DATE:Thurday, 6th August 2015


VENUE:Room A371, GCU

Present:Gayle Mackie

Linda Bell

Charlotte Fairley

Scott Rudnicki Bayne

Kenny Munro

Andrew Downie Stewart

Carol Devlin

1. / Apologies
Apologies from Ian Morrison and Denise Atkinson
2. / Minutes of the Last Meeting
No minutes to approve as this is the first proper meeting of the tech sig
3. / Questions asked about group
GM contacted Jerry Morse (JM) about questions the group had as follows:
·What is the purpose of the sig – do we do our own thing and just keep in touch/network, or is there an expectation from SCSN for us to do something in particular?
There is no expectation of the SCSN to do anything in particular it is driven by what the techs want to discuss and the SCSN will help where ever possible it is about collaboration/networking and of course pushing the boundaries
·The workshops mentioned at the AGM – if the tech sig run one, who should it be for, SCSN members only? Whoever wants to attend? Is the intention for it to be income generating for SCSN?
Any workshop does not need to be for SCSN members though obviously it would be preferable, certainly some income would be ideal but again cost neutral to cover catering etc would also be acceptable
·SimTech Day and the SimTech forum – if we wanted to somehow affiliate these with SCSN, instead of Scott and I running them, could we do that and what would be the benefits? Techs were worried about losing autonomy and control of these events, but I thought it would give us more of a platform and potential for funding etc.
Yes this is possible and I think that there is a SimTech Sig page on the new website if not we can put one there, I agree that coordination through the SCSN would give the SIG more of a platform and the potential for some funding if needed
4. / Workshops
The group discussed running workshops and if this might be done as part of SimTech day. There was no conclusion to this as such as some workshops might be a day long and would work better as standalone sessions.
It was decided that we would all identify our core function/role and email a synopsis to GM. From this we will develop a main set of functions for simtechs and tailor any workshops around this in the first instance. / ALL
5. / SimTech Day
The idea of having SimTech day and the SimTech forum affiliated with or endorsed by SCSN was received positively. Members thought this would be a good idea and agreed that we could do with the platform and network opportunities that SCSN may be able to provide.
2015 SimTech day will potentially be held in the Medical Education Training Centre at Kirklands Hospital. GM will contact Michael McCrossan and Catie Paton to confirm, and get a definite date arranged. If METC are unable to host, SRB and ADS are will ing to host at Forth Valley again.
GM re-iterated that there is webspace available for the group on the SCSN site which we can use to promote SimTech day.
The aim is to get nearer 50 participants this year.
SRB indicated that Limbs and Things may be keen to offer some sponsorship for this event. / GM
6. / SCSN Conference 2016
3 main points of consideration for techs for the annual conference were discussed:
  • What do we want from/to contribute to the conference?
A dedicated tech focussed stream – we could present 4 workshops from the tech sig, but open to all, over the course of a day, which would still allow us a whole day to take part in the main conference. We would all be interested in shadowing a more experienced steering group member to learn about chairing sessions, judging etc. The idea of a tech prize similar to the student prize was also raised.
  • Reduced Price for Techs
    All indicated that cost was prohibitive for techs attending the conference. Managers may be more likely to support if techs were given a reduced rate to reflect lesser earnings than most delegates. A fee in line with student fee may improve tech attendance.
  • After dinner entertainment
Techs have ideas for a few stations of SimTech OSCEs. Requirements: 1 manikin with full set of male and female clothes and genitalia, stopwatches, baby picture of each member of the tech sig, high resolution picture of Jerry’s face. Details to be revealed on the night.
7. / Membership/Mailing List
GM will see if there is an existing list of all simulation centres in Scotland. We will then compose a standard email and send to each asking if their technical support would like to be on a mailing list for all future workshops/simtech days. / GM
8. / AOCB
SRB brought up the idea of a SimTech exchange opportunity. He had been approached about it, and GM also said she had thought this would also be a good idea previously. The group are uncertain of management support, but willing to consider the idea anyway. This will be discussed at future meetings.