Composition II Course Abilities Rubric

1. Completes college-level research tasks, demonstrating proficient use of Web, database, and other library resources

1 Minimal achievement: Cited sources reflect inadequate search methods, producing insufficient or non-authoritative source material. Little or no evaluation of Web, academic database and other library resources demonstrated.

2 Satisfactory achievement: Research demonstrates proficient use of Web, academic database and other library resources to locate, evaluate, and select relevant and authoritative information. Research methods produce sources that clearly and appropriately support the argument, though some evidence may lack specificity or authority.

3 Excellent achievement: Research demonstrates sophistication in locating and evaluating Web, academic database, and other library resources. Research methods produce highly authoritative sources that precisely support argument.

2. Writes articulate arguments with increasingly sophisticated claims using authoritative, documented evidence, and appeals

1 Minimal achievement: Articulates in general fashion or ineffectively expresses arguments supported by authoritative evidence. Generally or insufficiently differentiates authoritative from non-authoritative evidence. Relies excessively on direct quotation and insufficiently paraphrases or summarizes sources. Incorrectly applies criteria of argumentation, appeals, evaluation and presentation of evidence, and organized structure for an appropriate audience.

2 Satisfactory achievement: Effectively articulates college-level arguments supported by authoritative evidence. Usually or typically differentiates authoritative from non-authoritative evidence. Accurately and strategically summarizes and paraphrases sources and uses direct quotation judiciously. Applies appeals, evaluation, and presentation of evidence for an academic audience, including counterarguments, rebuttal, and multiple perspectives.

3 Excellent achievement: Effectively and inventively applies methods of argumentation supported by authoritative evidence to intellectually challenging claims. Differentiates authoritative from non-authoritative evidence. Fluently uses summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation. Comprehensively and purposefully applies appeals, evaluation, and presentation of evidence,including sophisticated treatment of counterargument, rebuttal, and multiple perspectives.

3. Applies advanced methods of evaluation and critical inquiry to college-level writing assignments

1 Minimal achievement: Shows some effort to ask critical questions and to develop ideas. Effectiveness of the thought process is hindered by generalizations, gaps in knowledge, and underdevelopment of ideas and supportive work. Often difficult to understand how conclusions, organizational strategy, and the thesis or focus were established.

2 Satisfactory achievement: Critical questions and ideas are suitably coherent. Generally, analysis is thoughtful and critical, but some elements of the reasoning process may be weak, incomplete, or underdeveloped.

3 Excellent achievement: Ideas and critical questions are coherent, inventive, and comprehensive. Thought process shows initiative, independent thinking, precision, and thoughtful discourse.

4. Clearly expresses ideas in writing through the effective use of standard English and applies documentation rules consistently

1 Minimal achievement. Essay does not properly cite sources using a standard documentation style, including correlation between in-text citations and Works Cited page, dropped citations, and errors in indirect citation. Excessive sentence-level errors prevent the clear communication of ideas. Lack of coherence and unity makes the writing difficult to follow.

2 Satisfactory achievement. Sources are cited using a standard documentation style with few errors in in-text citation, Works Cited page, and indirect citations. Sources are introduced appropriately and in context. Writing demonstratesreasonable control over expression of ideas and is generally clear. The writing may contain some sentence-level errors, but these do not prevent clear communication of ideas. Coherence and unity are generally consistent.

3 Distinguished achievement. The essay skillfully incorporates in-text citations and correctly documents sources. Writing expresses ideas using clear and sophisticated prose and has few, if any, sentence-level errors. Coherence and unity are not only consistent but purposeful.