BH BL High School Lacrosse Booster Club

Meeting Minutes: January 8, 2013

High School


Pete Brown Tom Schwan

Jake McHerron Cindy LeBel

Sherri Wolfe Laura Reed

Dave Ball Elizabeth Clark

Minutes from meeting on November 6, 2012 were submitted and approved with the following revisions:

Frank Emmer will stay on this year as Girls Co- treasurer. Laura Reed will serve as Boys Co-Treasurer. Laura agreed to help Elizabeth with secretarial duties. Pete Brown will maintain the Boy’s check book.

President‘s Report

Pete and Tom reviewed the tryout schedule for the 2013 Season.

The boys JV and Varsity tryouts will take place 3/4 -3/6/13. Boys Modified will have tryouts begin 3 weeks later, on March 25, 2013.

Pete and Tom choose Thursday 3/14, 2013 @ 6:30 in the HS Cafeteria for the Boys Meet the Team Night. Cindy will confirm the date with Jake. If possible, Girls’ Meet the Team will take place the same night directly after practice in the MS gym. The boys will serve pizza, water and Gatorade.

Treasurer’s Report: Pete Brown

Modified Lacrosse teams:

Review budget assumptions:

Girls: 25 girls on mod team X $125 dues = $ 3,125.00

Boys: 30 boys on mod team X $150 dues = $ 4,500.00

Fund raising need $ 4,375.00

Total amount need to fund both Mod teams = $ 12,000.00

Dues for JV and Varsity teams:

Project income Girls: ______@ $125 $______

Project income Boys: (20 varsity and 25 JV @ $150) $ 6,750.00

Fund raising need $______

Total amount needed for established programs $14,000.00

Combined Cost to support Girls and Boys Program is $26,000.00

2013 Budget discussed and accepted the following comments

Ø  The projected Cost for Boys Modified budget is

Coach $2000

6 away games, bussing $1200

6 home games, officials $720

Ø  The boys are not due for new uniforms until 2014

Ø  There is an old set of 30 maroon jerseys to go to Modified boys, 30 whites will need to be purchased.

Ø  Anticipate 4 Sessions on the turf @ Union. The school covers 2 including bussing. Booster Club needs to cover 2 @ a cost of $135 per team, per session. Booster club responsibility for Union Turf time will be $ 270 for the girls and $ 270 for the boys.

Ø  Nick Demarco has agreed to be Boys Modified Coach

Ø  Jr Spartans have voted to contribute $ 200 to each program level and are voting on an increase to $500.

Ø  The boy’s budget for 2013 was approved.

Ø  The Girls budget has over a $1200 surplus. Jake to submit the projected girl’s Budget.

The Fundraiser Letter campaign was discussed and accepted the following comments

Ø  Pete read an example letter developed by the Union Football program

Ø  Cindy volunteered to write a draft of a parent intro letter and the Lacrosse Campaign Letter.

Ø  Coaches agreed to email Cindy program highlights and accomplishments to include in the Campaign letter

Ø  Kids will be asked to come to the next Team informational Meeting with a total of 8 (per player or 8 per family of players) names and addresses of friends, family or business acquaintances for mailing.

Ø  Tom requested Excel Spreadsheet of all Boy’s Team emails and addresses

Treasurer’s Report: Frank Emmer

Treasurer’s Report joint discussion:

New and Old Business

Elizabeth Clark assumed office of Secretary

Tentative Booster Club Meeting: Tuesday March 5, 2013

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 5, 2013 7pm Red Room

Motion to adjourn was presented and accepted.