Stevens School



Home for the Heart and Mind

Vision Statement

Stevens Elementary is a safe caring place where

meaningful learning and relationships are

fostered through respect, teamwork, a quest for

excellence and the development of an ethic of

lifetime learning.


  • Character development
  • High Expectations
  • Project/problem based learning/STEM design
  • Collaboration among staff, students and families
  • Involve community/agencies/businesses
  • Focused professional development
  • Goal setting

Stevens Staff:

Certified Staff

Preschool / Martin Jefferson rm 1
Missy Smith rm 8
Kindergarten / rm 2
Vicki Clingen rm 16
Gina Burns rm 17
First / Kirsten Tageantrm 15
Natalie Duffy rm 5
Cassandra Prom rm 203
Second / Ryan Sturm rm 204 (looping up)
Rebecca Fitzpatrick rm 4
Kerin Murphy rm 5
Stacy Hunt rm 3
Third / Martha Lennierrm 25
Sara Schultz rm 21
Tisha Quinby rm 23
Fourth / Chris Collin rm 29
Dianne King rm 24
rm 26
Sixth / Stephanie (Bergen) Navarra rm 27
Bobby Cox rm 20
Tiffanie Burgherrm 28
Fifth / Dana Zora rm 18
Sheryl Woodruff rm 19
Jim Eddy rm 22
Title/LAP / Amber Metke/ Doris Hatton rm 7
SPED / rm 202 (Serving 4th thru 6th)
Denise Cox rm 14 (Serving k thru 3rd)
Counselor / Tamara Helland
Specialist / Andy Duffy/PE, Eric Peterson Music, Carol Kruger Speech

Classified Staff:

Charlene & Lesliecook’s Assistant

Eileen Christiansonpre-school paraeducator

Jodie Cinertpara-SPED

Tina Cookkids room

Vickie Crockerparaeducator

Kristen Dublankolibrary-para

Vicki Filyawparaeducator

Sheri Frafjordkids room

Margaret Garrisonparaeducator

Breana Gentryparaeducator

Pam Giroskicook

Stacy Hinchenparaeducator

Lisa Hillparaeducator

Kathy Linkeparaeducator

Katie Millerfamily service worker

Josie Micheauparaeducator

Bev Millerparaeducator

Anita Onashpara-SPED

Bev Postparaeducator

Tammy Rairdanoffice Manager

Kelli Sheltonparaeducator

Barb Tingwallparaeducator

Laurie Yoemanpre-school paraeducator

Melissa Williamsparaeducator

Suzanne Wrightpre-school paraeducator

Debbie Wessel/Denise Anderson/custodians

District Superintendent:

Dr. Tom Opstad, 538-2002

School District Office Number:


School Board

The Aberdeen School District Board of Directors is made up of 5 at large representativeselected from the citizens who reside within the school district boundaries. A current listing of theBoard of Directors can be found on the Internet at or by calling the AberdeenSchool District office at 538-2000. The board represents the people of the school district. Boardmembers welcome comments and questions from the public. The Board of Directors meets thefirst and third Tuesdays of each month during the school year at 7:00 at the district office at 216N. G Street in Aberdeen. A copy of the summer meeting schedule can be obtained from thedistrict office.


Students who walk to school should not be on the playground before 8:15 AM when outside supervisionbegins. For safety reasons, students are not allowed at the skate park before or during school hours.

Stevens School Daily Schedule

8:15 Kitchen Open for Breakfast

8:30 Outside Playground Supervision Begins

8:55 School Begins

9:15 AM Preschool

10:15-10:25 Recess Grades K-3

10:35-10:45 Recess Grades 4-6

11:35 AM Preschool Dismissal

11:30-12:00 Kdg lunch

11:45-12:15 Lunch Grades 1 & 2

12:05-12:35 Lunch Grades 3 & 4

12:25-12:55 Lunch Grades 5 & 6

12:35 PM Preschool

1:30-1:40 Recess Grades K-3

1:55-2:05 Recess Grades 4-6

3:00Dismissal Grades K-2

3:25Dismissal Grades 3-6 and preschool

A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

This booklet has been developed and sent to you in an effort to make sure you know howAberdeen Elementary Schools and Stevens School in particular operates. The mission ofStevens School can only be accomplished when parents, students and staff work together in ateam effort (as you know it takes a village). We strive to create the most effective comprehensivelearning environment for our children through our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathdesign. If you have any questions about any of the information in this booklet, please contact meat school and I will be happy to personally discuss the information with you.

I ask for your support and participation in this effort by sending your child to school every day, encouraging him/her to read for pleasure at least 30 minutes every night, monitoring progress, and asking your child to share what they learned at school each day.Together, we canmake school a wonderful safe caring place for children to learn and grow. As you know, Stevens is the second best place on earth!

Thank you,

Joan Hoehn, M. Ed



Welcome to School!!!

The staff of Stevens School welcomes you to your school. We are dedicated to providing each ofour students with the best education possible. If you have any questions or concerns of any kind,we invite you to come to school or give us a call. We hope this handbook will answer many ofyour questions about how your school operates.

Meal Accounts

As last year, school lunch is free for all students and if a student wishes just milk the cost is $.35. Parents may purchase an adult lunch ticket($4.00) and eat with their child. Please let the office know by 9:00 if you would like to eat withyour child. Please be aware that there cannot be a charge for lunch or milk (state and district policy).

Temporary Dismissal

Students must bring a note or parents may call the school office if a student has a doctor ordentist appointment (But please try to schedule these after school). No student will be allowed to leave the school grounds without first checkingwith the office. Parents you must report to the office to sign your student out. Students will becalled to the office to meet their parents when the parent arrives. (So important for the safety ofyour child)


Our school district offers an optional student insurance plan. We will send home information onthis plan soon after school starts. If you do not have insurance on your child, we urge you toreview this policy.

Bicycles, Scooters and Skateboards

If parents wish, students may ride bicycles, scooters or skateboards to school. We have a bicyclerack for storage. Students are urged to lock their bikes in the rack that is provided. Students withscooters and skateboards are to keep them in a safe place. Students will need to develop a planwith their teacher for safe storage. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes, scootersor skateboards. All students must follow the laws regarding bike, scooter and skateboard riding.This includes wearing a helmet. Students need to wait until they have left the school grounds andsafely crossed the street with the crossing guard before they begin to ride. Failure to obey thelaws regarding the riding of bikes, scooters or skateboards will result in a loss of privilege to ridethem to and from school. No bicycle, scooter or skateboard riding is allowed on the playgroundduring school hours.

Lost and Found

A lost and found area is provided in our school for unlabeled, unclaimed clothing. Duringconferences, items are placed on tables for easy identification by parents. Unclaimed items aregiven to the local clothing bank. Items that are labeled with the student's name are returned tothe student. We will be cleaning out our lost and found area every quarter so please be sure andhave your child check if he/she has anything missing. Every year we have so many unclaimedcoats.


Band is offered as an elective to our 5th and 6th grade students during the school year. Orchestrais an elective for our 5th and 6th grade students, also. Our instrumental music teachers (Eric Peterson) will besending home more information on this program. Vocal music instruction is provided for allstudents in grades K - 6.

School Records Update

Please provide our office with your correct contact information. We need to know where youcan be reached during the school day in case of emergencies while your child is in school.Many times we cannot reach parents when their child is sick or is in need because of incorrectand out of date contact information. This is frustrating to a sick child.

Student Arrival Time

Students are not to be dropped off before 8:15 in the morning unless arranged by the teacher. We have no supervision oractivities at any place on our site prior to that time. In the past, students arriving early havecaused considerable difficulties for staff. It has made an unpleasant start of the day for both thestudents and staff.

Picking Up Students After School

If you pick up your student after school, please make arrangements to meet him/her outside. Itwould help our traffic problem, if students were picked up in a systematic way in front of theschool. Students who are not picked up on time are taken to the office to wait. If a parent doesnot arrive before 4:00, Child Protective Services and the Police are notified. Please makearrangements to pick your child up at their dismissal time, as we do not have staff available towatch them.

Students Late to School

In the event students are late coming to school, they need to check in with the office. Studentswill not be admitted to class unless they have been to the office. It is important that each studentmakes every effort to be on time. Teachers begin with critical instruction at the start of the schoolday. It also helps students feel a part of the class as they begin meetings and instruction together.Students who are tardy may be required to make up time during recesses on the day that they are tardy. Students will either work on missed assignments or read. Medical, counselingand court appointments do not count as a tardy, but all other late arrivals do count as a tardyregardless if the parent has excused the child or not. Your cooperation in this matter is very muchappreciated.

Birthday Parties/Invitations/Items to be sold

Invitations to after school or weekend birthday parties are not to be distributed at school. Whensome students are not invited this can cause hurt feelings. Also, not all parents can afford or wantto have parties for their child. Please be aware that items to be sold by students at school for non-school fundraisers are notpermitted.

Use of the Telephone

Our school phone is for business and emergencies. Before coming to school, students need tomake arrangements about where they are to go after school and what activities they are going toattend. We do not allow student to use the phone to arrange after school activities. We do allowuse of phone in emergencies.

Student Absences

Please call the school each morning before 10 AM if your child is absent. As time permits, we tryto contact parents of students who do not call, but this is not always possible due to the level ofactivity in the office, state law is now requiring phone calls the day of the absent. Students who are absent may not participate in any school-sponsoredactivities on the day of their absence. On occasions, there are exceptions to this policy.Exceptions must be cleared in advance with the principal.


The parent and physician must complete medication forms if your child is to take medication ofany type including over the counter during school hours. All medication (including over thecounter) and completed forms must be turned into the office. School staff will supervise theadministration of the medication. Copies of the required form may be picked up in the office.Please do not send your child to school with any medication (such as aspirin, cough syrup, etc.)

