Sunday, April 12 11:30 a.m. Paschal Vespers

12:00 p.m. Blessing of Baskets & Egg Hunt

Greeters – Monica & Mark Kapral

Church Opening – Mary Beth Stenko

End of Service Collection - Foodshare

Monday, April 13 9:00 a.m. Paschal Divine Liturgy

10:00 a.m. Agape Meal & Blessing of Baskets

Wed., April 15 6:00 p.m. Paschal Vespers

Thursday, April 16 7:00 a.m. Paschal Divine Liturgy

Saturday, April 18 9:00 a.m. Paschal Divine Liturgy

5:00 p.m. Vigil

5:45 p.m. Confessions

Sunday, April 19 8:00 a.m. Confessions

8:30 a.m. Hours – Ray Dubois

9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Epistle Reader – Katie Holobinko

Icon Bearers – Carmon Girls

Greeter – Marion Hancock

Fellowship – Team 5

End of Liturgy Collection – FOCUS of North America

Church Opening – Joan Holobinko

11:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study

Church Playgroup – Firehouse Tour in South Glastonbury

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Blessing of Graves

Have a Blessed Lord’s Day, and a Peaceful Week!

Happy Birthday

Christian Holobinko – April 12th

Adele Oprica – April 12th

Sean Titus – April 12th

Chris Evans – April 13th

Tatiana Serebriakova – April 13th

Ariane Parnell – April 15th

4/5 Vigil Lights

For Health: Phyllis Sturtevant Family (P. Sturtevant), Lisa Aleo (K. Houston), Michael, Michael, Dan (M. Stenko, Vargases, Dziaduls), Dan Dziadul (Mom & Dad), Elena (Family), Nino Kavteladze (Vargases), David Carlson (M. M. Kapral), Luda, Tanya, Ana, Nick, Nick, Tanya (Luda), Viktor, Daria, Emily, Svetlana, Nastya, Dima, Nina, Irina, Valentina, Luda (Family), Family& Family in Christ (M. McDowell)

In Memory: Father William & Suzanne (Chris, Nadia, Nazarius, Alexander) Father William (Vargases, M. Coombs), Joseph Ferla (family), Alex and John Hasychak, Sr. (Family), Henry & Valentina Romanovsky (Vargases), Mary & Daniel Mainstruck (M. Coombs), Allan & Heather Coombs (M. Coombs), 147 Christians Martyred at Girissa Univ in Kenya (McDowells), Vladimir, Viktor, Oleg, Uriy (Svetlana), Nick, Sofia, Vasiliy, Varvara, Motia, Uriy (Luda), Mildred Vanderpool (McDowells), Dennis Campbell (M. M. Kapral), Ivan, Nina (Family), John & Mary Hritcko (P. Hritcko), Walter Schack (Fitzgeralds), Aleksandra & Anton (Family)

Many Years! Memory Eternal!

Church Metrics – Memory Eternal!

John Massow – 4/12/88; Nicholas Grechko – 4/14/07; Madeline Labet – 4/15/93; Helen Grechko – 4/15/99; Martha Uwarow – 4/17/91; Mary Nazaruk – 4/18/86

April 5, 2015 Offerings

Pledges – $6,801; Non-Pledges - $91; Candles - $264; Helping Hands - $41; Frozen Food - $24; Foodshare - $0; Bookstore - $159; Memorials - $0; Sunshine Fund - $0; Parish Improv - $0; FOCUS North America - $0; Accessibility - $0; Parish Improv - $0; Rectory Fund - $0; Parking Lot Use - $0; Bottle Return - $0; Pascha Flowers - $330; Egg-stravaganza - $120; Pascha - $25

Great and Holy Saturday

Troparion — Tone 2

When You did descend to death, O Life Immortal, / You did slay hell with the splendor of Your Godhead, / And when from the depths You did raise the dead, / All the Powers of Heaven cried out, / O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory to You!

Kontakion — Tone 6

He who shut in the depths is beheld dead, / Wrapped in fine linen and spices. / The Immortal One is laid in a tomb as a mortal man. / The women have come to anoint Him with myrrh, / Weeping bitterly and crying: / “This is the most blessed Sabbath / On which Christ has fallen asleep to rise on the third day!”

Please Join Us at All Saints Church

in Bringing Smiles to the Children at CCMC

(CT Children’s Medical Center)

New Toys Collection

To help make every child’s visit to Connecticut Children’s

as comforting and enjoyable as possible.

Suggested Items School age:

J Arts and Crafts

J Paint by Number Sets, Model Sets

J Board Games

J Puzzles 100 pc or smaller

J Action Figures, Matchbox Cars

J Children’s Jewelry and cosmetics sets

J Princess Toys

J I Spy Books

J Light up Wands

J Puzzle Books

J Story Books and Novels

Please drop off toys in the Butterfly Bin in the vestibule.

Collection will continue through April 26th. Any questions please see Joan or Katie Holobinko. Thank you!


205 Scarborough St., Hartford, CT 06105

Rev. James Parnell

V. Rev. Joseph Irvin – attached

Cell Phone: (860)922-5329 Hall: (860)233-9234

April 12, 2015


Christ is Risen!

Indeed He is Risen!