BASA United Overview
- A higher level of play than rec without the year round commitment of a travel team through DASC.
- Training with professional coach.
- Player development is a focus.
- Provides interested players a more competitive environment than the recreational program.
Age Groups
- Unlike Rec, which groups by grade, BASA United must group by birth year. This is a national mandate and all teams above the rec level comply.
- Depending on numbers, teams may consist of combined age groups.
- U9-U12 may combine within 2 age groups (2 birth years)
- U13-U19 may combine within 3 age groups (3 birth years)
Player-Centered vs Team-Centered
- For the U9-U12 ages, this program emphasizes individual player development, not team results. It is critical at this stage to master the basic ball skills needed for soccer.
- Players should expect to play all positions to aid in this.
- The goal is to develop stronger players now for stronger teams later.
- Individual development is still a focus, but now developing the team comes into play.
- The development of the player at the U9-U12 groups transfers to stronger teams at the U13-U19 groups.
- Director of Coaching, Becky Heiberger-McCabe
- Team Coaches are parent volunteers*
- Other licensed coaches if needed
*Teams MUST have a parent volunteer coach in place to be viable.
Parent Roles
Head Coach
- Plan/schedule team training sessions
- Attend the professional team training sessions
- Discuss/implement team strategy with DOC
- Relate positively with players
Assistant Coach(es)
- Assist in all aspects of head coach duties
Team Manager
- Assist coach in communication with team
- Assist in coordinating games and tournaments
- Administration of player passes and other documents needed for games and tournaments
- Manage team funds collected and dispersed for tournaments.
- Foster a love for the game and a desire to work with the ball at home. Encourage your child to do his/her best and enjoy the game of soccer outside of team activities! A CRITICAL ROLE!!!!
BASA-Provided Support for Team Personnel
- Guidelines/explanations for organizing team
- Coaching support and age-specific curriculum
- Education/support for team managers
BASA United Seasons
- 2 seasons: Fall & Spring
- Spring: April-June
- Fall: August-October
- Teams will train 2x/week
- 1x/week with Director of Coaching, Becky Heiberger-McCabe
- 1x/week with team coach
- Training focus is technical basics and small-sided tactics (1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2)
- Minimal large group tactics emphasized at U9-U12. This is emphasized more in U13-U19
Games & Tournaments
Teams will compete in 3-4tournaments/events and play 1-3 single games.
Placement Sessions
- Primary Purpose: To get an idea of numbers and level of player overall. The technical/tactical, coachability, and attitude of each player will be considered when choosing BASA United teams.
Cost is $175/season
This includes:
- 3-4 events/tournaments and 1-3 single games
- All training sessions
- All administrative costs and papers required by the State including insurance, registration fees, and player passes
- Jerseys are ordered on a 2-3 year cycle. For the first 2 years, players will pay a deposit of $50 for 2 sets of uniform tops that will be turned back in at the end of each season. On the final year of the cycle, BASA will retain the $50 and players will retain their jerseys. This will save families money by costing $50 for multiple years instead of each year.
- Players provide their own black shorts and black socks for all games.
BASA Director of Coaching, Becky Heiberger-McCabe