REFERENCE POINTS: Pay It Forward Foundation -- Mini-Grant Project

Application Deadline: Mini-grants will be available on a first come, first served, basis and will be distributed monthly. The grant deadline is the 15th of each month (September through June). Applicants will be notified about the status of their mini-grants by the first of the following month.

Description: The Pay It Forward Foundation administers a mini-grant program for Pay It Forward activities involving youths of all ages. A Pay It Forward project is defined as one or more service activities that benefit the youths' school, neighborhood, or greater community, and include learning goals for the youth participants. Applicants are encouraged to plan the project with input from the clients or organization that will benefit to ensure that the project is needed and timely.

Who May Apply: Teachers, principals, other school personnel, youth leaders, and student or community youth groups (with an adult sponsor) may apply. Individual youths may apply. Youths or adults may write the application. All youths under 21 are invited to participate; groups whose members are all over 18 years of age must include work with youths who are under 18 as part of their project.

Funding Amount: Mini-grants between $50 and $500 are available to school, church, and community-based groups of youths for service activities of all types.

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Reference Points: Transition updates from the TATRA Project is administered by PACER Center as a joint technical assistance activity of the TATRA Project and the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition . Reference Points features resources and updates to help parent organizations, advocates and professionals better serve adolescents and young adults with disabilities, and their families. You can Subscribe or Unsubscribe to Reference Points on the web at Visit our web sites for access to a wealth of additional resources and information!

Readers are invited to send information about new resources on secondary education, transition and vocational rehabilitation topics to . Approved items will be posted. Please note that Reference Points is not a discussion group. Questions about Reference Points should be directed to Deborah Leuchovius, National Coordinator of Technical Assistance on Transition and Vocational Rehabilitation, PACER Center at .

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition is funded by and is a partner with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, cooperative agreement # H326J000005. The TATRA Project is funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration