APRIL 12, 2016

The Eastern Shore Council of the US Navy League will be holding its’ first Dinner Meeting of 2016 on Tuesday Evening April 12, 2016 at Talbot Country Club. Social Hour starts at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6:30 PM. Everybody is welcome to attend. Military service history is not a requirement. Our Guest Speaker will be Rear Admiral NevinCarr USN (Ret.), Former Chief of Naval Research.

Rear Admiral NevinCarr USN (Ret.)

Former Chief of Naval Research

Rear Admiral Carr is a 1979 graduate of the USNA. He earned a Master of Science in Operations Research from the NavalPostgraduateSchool and completed the Advanced Management Program at HarvardBusinessSchool.

Rear Admiral Carr spent much of his Navy career at sea in cruisers and destroyers on operations across the world. He commanded USS ARLEIGH BURKE (DDG 51) and USS CAPE St. GEORGE (CG 71). While in command of CAPE St. GEORGE the ship participated in combat operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Ashore Admiral Carr served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense where he worked on the ArleighBurke, Ticonderoga, and Seawolfprograms. Following promotion to flag rank in 2006, he was assigned as Deputy Director of Surface Warfare for Combat Systems and Weapons, and later as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (International Programs) and Director, Navy International Program Office.

In December 2008 Admiral Carr became the 22nd Chief of Naval Research. While in this position, Carr was in charge of the Navy’s wide range of basic and applied research and development programs, a total of about $3 billion in spending. The initiative during his tenure ranged from next-generation advanced weapons programs such as free-electron lasers and railguns to grants for STEM education programs.

Admiral Carr retired from the U.S. Navy in 2012 and worked as a Senior Advisor for McKinsey & Co. and as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at StanfordUniversity.


Cost is $32 per person. For further information, and to register for the evening, please call

Bob Lawrence,at1-410-819-8029.


The Eastern Shore Navy League Council supports and honors the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) at Easton High School and at Pocomoke High School. We sponsor local and travel events throughout the year. The US Naval Academy, Wallops Island, and Washington Navy Yard have been recent year venues. This past year we were especially honored to have been invited to visit the Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) and the Kings Bay Georgia Naval Submarine Base as guests of the USS MARYLAND (SSBN-738), a ballistic missile submarine.

Members of the local US Coast Guard Station Oxford, and the USS MARYLAND Command and Crew joined us in Easton for aGolf Outing last Summer. We want to continue these events throughout2016. The Council also sponsors Seamanship and Merit Awards, Certificates, and Scholarships. New community members and volunteer event coordinators are always welcome.

You may visit our website at for more information.



April 12, 2016

VENUE: Talbot Country Club with Social Hour at 1730, Dinner 1830.

MENU: To be announced.

COST: $32 per person.

Please send checks to arrive not later than April 4.Checks should be made payable to “Navy League ESC”, attach to the form below and mailed to:

ESC Navy League, 6343 Canterbury Drive, Easton, MD 21601

QUESTIONS: Bob Lawrence, Telephone: 410-819-8029 Email:



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*Donations to the Navy League are tax deductible as a 501 (C) 3 organization. We are a non-profitorganization supporting the Sea Services. Your contributions in support of our activities are greatly appreciated.
