Adding Users

You will on occasion need to ‘add tutors’ to your wattle site; you should rarely ‘add students’.

Students can access your course wattle site the day after their enrolment is finalised in ISIS (the student system); assuming that wattle access has been given to the student population. If you do need to add a student to your Wattle site, it is recommended that you keep records of any students that you add and at a later date ensure that their official enrolment has been finalised, or limit the period of access.

Steps for Adding Users – ‘tutor’ ‘student’ ‘guest lecturer’

Navigate via Administration - Course administration - Users to the drop down menu

Click on 'Enrolled users'; then on the upper right hand side of the next screen, click ‘Enrol users’ button. In the small screen that appears

Change 'Assign roles' to student/tutor

Type id or name into ‘Search’ field

Hit ‘Search’

When the correct person appears click the 'Enrol' tab - and the detail will shift to the right slightly

Click 'Finish enrolling users' tab

If you wish to limit their enrolment to a particular timeframe, click on Enrolment Options.

You will be presented with options for limiting the enrolment of a person as a user.

Two new categories of wattle users were introduced in mid - 2013 – ‘Guest Lecturer’ and ‘Auditing Student’.

The ‘Auditing student’ category gives limited access to the wattle course site.

Adding “Audit” students

Students who are ‘trialling a course’ or students that the lecturer has agreed to let ‘audit’ should be enrolled through the Administration – Course administration - Users - Other Users option.

Click ‘Assign roles’;

Type the surname of the student or their id in the search field of the search box then hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard;

Click on Auditing Student ‘once’; close the search box;

Wait for a few seconds and the student should appear in the list.

If the student subsequently enrols in the course, they will automatically appear in the User and in the Participant list with both the auditing student/student label against their name. The auditing student label can then be deleted.

Access levels for audit students

Students who are enrolled in your Wattle course site as an Audit student, via Other Users:

Do not appear on your participants list

Appear on your Other User list

Can view DLD recordings

Can view resources and forums – but cannot ‘contribute’ to forums

Cannot submit assignments on line

Do not appear in your grade book