Risk Assessment of Corhampton Golf Course
The following Risk Assessment applies to all persons on the course, i.e. Members of the Golf Club, Visitors to the Club and also all Staff members.
Corhampton Golf Club recognises that a public right of way known as the Wayfarers Walk passes alongside the course and, to that end, has erected signage
warning users of this right of way that they are passing the course which they should not stray onto.
Certain areas of the course are bordered by roads therefore considerationof risk is also given to users of those roads, namely motorists, pedestrians and
horse riders.
Risks have been categorised as follows – Low, Medium or High
There is a reasonable assumption that all persons on the course are potentially at risk in respect of all risks identified.
The following risks apply to the whole course:
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / Action- Injury when searching for lost balls in and under trees, bushes and hedges
- Slope awareness – danger of slipping
- Use of steps – danger of trips and slips
- Danger of being hit by stray golf balls
If in any doubtshout “Fore.”If heard crouch down and cover head
- Playing in reduced light, fog or mist
High / Fog or bad light - If the 2 pine trees beyond the 150 yard marker on the left side of the 1st fairway cannot be seen play is strictly forbidden.
Suspension of play on klaxon activation is mandatory.
Do not play. Do not wait for klaxon. Seek shelter but not under trees.
Don’t put an umbrella up! / Activation of klaxon – 1 long continuous blast – play suspended. Play may recommence follow 2 short blasts.
Wooden shelters available between 2nd & 4th tee, to rear of 5th green, Spooners and Dacombes Den between 9th & 10th, next to 13th tee.
- Snow/ice/frost/wet
and slips / High / Notices placed advising of need for extra care. Advice to use spiked golf shoes / Consideration to closure of areas of/or the course. Steps and winter mats treated with salt.
- Big hitters
- Players striking a ball outside of the course perimeter namely onto the roads adjacent to the practice ground, 1st, 4th and 5th holes.
- Access to teeing areas from greens - potential of being struck by golf ball
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionShepherds Farm Lane running along the right hand side of the fairway - danger of being hit by a stray golf ball / Medium / Golfers are advised to aim to the centre of the fairway also generic risk. / Maintain trees on the boundary to provide element of protection
Playing over trees on left hand side of the fairway onto 2nd fairway / Medium / Golfers advised to aim to the centre of the fairway. Advice to shout “Fore.”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSlope leading to the teeing area / Medium / Advice re care when walking up/down slopes.
Danger of hitting players on 1st and 3rd fairways & tees by stray golf ball / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting Lady players by the forward tee. / High / Players to stand well away from the line of play.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionHitting unseen group in front when driving from tee / Medium / Warning notice not to drive off until bell is heard if driving long. / Players instructed to ring bell when passing
Danger of hitting players on 7A tee (if in use) fairway & green when driving and playing 2nd shots / Low as only affects long drivers / Advice to shout “Fore” if ball goes into that direction.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSteps up to tee / Medium / Generic advice re use of steps / Light and dark materials used to border edges.
Awareness of persons on 5th tee / Low / Signage in place to advisingplayers to be aware of those on the 5th tee. / Ensure sign is clearly on view.
Slope leading up to green on right hand side / Medium / Generic advice re care when walking up/down slopes.
Players on 7th green/fairway being struck by stray ball. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore.”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionCorhampton Lane running along the right hand side of the fairway - danger of being hit by a stray golf ball / Low / Golfers are advised to aim to the centre of the fairway / Maintain trees on the boundary to provide element of protection – take fairway to right in landing area.
Slope leading up to the right hand side and back of the green / High / Generic advice re care when walking up/down slopes.
If hole 6 out of play awareness of slope of path between 5th green and 7thforward tee / Medium / Generic advice re care when walking up/down slopes.
Awareness that the lower path to the rear of the 5th green leading through coppice to reach 6th tee area can be slippery / Medium / Generic advice regarding slips / Close off when new path completed
If hole 6 out of play danger of hitting players walking back to the path to hole 7 / Low / Not to play until players are clear.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSloping path leading to Medal tee can be slippery / Medium / Generic advice regarding slips / Path has been upgraded = reduced risk
Danger of hitting players on 5th green with stray shot / Low / Generic advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting unseen group in fronton 7thwhite tee / Medium / Sign in place not to drive off until signalled by bell clear to do so as per Byelaw
Net installed on Medal tee to provide protection.
Danger of hitting unseen group in front using the 7th forward tee / High / Signage indicating bell to be rung when leaving tee area
Grass slope leading from teeing area to the 6th green can be slippery / High / Advice regarding slips and skids – tee to be closed in bad conditions / Path work has commenced – consider extending around the yew.
Danger of being struck by ball by played into 8th green / Medium / Players should shout fore if ball going in that direction. Players on the 6th to be aware of this. Generic advice re stay balls.
Sloped bank leading to the green / Medium / Generic advice regarding slips
Danger of hitting Lady players on forward 6thtee / High / Players to stand well to the left.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of being hit by ball driven from 6th tee when using any of 7th tee positions / High / Net installed on white tee.
Players advised not to call up group on 6th tee.
Players to ring bell when leaving teeing area
Danger of being hit by ball driven from 7thwhite tee when stood on 7thforward tee / Medium / Players on forward tee should stand aside until able to play.
Danger of hitting players on 5th and 8th fairways with stray shot / Low and Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Over-hit approach shot to 7th green – possible danger to those playing 7a / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of being hit by ball played from 8th hole when leaving 7th tee area and going to the right of the 6th green / Medium / Roped off area to prevent possible injury / Ropes placed to prevent same.
