Name(s):______Topic: ______




To create a poster to make people consider global warming/climate change as a serious, urgent issue. Consider the information, images, or techniques from the movie, “Six Degrees Could Change the World” that made an impression on you. Posters should highlight many aspects of global warming/climate change and should include its causes, effects, and possible solutions.


1.  Must answer these questions concerning global warming/climate change:

a)  How was global warming/climate change caused

b)  What are the effects on the environment, people, animals, etc.

c)  Describe in detail a possible solution or several solutions in less detail to global warming/climate change.

d)  Gives at least five statistics relating your topic to global warming/climate change.

2.  Answers to these questions must be stated very clearly in your poster.

3.  BE CREATIVE. You can make your poster really neat, attractive, AND INFORMATIVE at the same time.

4.  DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!! Include a list of AT LEAST 3 sources that you used. Be sure to write the information on your poster IN YOUR OWN WORDS, don’t just copy it from the website you’re using.


·  Six Degrees Could Change the World: National Geographic Website

·  World View of Global Warming

·  Sierra Club: Global Warming

·  National Resource Defense Council: Global Warming

·  Global Warming: Undo It: 20 Simple Steps

·  Global Warming: Early Warning Signs

·  EPA Global Warming Site

Global Warming Poster Rubric

3 (100%) / 2 (80%) / 1 (50%) / 0 (0%) / Score
Elements of Design
Careful Planning, Use of Space, Color, Emphasis on Concept, Creativity, Neatness
(10 points) / Effectively displays all elements of design / One element of design is lacking or missing / Two elements of design are lacking or missing / Three or more elements of design are lacking or missing
Content of Poster
Did you include correct and relevant information for all the necessary items?
(40 points) / The poster clearly discusses
a possible solution to global warming and 5 statistics; details add to the representation of these concepts / The poster discusses causes, effects, and a solution to global warming ; less than five statistics are given / Two details are lacking or missing / Three or more details are lacking or missing
Did the students stay on task?
(20 points) / The project was continued until it was completed; gave effort far beyond that required; took pride in going beyond the requirement / Student work hard and completed the assignment, but with a little more effort it might have been outstanding / Student finished the project, but it could have been improved with more effort; student appeared indifferent to assignment; poster lacks finishing details / The project was completed with minimal effort or is incomplete
Overall Impression
Does the poster clearly deliver a message about the assigned topic and global warming?
(20 points) / Student poster demonstrated a clear understanding of causes, effects, and prevention of global warming / Student can articulate the primary message of the poster and the issue of global warming / Student shows minimal knowledge about poster message and/or global warming / Student is unprepared; has difficulties discussing the poster message and/or global warming
(10 points) / Student includes at least 3 reliable sources / Student includes 2 reliable resources or format is incorrect / Student includes 1 reliable resource / No references are included.
Total: / 100 points possible
