“Home of the Eagles”



Centerville Elementary School

350 North 100 East

Centerville, UT 84014

Phone: 801-402-1400

Fax: 801-402-1401

“Learn Now…Soar for a Lifetime.”

Davis School District & Employee Code of Ethics

Employee involved in any capacity in the education of young people must represent the higheststandards and values of the community. The purpose of this document is to establish ethicalstandards for the conduct of all district employees. Following these standards will ensure thehighest principles of behavior and uphold the trust vested in us by our community.

All employees shall:

  • Treat students, parents, fellow employees, and community members with dignity andrespect, demonstrating fairness and sensitivity for ethnic, religious, and cultural heritage.
  • Promote a safe, nurturing, and positive school and work environment.
  • Establish and maintain open and positive communication with patrons and fellowemployees.
  • Maintain confidentiality concerning students, families, and employees, and avoid spreadingrumors.
  • Address problems and grievances in an appropriate manner, beginning with the personclosest to the problem.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of an act in accordance with district policies and procedures, aswell as legal and contractual standards, responsibilities, and obligations.
  • Support the District Plan for Fostering Educational Excellence.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to learning and professional growth.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • Model and promote appropriate language.
  • Use facilities and equipment in a manner that protects the resources and property of thedistrict.
  • Protect district assets and financial resources by following accepted accounting practices anddistrict policy.
  • Comply with the Utah Ethics Act and refrain from using one’s position for personal gain.

As Employees of the Davis School District, we assume the responsibility for representing theDistrict in a manner characterized by trust, morality, and ethical principles.


You must have your absences recorded in Encore by 9:30 am and 1:30 pm (for PM kinder). Calls go out at 10 am and 2 pm. If a child come’s in late, they must check in at the office on the computer – that will change their absence to a “Late” and no call will go out.

If you have a substitute, have them take roll on a slip of paper and get it (student runner) to the school secretaries by 9:10 am.

Every child who is marked absent will be marked for the computer system to generate a computer call to that child's parent with the following words:

Hello, this message is from Centerville Elementary School.Our records show, <First Name> <Last Name>, was marked absent today.

This is a courtesy call and no further action is required on your part.However, if you believe your child is at school and you have received this call in error, please call Centerville at 801,402,1400 to speak with a school secretary.

To repeat this message, press the star key.

It is very important that as a teacher you are vigilant in making sure you are accurate with your reporting. Misinformation to parents in regards to their child being here or not can be a very serious concern.


Teachers must follow these procedures whenever they are absent from school/work:

  1. The “Request for Leave” form (located by teacher boxes) must be used when requesting leave for 1) professional leave (30 day notice), 2) Personal Leave (several day notice), and 3)Staff Development/In-service (10 day notice). Fill out that form and put it in the principal’s box.
  2. When a teacher is sick, they do not need to fill out this form, (See Sick Leave)
  3. Whenever a teacher is gone and a sub is here, the teacher should have previously:
  4. Notified office staff – either by email or let them know when you come through the office.
  5. Use the subfinder. Even if you do not use the subfinder to secure your sub, you must enter it in the subfinder (district mandate).
  6. Fill out and submit the “Leave” form and include the subfinder job number (not necessary when using sick leave)
  7. More “subfinder” information can be found here:


Absentee letters – will be send home for those who have 10 absences and/or tardies per term. The office will send absentee letters.


AR is no longer accessible here at Centerville Elementary.


Accidents are to be reported immediately to the office so that the student can get the assistance necessary for the injury. Office staff will fill out an accident report to be submitted to the district. The office will notify parents. Teachers should not try and take care of injuries in the classroom and should not let the student call home to report an injury – refer them to the office immediately.

ACTIVITIES – Grade/class level.

All grade level activities must be approved through the principal who will approve and calendar grade level activities on the school’s web calendar. Classroom activities need not be posted on the school’s web calendar but still need approval by the principal. Also, teachers should let the office know when their class physically deviates from their regular schedule.


Students must be picked-up (or walk home) promptly at the end of school and may not stay on school grounds unless they are under the supervision of a teacher or their parent. Teachers should not keep children after school without first contacting parents and making arrangements.


During the week, student council members will take the first 5 minutes of school to provide announcements over the P.A. system. Additionally, announcements will be contained in each week’s Monday Memo.


Must be completed by every teacher before the end September of each school year.


  1. Go to “My DSD” on the district web page
  2. Log in using Encore password
  3. Click in a blue box indicating “files that need your attention”
  4. Read the appropriate material and click the box indicating that you have read the material


Student should not arrive at school prior to 8:40 am (Exception – breakfast is served at 8:30 am). Students should wait outsideuntil the first bell rings at 8:45 am. Students then line up outside. Teachersshould arrive by 8:15 am. Contract time is 8:15 am to 3:45 pm.


School wide assemblies will be posted on the school’s calendar and on the Monday Memos. Refer to the assembly maps for seating arrangements. We typically have an assembly once a month or less.


