3rd Annual2018 Recycling Art Contest

January 2018

Dear students and parents,

The Sullivan County Elementary Art Departmentis getting geared up for the 3rd Annual Recyclable Art Contest, for students in grades K – 6th, in celebration of Earth Day.

Students may submit one work of art constructed entirely of recyclable materialsto Mrs. Swift by April 6, 2018. Artwork may not exceed 36 inches in any direction. Please consider dropping projects off by hand rather than sending them on the bus to limit transportation issues. Large projects must be dropped off by parents.

Students may work in any media. If the artwork is free standing, it must be stable enough to stand alone without falling over. If it is a piece that is to be hung, please make sure the materials used to hang the artwork are strong and durable enough to hold the piece. Parents must sign consent formon back for artwork to be entered into competition.

A panel of judges will rate the work based on these criteria:

Integration and Transformation- How are the recyclable items incorporated into the project to transform them into a piece of art?

Creativity, Individuality, Originality, Uniqueness-How does the piece of work reflect the theme of using recyclable materials to produce artwork that is unique?

Presentation, Looks-Was the participant able to pull the materials together to create a neat, clearly formed piece of art?

*A written explanation telling about your artwork and how you made it is appreciated!

Thanks to our sponsors (to be announced later);1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners will receive cash prizesin two different grade level groups (K-3) and (4-6). All students will receive a certificate of participationand theirartwork will be on display throughout the building throughout April, until the SCES art show on May 3, 2018.

Ten projects from (K-3) grades and ten projects from (4-6) gradeswill be selected by a panel of judges to be displayed as part of the Youth Art Show at Sullivan CountyLibrary on April 21, 2018 in Dushore,PA.

If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Melissa Swift – Elementary Art Teacher at or 570-946-7471.

In Art,

Mrs. Melissa Swift

Scott Foreman (2015). Griffin (PSF) couleur.png.

(February 2006). RecyclingSymbolGreen.png.

Cut out and attach to the back of project

Consent Statement: By this signature, I shall hold harmless the Sullivan County School District, its agencies and employees from any and all liability in the acquisition, storage, transportation, or exhibition of this work of art. I hereby grant to the Sullivan County School District and Studio K Galleria permission to display in the news media or electronically via the Internet or in other displays, the art work (described in this form) submitted by my child in conjunction with his/ her participation in the 2018 Recycling Art Contest. By signing this release, I consent that my child’s artwork, name, grade, and school district may be displayed by Sullivan County School District, Sullivan County Library, allowing this information to be viewed by the general public. I also grant the Sullivan County School District permission to display in the news media or electronically via the Internet and in other displays, photographs and/or video footage of my child taken in conjunction with his/her participation in the student art exhibition


Student Name

Title of Artwork being entered ______

Home Street Address ______City State Zip ______Print Parent or Guardian Name and Date

X ______

Parent or Guardian Signature

Scott Foreman (2015). Griffin (PSF) couleur.png.

(February 2006). RecyclingSymbolGreen.png.