Klondike Campout

Friday, February 11 – Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gateway District’s annual Klondike is held at Reverends Ridge Campground in Golden Gate Canyon State Park. It is easily accessible from Arvada, You drive out highway 72(Coal Creek Canyon Rd) to Twin Spruce Rd to Gap Road. Our Camp site is usually c34 & c35.

This year we will be staffing the Webelos Broom Hockey Station. You must be 1st class to staff the station.

All staff members must attend the remaining meetings January 9, January 23, and February 6.

The camping merit badge requires that you have one winter campout. This campout requires excellent spirit and physical activity. You MUST be prepared to work physically hard during the event as well as being prepared for the event with more than adequate clothing.

Second Class scouts and below will be able to attend the event stations. Scouts that are joining in 2011 may attend, but only as a daytime participant.

You have several attendance options…

·  Entire weekend (both Fri. & Sat. overnight) $30

·  All day Saturday with lunch $16 *

·  Camp overnight Friday with all day Saturday visit $25 and leave by 5 on Saturday *

·  Camp overnight Saturday with all day Saturday visit $25 and leave with troop on Sunday *

*Parents must supply rides for the scout when you leave at times other than the troop. See Below.

Keep in mind, the future of our troop depends on your active involvement. Webelos are invited to tour our camp and eat lunch with us. They are coming to fulfill their Arrow of Light requirement and may want to join Boy Scouts…so let’s show them how good we are!

Leave Arvada Church of Christ

Friday, 2/11 5:30 PM – there may be groups leaving earlier

Leave Arvada Church of Christ

Sunday, 2/13 at 12:30

Required Equipment (Use winter camping checklist)

o  10 Essentials

o  Prepare for cold weather!

Bring extra clothing!

Optional Equipment:

o  Camera

o  Knives

Permission Slip must returned by 7 PM

Monday, January 10, 2011 $10 late fee

Trip and Travel availability based on first come –first served.

All travel options must be communicated on the permission slip.

Equipment Shakedown February 7. – All equipment is due Monday February 7. If you do not have equipment ready, you will be unable to attend