Regular attendance is essential for students to learn and progress in school. Teachers are responsible to take roll and to input absences and late arrivals on the computer daily. This should be done within the first 30 minutes of class. If a child has more than 5 absences within a term, the teacher should report those absences to the officewho will follow up on habitual absences and tardies by sending written notice to parents (see graduated scale listed below). “Students who have unexcused absences, excessive absence or tardies, suspicious absences, misrepresented parental verification or other related issues during school hours will be considered truant and are subject to a truancy citation and fined accordingly.” Utah State Code. Absences will be cleared for family emergencies, illness, and extenuating circumstances (legitimate reasons). It is the administration’s right to clear absences, not parents. If parents show a pattern of neglect in getting their children to school, which is not being corrected, a referral to juvenile court for educational neglect can be made. A student who is absent 10 consecutive days should be taken off school records.

First Warning:Administrative meeting with student; email/phone call to parents.

Second Warning: Administrative meeting with student; $10 citation/letter to parents.

Third Warning: Administrative meeting with student; $15 citation/letter to parents.

Fourth Warning: Administrative meeting with student; $20 citation/letter to parents and administrative conference.

Fifth Warning:Administrative meeting with student; $25 citation/letter to parents; referral to DSD Student Service/juvenile court.


Those students who have demonstrated exceptional attendance during the period of a term will have their names posted on our school honor roll. They will receive a certificate of recognition and a reward. Their names will also be included in a weekly email to the community.


Teachers should enter all absences by 9:30 am each morning. At 10:00 am an automated call will go out to the parent of each child on our absentee list. The call will indicate to the parent that their child is absent from school.



Baseball. Students may NOT play baseball (with a hard ball) on school grounds. Students may play softball but a teacher must supervise them. Students may not play softball without supervision. Students should not bring bats and balls from home.


At Centerville Elementary we try to encourage and celebrate the positive behavior of our students! We believe that elementary school is where kids really start to learn the importance of being a socially responsible citizen in a community setting.

Centerville Behavioral Expectations:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Teacher & Staff Responsibilities:

  • Teachers and staff will teach, model and practice each of the behavioral expectations throughout the year.
  • Teachers and staff will acknowledge student behaviors and expectations.
  • Teachers and staff will follow procedures for infractions.

Acknowledgment System

The acknowledgement system is a feature of the Soaring Eagle behavioral expectation system. The behavioral expectation system focuses on acknowledging students who demonstrate Centerville behavioral expectations. This program works in conjunction with school-wide and classroom goals.

Specific verbal feedback - When you observe students being, safe, organized, accountable, and/or respectful, acknowledge them by giving specific positive verbal feedback such as:

  • “That was so helpful the way you held the door open for your classmates.”
  • “Thank you for walking with your hands and feet to yourself.”

Blue Star Tickets: Individual recognition for great things students do every day.

•Earned for ALL positive behaviors: academic, citizenship, or exemplary actions.

•Can be earned at any time, at any place, and from any adult.

•This is not something a student asks to earn, but it is an opportunity for us to tell what we appreciate in you!

•Blue star tickets are not the reason for being awesome, because we should always do our best, and be our best, everywhere. That is part of who we are.

What happens when I earn a blue star ticket?

  • Put your name on the back and put it into your class drawing.
  • Drawings for one blue ticket from each classroom will be held each Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM.
  • Winners each Friday sign the Celebrate the Positive Bulletin Board, have their group picture put up on the bulletin board, and have their ticket added to the Principal’s 200 Club!
  • Ten (10) in a row in the Principal’s Club will choose to participate in a Principal Party.
  • Teachers can also have a drawing ANY time they want in their classroom for other types of recognition.

Eagle Wings: Individual Recognition for even greater things that students do!

•Award given by any staff member, to any student.

•Shared in morning announcements.

•We get to call your parents and tell them how awesome you are!

•Student automatically draws number to be placed on the Principal’s 200 club board.

•Give certificate, pin, and take picture with parents.

•Given for any of the following reasons: Academic, Behavior, Citizenship, or anything else!

Eagle Feathers: Whole Class Awards

  • Given to your whole class when EVERYONE in the class is following class or school procedures.
  • Color of Eagle Feather determined by location and/or grade.
  • Given by any staff member to any other class (not their own).
  • 10 Eagle Feathers = Eagle for classroom above door and class entered into Principal Party drawing.
  • 5 sets of 10 Eagle Feathers (50) will earn the classroom an automatic Principal Party.

Handling Infractions of Behavioral Expectations

Centerville Elementary will maintain a level system for handling infractions of behavioral expectations. Outlined below is the level system along with the instructions for handling such behaviors:

Level 1 behaviors include:

  • Calling/Talking Out Classroom Disruptions
  • Dress Code Violations
  • Toys, Skate Boards, Personal Electronic Devices (PED)
  • Profanity
  • Tardiness
  • Lying / Cheating
  • Aggression (pushing / shoving)
  • Failure to Comply with Rules & Teacher Directions (Non-Compliance)
  • Belligerent / Disrespectful Attitude
  • Inappropriate Comments / Put Downs / Teasing
  • Work Completion
  • Lunchroom violation (throwing food, stealing food, etc.)

