Syllabus and Expectations

Algebra 1


Mr. Hardy

Room 311 608-423-3261 x3145

School Web Site:

Lesson Plans

  • All lesson plans will be posted on the school web site.

SMART Board Lessons

  • All lessons from the SMART Board are on the school website as a PDF file. We will be using these lessons on a daily basis and will be an integral part of your homework. This is an excellent resource for studying for a test.


  • Numerous handouts will be placed on the school web site as well as other helpful information.

If you do not have internet access at home, I will have all of the SMART Board lessons and handouts available in class.

Calculator Policy:

A calculator is required for this course. The calculator must be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide and take square roots.

Class Rules:

Be Prepared

  • This means when you arrive in class, you should have your book, notebook and a sharpened pencil. You should have your completed homework in your notebook.

Be Respectful

  • Respect your classmates and your classroom. For example: do not talk while another student is talking and raise your hand if you want to participate. Also do not leave your trash in the classroom.

Electronic Devices

  • Cell phones, ipods and MP3 players are not allowed in class and will be confiscated. (No exceptions!)You will not be allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator.

Disruptive Behavior

  • Disruptive behavior will result not be tolerated and multiple infractions will result in a referral to the principal.

Student Handbook

  • Please refer to the Student Handbook for more rules that apply to all CHS students.


  • Food or drinks are not allowed in class, except water.


Being in class is one of the most important factors in doing well in Algebra 1. If you miss numerous classes, it will be difficult to master the material.

You are expected to be in class on time. The second time you are tardy to class will result in a detention.

Daily Expectations

Your responsibilities in class start when you enter the room, not when the bell rings.

  • You are expected to be seated not later than when the bell rings.
  • Homework answers will be on an overhead before class starts. Please start to check your homework as soon as you sit down.
  • Attendance will be taken while you are checking your homework.
  • Be prepared to ask questions as soon as attendance is taken.
  • After homework questions have been answered, we will cover new material.
  • The last five to ten minutes of class will be devoted to homework. This is a silent time for you to start your homework and ask any questions you may have.


Your grade will be determined by the total points you earn during the course of the quarter.

  • Tests and quizzes may not always be worth 100 points. (They could be worth more or could be worth less)

Grading Scale

  • A+:100% - 98%
  • A: 93% - 97.993%
  • A-: 90% - 92.99%
  • B+: 87% - 89.99%
  • B: 83% - 86.99%
  • B-: 80% - 82.99%
  • C+: 77% - 79.99%
  • C: 73% - 76.99%
  • C-: 70% - 72.99%
  • D+: 67% - 69.99%
  • D: 63% - 66.99%
  • D-: 60% - 62.99%
  • F: 60%
  • There is no rounding. For example, 89.9999% is a B+, not an A-. (This is a school policy)


There will be no surprise tests. Ample time will be given to prepare for all tests.

If you are absent the day prior to a test, you must still take the test with the rest of the class.

I will provide time to review the day prior to every test.

Retakes are available for tests with the following requirements.

  • You score must be below a 80%
  • You must come in for extra help.
  • You can raise your score to a maximum of 80%.


Individual quizzes will be announced at least one day in advance. There are no quiz retakes.


Homework is an important part of learning math. Homework assignments will be checked daily. Give you best effort when completing your assignment. If you have difficulty on a specific problem, try to complete as much of the problem as you can, and be prepared to ask questions on the following day in class.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the assignment and do the homework.


Participation is encouraged and an important part of the learning process. There are many was to participate and you will be given numerous opportunities every day.

Make-Up Work:

The standard school policy applies for make-up work. You have one day to complete the make –up work for each day absent.

If there is an extended absence due to illness or other factors, we will work out a schedule to make-up work.

Extra Help:

My prep period is eighth hour and I have study hall during fifth hour. I am available for extra help for those times during the school day and during Blue Jay Time. If you would like extra help before school, I usually arrive before 7:15AM and I leave school after 4:00PM. If you need extra help, please see me so we can arrange a time to meet that matches both of our schedules.

Supplies Needed:




Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement

We the undersigned have read and understand the policies for Algebra 1 for the 2016-2017 school year.

