The Governing Body of St Anne's College invites applications for the Plumer Junior Research Fellowship, tenable from 1 October 2016. The JRF is open to those intending to pursue research in Modern Languages who are at an early stage of their academic career, typically at post-doctoral level. The Fellowship is offered for research in any area of Modern Peninsular Spanish or Spanish American Studies.


Applications will be considered from recent doctoral graduates, or equivalent, women or men. (Please note the postis not intended for those who have just completed their first degree.)Candidates registered for doctorates at other universities are eligible. Graduate students who can provide strong evidence that they will submit their doctoral thesis by 30 September 2017 may apply. Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in St Anne’s College and in the University of Oxford.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be judged primarily on the basis of the candidate’s potential to undertake a significant and exciting programme of research in some area of Modern Peninsular Spanish or Spanish American Studies, as evidenced by their research proposal, publication record and academic references.

Essential Criteria

1)Possess a high level of research ability in Modern Peninsular Spanish or Spanish American Studies (1811 to the present day).

2)Possess a strong educational record.

3)Be at an early stage in her/his academic career, typically having a doctorate or being near submission of her/his doctoral thesis (please note the post is not intended for those who have just completed their first degree.) Applicants who are undertaking a doctoral thesis but have not yet submitted it are asked to include a clear timetable for its completion by 30 September 2017.

4)Have a coherent proposed research programme for the duration of the Fellowship, of a standard which will contribute to and enhance the nationaland international profile of Modern Languages in the University.

5)Have a record of publications and other output demonstrating researchexpertise in Modern Peninsular Spanish or Spanish American Studies (1811 to the present day), both published and forthcoming, appropriate to thecareer stage of the applicant.

6)Be able to communicate well about her/his subject.


Junior Research Fellowships are fixed-term posts, tenable for up to two years, subject to a satisfactory probationary period of six months and provided that Governing Body is satisfied that the Fellow is fulfilling the academic and other requirements of the Fellowship. To this end, the Fellow will be asked to submit a written report at the end of the Easter vacation of the first year.

The purpose of this post is to enable you to get the full benefit of the opportunity which the Fellowship offers to develop your early career by completing a research project, without embarking upon a medium-term or permanent appointment. Having taken account of the Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, the College would not regard such a post as entitling the Fellow to permanent employment on the following objective grounds:

•It is the colleges’ policy that Junior Research Fellowships should provide opportunities for academics at the beginning of their careers;

•In order to achieve a turnover of appointments in a wide range of subjects so that this policy can continue into the future for a succession of academics at this stage of their careers, it is an essential feature of these Fellowships that they are limited in duration.


It is a condition of the Fellowship that the Fellow will live in Oxford, if not in the College, and will take part in College life. This condition is not intended to prevent the Fellow from residing for reasonable periods elsewhere in this country or abroad in the interest of his or her research, but any period exceeding 28 days in term time during which the Fellow wishes to be away from Oxford will require the permission of Governing Body.

Purpose of the Post

The objectives of the College in making this appointment is to primarily develop theresearch profile and career of an early-career researcher; develop and strengthenthe research profile of the College; and more generally to contribute to the goalof maintaining the University of Oxford as a leading centre for research inModern Languages. It is expected, however, that the Fellow will undertake up to 3-hours of teaching per week during term for the College. Research Fellows require the permission of Governing Body before undertaking any paid employment whether in term or vacation. They will be permitted to teach up to 6 hours if circumstances warrant it, and permission has been sought from the Senior Tutor. Such additional teaching will be paid at standard rates.

Salary and Benefits

  • Stipend, including 3 hours of teaching per week, will be £21,500 (this figure may be reduced to take account of any award or grant already held by or promised to the successful applicant).
  • Free accommodation (bed-sitting room) will be offered if available and required; otherwise a living-out allowance of £3,821 pa will be paid.
  • The Fellow will be a member of the Senior Common Room, and will be entitled to all meals free during term, and breakfast and one main meal a day during vacation, except when the hall is closed.
  • Research Allowance up to £1,000 per annum
  • You will become a member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). Details of the pension scheme are available via the University of Oxford’s USS webpage.

About St Anne’s College

St Anne’s is an international, integrated community of some 430 undergraduates and 250 graduates. As a secular College, it has always attracted a diverse range of students of different faiths, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It has a large academic fellowship of research, tutorial and professorial fellows that ranges across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physical, Life and Medical Sciences.

St Anne’s College was founded in 1879 to promote the education of women within the University of Oxford, and was fully incorporated as a college in 1952, as one of the four solely for women. It was one of the first to admit both men and women undergraduates, some thirty years ago, and quickly established a near equal mix of men and women in both the Senior, Middle, and Junior Common Rooms, spread quite uniformly across the subjects taught in the University. St Anne's is a modern college both physically and in outlook, and is noted for its lively and unstuffy approach to teaching and research, a legacy of the pioneering spirits of the College's founders. Additional information about the College can be found at the St Anne’s web site:

About Modern Languages at St Anne’s

The Modern Languages School at St Anne’s comprises College Tutors (Fellows and Lecturers) in French, Spanish, German and Italian, as well as the Kathleen Bourne Junior Research Fellow in French. We have a large and diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students, and pride ourselves on attracting students from the broadest range of backgrounds.

Spanish plays a major part in this strong Modern Languages framework, with roughly a third of our ML undergraduates taking a combination with Spanish in any given year. It is also an important element in the College’s broader strength in Comparative Literature. St Anne’s benefits from hosting the Weidenfeld Professor of Comparative literature, whose recent holders have included Mario Vargas Llosa and Javier Cercas.

St Anne’s is also the base for the Centre for Comparative Criticism and Translation, which supports comparative work across literatures in different languages, bringing together colleagues and students from English, Medieval and Modern Languages, Oriental Studies, and Classics, as well as participants from music, visual art, history, and film. The College’s new Library and Academic Centre will soon serve as the physical home for this Centre, affirming the College’s place at the centre of an innovative range of cultural events and research activity.

How to Apply

Electronic applications only. The following documents should be sent, in Word format, or as a pdf, attached to an email, to Mrs Rebecca Coupland, Executive Assistant, St Anne’s College:

1) A completed Appointing Committee’s Form (see page 5).

2) A Curriculum Vitae.

3) A Research statement (not more than 500 words) setting out your research interests.

4) Two academic references. Referees should be asked to write (in English please) directly to the Executive Assistant (email above), without waiting for a request from the College.

5) Candidates are also invited to complete the voluntary equal opportunities form and return it by post to St Anne’s College, or by email to . These forms are used for monitoring purposes and will not be seen by any member of the selection committee.

Please note

Written work should not be sent, but may be requested at a later date.

The deadline for receipt of applications, including ALL references, is noon on Friday 15 January 2016.

The email subject line should be ‘Plumer JRF’.

It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that all of the relevant materials, including references, are submitted by the application deadline. Incomplete applications will be discarded.

Candidates are advised that a personal interview will be essential. Interviews are expected to take place during late February or early March 2016. Reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses will be considered. Skype interviews can be arranged for any applicants who are overseas and unable to travel to Oxford for interview.

Right to work in the UK

The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 makes it a criminal offence foremployers to employ someone who is not entitled to work in the UK. We thereforeask applicants to provide proof of their right to work in the UK before employment can commence and usually at the point of interview.

Appointees who are not European Union nationals, or permanent residents entitled to work without restriction in the UK, will require a UK work permit; the College will make the necessary application, but final appointment is contingent upon this being successful.

The appointment will be subject to satisfactory provision of proof of the right to work in the UK. Applicants who would need a work visa if appointed to the post are asked to note that under the UK’s new points-based migration system they will need to demonstrate that they have sufficient points, and in particular that:

(i) they have sufficient English language skills (evidenced by having passed a test in basic English, or coming from a majority English-speaking country, or having taken a degree taught in English)


(ii) that they have sufficient funds to maintain themselves and any dependants until they receive their first salary payment.

Further information is available at:

Equal Opportunities

The policy and practice of St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, require that entry into employment with the College and progression within employment shall be determined only by personal merit and the application criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or hers gender, age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. In all cases, ability to do the job will be the primary consideration.

Subject specific queries should be sent to Dr Geraldine Hazbun, Associate Professor in Medieval Spanish Literature, . Practical queries about the post or about either the application or interview process should be sent to the Executive Assistant, Mrs Rebecca Coupland ().




Where did you find out about this vacancy?
Surname: / Forename: / Title:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Postal Address:
Current or most recent institution:
Subject area of research:
PhD/ D Phil Title:
Date Started (month/year): / Date completed (month/year):
Name of first referee:
Email address:
Name of second referee:
Email address:
Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that references are received by the deadline of noon on Friday 15 January 2016, as referees will not be approached by the College. Please do not send more than two referees; additional references will not be considered.

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