HOLE 7A – when in use
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionFrom tee danger of hitting players on 3rd fairway and 8th teewith stray shot (if in use) / Medium / The 8th tee is visible from 7a – players must observe players on the 8th tee and not play until it is safe to do so.
Advice to shout “Fore”
Over-hit approach shot to 7a green – possible danger to those playing 9th green / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of hitting players on 7th and 9th fairways with stray shot / High / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players on 9th tee and 6th green with stray shot / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players exiting 8th green to 9th tee / Medium / Advice to shout fore. / All players advised to access 9th tee through path through copse.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of hitting players on 8th and 10th fairways with stray shot / High / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players on and by 7A green with stray shot (if in play) / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of hitting players on 9th and 18th fairways with stray shot / High / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players on path leading from 8th green to 9th tee area with stray shot. / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players on 11th path and tee / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionElevated teeing area – no access for buggies –steps leading up to tee / High / Advice re use of steps as above / Maintain yellow markings on step edges
Danger of hitting players on 10th green, 18thwhite tee and 17th green with stray shot. / Low / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting pedestrians and animals on Wayfarers Walk footpath which passes to the right of the 11th fairway with stray shot. / Medium to low / Advice to shout “Fore” / Signage on tee warning of need to shout “Fore” if ball goes to the right.Included in Etiquette section of scorecard
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSloped surround fairway bunkers / Medium / Extra care advised when entering/exiting bunkers
Danger of hitting players on 13thgreen, fairway and tees with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSloping path leading to tee area can be slippery in bad weather conditions / Medium / Advice regarding slips
Danger of hitting players on 14thfairway with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Steps in deep greenside centre bunker / High / Extra care advised when entering/exiting bunker
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSlope leading to all tee areas can be slippery in bad weather conditions / Medium / Advice regarding slips
Danger of hitting Lady players by forward tee / High / Ladies need to take extra care from 13th and 14th tees.
Danger of hitting players on 15th fairway with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Sloped surround greenside bunkers / Medium / Extra care advised when entering/exiting bunkers
Bee hives in copse 50 yards to left of fairway. / High / Do not approach the hives under any circumstances
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSlope leading to tee area can be slippery in bad weather conditions / Medium / Generic advice regarding slips
Danger of hitting players on 14th fairway with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Sloped surround fairway & greenside bunkers / Medium / Extra care advised when entering/exiting bunkers
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of hitting players on 17thgreen, fairway & tee areas with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting pedestrians and animals on Wayfarers Walk footpath which passes to the right of the 16th fairway with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting Lady players on forward tee / High / Ladies not to move forward until men have played
Danger of players driving from 17th tee with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger to all users re slope down to approach of 16th green – particularly buggy users / High / Generic advice regarding slips. Buggy users should approach from the left hand side.
Danger to all users re slope up to 16th green – particularly buggy users / High / Generic advice regarding slips. Buggy users should approach from the left hand side. / Bottom of slope is marked out.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionSteps leading up to elevated white tee / Medium / Generic advice regarding slips. / Maintain yellow edges to steps
Danger of hitting players on 16th and 18th fairways with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Players should not intentionally use the 16th fairway when playing 17th hole
Sloped greenside bunker on right. / Medium / Extra care advised when entering/exiting bunkers
Awareness of players driving from 18th tee of players emerging from path leading through to ladies 18th tee / Low / Ladies to be aware of players teeing off from Men’s tees
Access to tee for buggy users at rear of 16th green / Medium / Buggy users to be aware when leaving tee area
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of hitting players on 10th& 17th fairways, 10th and 3rd tees with stray shot. / Medium / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players walking to Ladies 18th tee / High / Advice to shout “Fore”
Danger of hitting players etc walking on footpath from Clubhouse to 1st & 10th tees / High / Advice to shout “Fore”
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionDanger of being hit by golf balls from other users of range and covered driving area. / High / Mandatory to play in one direction only – away from Clubhouse. Do not hit balls if there is anyone in front of you or close proximity. Exercise care when collecting golf balls. / Signage where applicable
Chipping practice in area of & onto practice putting green / Low / Not acceptable / No Chipping Allowed sign in place
Danger of being hit when using short range driving area / Medium / Long practice users not to use drivers when short range area is in use.
Danger of hitting players practising in bunkers / Medium / Short range area not to be used.
Danger of stray shots being hit onto Shepherds Farm Lane / Medium / Players advised to aim to the centre or right.
Danger of hitting pedestrians and animals on Wayfarers Walk footpath which passes to the right of the practice ground with stray shot. / High / Advice to shout “Fore” / Signage at commencement of Wayfarers Walk warning of danger – flying golf balls – duck if you hear the shout of fore. Place signage warning of need to shout “Fore” if ball goes to the right.
Hazard/Risk / Risk Category / Precautions / ActionGarage doors not correctly opened / Low / Ensure that the door is fully opened before entering
Using electrical sockets / High / Ensure that the supply is switched off before plugging or unplugging supply.
Tripping over cables / High / Take car when walking around garage
Damaging other buggies / Low / Take care when driving buggies in the confined space.
Skidding or slipping on concrete / High / Take extra care when fallen leaves or ice are present / Green staff to sweep and apply salt
Slope awareness / High / All users must drive up and not across slopes
Awareness of skidding / High / Users must drive at correct speed for ground conditions.
Access to tee for buggy users at rear of 16th green / Medium / Buggy users to be aware when leaving tee area
Danger to all users re slope down to approach of 16th green – particularly buggy users / High / Generic advice regarding slips. Buggy users should approach from the left hand side.
Danger to all users re slope up to 16th green – particularly buggy users / High / Generic advice regarding slips. Buggy users should approach from the left hand side.
Reviewed and updated 10 September 2015