to ensure the quality of program graduates. An advisory committee’s role is offer suggestions for improvements that will help the program grow and expand.
Advisory committees can provide:
- Labor market needs and trends
- Advise to the formulation of the Program’s PEOs
/ PAC Committee
QAC Director Quality Manual / Section 3 / Rev.: A / Page 2 of 5
- Specifications
- Validation of content
- Assessment of program quality (PM-11-rev.a.1)
- Unique education/training experiences
- Credibility
- Assistance in adapting skill standards for local needs
A successful advisory committee is one that plans and carries out a program of work that aligns the technical/occupational program with employers’ needs. The program of work will most likely include these broad areas:
Assessment and counsel—The advisory committee assesses each area of the program and offers suggestions on ways to improve that area. For example, the committee might suggest ways to modify the curriculum, review teaching materials for technical accuracy, provide information on equipment and vendors, and establish safety guidelines.
Assistance—The advisory committee assists the program by helping instructors and administrators secure mentors and internships for students. The committee also assists with placement of graduates.
Promotion and support—The advisory committee promotes the academic program in the community. Promotion and support can take forms such as communicating with effective groups, and authoring newspaper articles.
3.3 Size of Committee
The size and composition of an effective advisory committee should be appropriate to meet the educational, economic, social, and cultural obligations of the program and the college. The number of persons appointed to an advisory committee should be determined by the committee’s functions, the size of the program, and the size of the community. The “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work. At the same time, certain general parameters should be kept in mind. Committees with fewer than five members may have limited perspective, inadequate information on career fields, and too little diversity. Committees with more than 12–18 members can become unmanageable. In many cases, a membership of 6–12 is ideal.
3.4 Selection ofMembers
The selection of the Advisory committee relies on the Department Council, under the leadership of the chairperson. Advisory committees should consist primarily of employers. To be effective, committee members should have a clear sense of trends in the field. They should be able to identify skills that will ensure the employability of your program’s graduates, and they should be able to identify jobs that don’t yet exist but are likely to in the near future. This is necessary to keep your program on the cutting edge. When recruiting members, identify committed leaders and seek members who express sincere interest in the program, have the confidence of others in
/ PAC CommitteeQAC Director Quality Manual / Section 3 / Rev.: A / Page 3 of 5
the community, and are dedicated to the occupation and the community. In the development of a new advisory committee, college personnel should visit business sites to demonstrate their desire to build a true partnership that embraces the needs of employers. Members are expected to have
good communication skills; should be able to express their ideas clearly; and must be able to respect, tolerate, and work with ideas expressed by others.
The PAC committee members are selected, taking into consideration with the following criteria: