Bibliographic Control and Metadata Committee

New Jersey Library Association College and University Section and ACRL New Jersey Chapter

Fall Meeting

October 27, 2016

Technical Services Conference Room, Busch Campus, Rutgers University


Draft Minutes

In attendance: Juan Almodóvar (NJCU, remote), Sharon An (Rowan, remote), Edith Beckett (New Jersey State Library, remote), Regina Cannizzaro (County College of Morris, remote), Mei Ling Chow (Montclair State), David Cupo (WPU), Melissa De Fino (Rutgers, Chair, Recorder), Yuji Tosaka (TCNJ), Lisa Weissbard (NJIT), Cathy Weng (TCNJ)

CUS Adobe Connect Host: James Keehbler, Piscataway Public Library

  1. Minutes Taker

Melissa De Fino was the minute taker.

  1. Approval of Summer Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved.

  1. Chair’s Report

Katie Cohen, Newsletter Editor, charged the chairs with writing a paragraph about our committees. We were asked to outline what our committee does, providing details about our plans or goals, something special we do, and something that would entice librarians to join. These write-ups will go in an article about all the different committees that make up NJLA CUS/ACRL NJ. We were also charged with writing a very brief description of our committee for the NJLA CUS/ACRL NJ brochure. Melissa De Fino drafted both and submitted to the organization.

  1. VALE User’s Conference

The VALE User’s Conference is scheduled for January 6th at Rutgers University. This year’s theme will be Libraries as Agents of Change. BCMC has sponsored the following presentations and posters:

Lightning Talk:

Collaboration and Building Flexibility into Cataloging for the Lester Brown Collection by Kati Ritter (Rutgers) and Li Sun (Rutgers)


The Big Ten Academic Alliance: Partnering to Meet the Challenges of Format and Foreign Language Cataloging by Mary Beth Weber (Rutgers) and Catherine Sauceda (Rutgers)

CATCH“e”IFYOUCAN: Challenges ofE-book Acquisitions by Megan O’Connor (Rutgers) and Dominique Dixon (Rutgers)

Introducing BibFrame 2.0 by Cathy Weng (TCNJ) and Jianrong Wang (Stockton)

Customizing VuFind to Enhance Discoverability of Library Resources by David Cupo (William Paterson) and Hao Zeng (William Paterson)

Breakout Sessions:

What is linked data and why is it important? By Cathy Weng (TCNJ) and Jianrong Wang (Stockton)

The New Cataloger: No Longer a Record-Keeper but a Guide to Discovery by Melissa De Fino (Rutgers)

  1. Elections
  1. Vice Chair/Chair Elect

Lisa Weissbard was unanimously elected Vice Chair/Chair Elect.

  1. Secretary

Since we have not elected a secretary for many years, the Committee agreed to eliminate this position.

  1. Updating Membership and Bylaws

Now that BCMC is a part of NJLA CUS/ACRL NJ instead of VALE, our membership and bylaws need to be revised. A small group was formed, including Edith Beckett, Regina Cannizzaro, Melissa De Fino, and Lisa Weissbard. The group will distribute a draft revision prior to the March BCMC meeting.

  1. NJ BIBCO/NJ Funnel Update

Cathy Weng reported that we continue to submit records for NJ BIBCO and the NJ Funnel. Several of the NJ BIBCO participants have not been submitting records. Weng asked that they please submit records again.

  1. Cataloging/Metadata Issues Update

Yuji Tosaka reported on the ALCTS webinar on BIBFRAME updates. Cathy Weng will distribute the recording to the Committee email list. More testing and pilot projects are upcoming for BIBFRAME, but the final product is at least six years on the horizon.

Weng noted that delimiter zero (|0) is being added to 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX fields for linked data codes. If catalogers see this subfields, they should leave them in for future linked data use. They should not display in OPACs.

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 23, 2017 in the Technical Services Conference Room, Busch Campus, Rutgers University, 10:00-12:00. Teleconferencing will be available again through Adobe Connect.