Step 1: Level 1 behaviors are to be handled by the classroom teacher or staff member witnessing such behaviors. Model the appropriate behavior and restate the expectation to the student.

Step 2: If behaviors persist, the classroom teacher will have the student go to the SNAP Center within the classroom or within a buddy classroom (at least two grade levels difference). While at the SNAP Center, SNAP rules should be posted and the student will fill out an Reflect & Refocus (R&R) form. Logical consequences should be applied (directly related to the behavior, i.e., cleaning up a mess that the student made). Later the same day, the classroom teacher will meet with the student for the purpose of reviewing the R&R form, role playing appropriate behaviors, restating the expectations, and determining any other obstacles to compliance. The classroom teacher will also notify the parent that same day by phone or email of the incident (documented on the R&R form). A copy of the completed R&R form will be sent home with the students. Confirmation that the parent is aware of the incident should be documented through email, phone conversation, or by a parent signature on the R&R form. The classroom teacher will file the original R&R form in the student’s cumulative file within the classroom. In this way the classroom teacher can provide additional copies if needed for the Local Case Management Team (LCMT), or continue to monitor the student’s behavior. One of the following LCMT members may be a resource for this process: Counselor, School Psychologist, or Administration. If you would like to utilize the resources of one of these LCMT members, please email, call or text the individual.

Step 3:If similar Level 1 behaviors are repeated more than 3 times, then the classroom teacher will send a Successful Recess Referral Form (SRRF) to be approved by the student’s parents. After the SRRFhas been signed by the parent and returned, it should be placed in the Successful Recess Box.

Step 4: If Level 1 behaviors have not improved after the interventions above have been implemented, teachers will complete the Intervention Tracking Form – Behavior (blue) and put in an administrator’s mailbox. One or more Instructional Team members will attend your next Professional Leaning Community (PLC)or Grade Level Team Meeting (GLTM) to brainstorm ideas for formulating a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and conducting a Functional Behavioral Analysis (FUBA).

Level 2 behaviors include:

  • **Chronic Level 1 Behaviors
  • Acceptable User Agreement Abuse
  • Sexual, Racial or Religious slurs, Extensive Profanity, Threats, Gestures or other Abusive Language
  • Fighting or Aggression (defined as two or more students engaged in deliberate aggression toward one another)
  • Sexual Harassment of Student or Teacher
  • Leaving School Grounds / Truancy
  • Stealing / Forgery
  • Minor Vandalism or Destruction of Property (restorable)
  • Taunting / Bullying / Gossiping / Exclusion

Step 1: Level 2 behaviors must be communicated to school administration by the end of the day of the incident (unless they are chronic Level 1 behaviors) so that proper documentation can occur within ENCORE.

Step 2: Teachers should follow the same protocol for Level 1 Behaviors (i.e., SNAP Center, R&R Form, etc.). If classroom teachers feel their own safety or that of the students is in jeopardy, they may referthe student to the office at the teacher’s discretion. When the R&R Form is complete, the student will meet with school administration to review School Rules and District Safe Schools Policy where applicable. This will take place with the student when classroom instruction is least interrupted and an administrator is available. After meeting with the student, an administrator will fill send a SRRF home with the student and an administrator will notify the student’s parents of the incident.

Level 3 behaviors include:

  • **Chronic Level 2 Behaviors
  • Bringing a real or pretend weapon to school to intimidate or to threaten an individual (expulsion can be warranted)
  • Arson or Bomb Threat
  • Major Vandalism or Destruction of Property (irreversible)
  • Using, possessing, distributing, or selling real or pretend drugs (prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol)
  • Gang activity on or about school property (threatening, soliciting gang membership, flashing signs, wearing gang apparel)
  • Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Harassment, Hazing Retaliation (retribution for a student reporting bullying) on or about school property including bus stop and on the school bus. School officials can discipline students for off-campus speech that disrupts the school environment or interferes with a student’s educational performance.

Step 1: **Level 3 behaviors should be referred to the office immediately. Because of the seriousness of the behavior, the classroom teacher should gather any witness statements from students or staff members that observed the incident or were involved. Consequences for students who engage in level 3 behaviors include immediate removal from the classroom for a period of time followed by a suspension. School Administration can suspend a regular education student up to 10 days per incident. When contemplating expulsion, a suspension longer than 10 days, or a change of placement, the school administration will make a referral to DCMT. Upon learning of the incident, a school administrator will notify parents immediately. One or more LCMT members will attend the classroom teacher’s nextProfessional Leaning Community (PLC)or Grade Level Team Meeting (GLTM) to brainstorm ideas for formulating a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and conducting a Functional Behavioral Analysis (FUBA).