Communicable Diseases/Parasites

Please notify the school if your child should contract a communicable disease, such as; head lice,fifth's disease, measles, MRCA or chicken pox. If your child attends school with head lice he/shewill be sent home. A notice is sent home with the student explaining the situation and how thechild may return to school. The students in a class with a student with head lice will also benotified so the parents can be looking for signs of head lice on their child. Head lice are acommon problem that can be kept in check if the school and parents work together cooperatively.If a student is sent home with head lice they need to return to school as soon as treated, either that day or the next.

Treats at School

The health and nutrition of our students is one of our primary concerns. We have numerouschildren and adults who suffer from various allergies; some are life threatening. In addition, ourdistrict has adopted a policy to limit the number of non-nutritional snacks offered at school.Before you bring a treat for your child’s birthday, please check with your child’s classroom teacherto see what is permissible in that particular classroom. In some cases, teachers have opted tonot have birthday treats and have limited the types of treats that may be served at their twoparties during the school year. If a treat is permissible, please remember, all treats distributed atschool must be commercially made and fruit must be cut and processed in a commercial kitchen.

We cannot distribute home baked goods or home cut fruits due to potential problems withHepatitis and other infectious diseases. A wonderful idea is to buy a birthday book in honor ofyour child. The teacher can read the book to the class and then it will stay in the room in honor ofthe birthday child.

Weapons Policy

It is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerousweapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being usedexclusively for school activities. It is also a violation of district policy for any person to carry oruse in a threatening or disruptive manner any device, which resembles or is intended to look likea dangerous weapon. Any such violations shall be taken seriously by school officials and will besubject to corrective action or punishment. School officials shall notify the student’s parents orguardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of thispolicy. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, including a one-yearexpulsion for a violation involving a firearm. The superintendent may modify the one-yearexpulsion on a case-by-case basis.

Weapon Free Zone

By state law, schools are drug and weapons free zones. Weapons include but are not limited tothe following lists: knives (of any sort or size), guns real or look alike, martial arts instruments andcommon items used with an intent to inflict bodily harm to another person. Any student whobrings dangerous objects to school is subject to discipline as outlined by state law, which includesbut is not limited to expulsion.

Tobacco Policy

District policy prohibits the use of tobacco by students, staff or visitors on school district property.Possession or distribution of tobacco products by minors is prohibited. School district propertyincludes all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles. Students are subject todiscipline for violations of this policy.

Electronic cigarettes are prohibited inside the school building.

Stevens PTSO

The Parent/Teacher Organization at Stevens is a busy, dedicated group. Please consider becominga part of the group! PTSO is directly responsible for manyactivities for kids and families. This coming year they will continue to support teachers, developactivities for students and families and work towards supplying fun assemblies and activities. If you would like to help or want more information, please contact one of the officerslisted below or the school office.

President – Josie Micheau

Treasurer – Johnee Herbert and Leslie Lujan

Secretary – Angela Cunningham

Student Government

We elect student body officers twice each year. They participate in our Associated Student Bodyaffairs. We follow the state ASB guidelines. These students meet and decide special events forour school.

School Mascot/Colors

Our school mascot is Trusty the Husky Dog and our colors are purple and gray. We encouragestudents and staff to wear these colors on special days.


We are always interested in having parents and community members work in our school.

Volunteers are needed for both long and short-term projects. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents, please contact the schooloffice. School volunteers must complete a Washington State Patrol background check prior tobeginning to help at school. Information and the forms are available in the school office. Allvolunteers must check in at the office and pick up a visitor's button/tag before entering theclassroom buildings or a classroom. The visitor's sticker identifies authorized visitors forour staff and students.

Special Programs

Stevens offers three programs for students who need special assistance learning. One program is Special Education. This program provides assistance for students with learning disabilities and handicaps. Students who qualify for this program receive assistance in the resource room in qualifying subject areas. To qualify for resource, students must be referred for testing and meet state standards determined through individualized testing administered by the school psychologist. The other two programs offered are the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) and Title 1. LAP and Title 1 offer assistance to students who are not performing up to grade level standards in the areas of reading or math. To qualify for LAP or Title 1, students must be referred by their classroom teachers and meet a predetermined criteria based on the student's performance in reading or math.

Counseling Services

Counseling services are available to all students. Our counselor provides classroom lessons andguidance activities. Students may also see the counselor from time to time in a group orindividual setting. The focus of group or individual meetings is to help a student acquire the skillsneeded to succeed in a school setting or to help resolve a conflict. Please remember if a childdiscloses information that they or someone else is being harmed or harming others there is theduty to report to the proper authorities/agencies. If requested by the court system informationmay be released. Information gained during counseling sessions may be shared withparents/guardians or other necessary school personnel when deemed appropriate. Informationwill not be shared with other students or other families. We also have counseling services through BHR here at our school. If interested our counselor can provide you with that information.