Members present: J. Basham, F. Tebeau, S. Yocum, G. Turner, J. Rollinger, V. Buldo, G. Haycock, C. Mangels, J. Woodall, D. Hurst, C. Anderson, A. Beltran, S. Bergen (for S. Howland), J. Spencer (for A. Hinijosa), J. Thomas, J. Muller, C. Enns, H.Moore, J. Boragano, K. Eddy, V. Harper, J. Brown, D. Nolan, S. Chance, J. Jordan

1.  Call to Order

2.  Public Comment

a.  Regarding Items NOT on the Agenda

A senator announced that today is Nurses’ Day.

SharePoint will be COS’ primary operating system as of this summer.

On Course will be held in February. Details to follow.

Josh Muller, representing Committee A, is recognized as the Academic Senate’s Top Senator.

Christian Anderson was recognized as a PLO “rock star” and Marla Prochnow for SLO “rock star.”

Carol Enns was recognized for her efforts as the COS representative at the state level with a gift.

Jacquelynn Newman was recognized for her effort as the Senate secretary with a gift.

b.  Regarding Items ON the Agenda

3.  Approval of Minutes

Jan Woodall moved to approve the minutes; Greg Turner seconded the motion. M/S/A.

4.  Action Items

Retiree Resolutions……………………………………..…………………………..Michele Hester-Reyes

Ron McGriff’s resolution: M/S/A.

Darlene McClure’s resolution: M/S/A.

Susan Franciskovich’s resolution: M/S/A.

Jenny Bailey’s resolution: M/S/A.

Jackie Lawton’s resolution: M/S/A.

Stephen Chance’s resolution: M/S/A.

Carol Morris’ resolution: M/S/A.

Jan Woodall’s resolution: M/S/A.

Pamela Fowler’s resolution: M/S/A.

Steve Houk’s resolution: M/S/A.

Paul Gorley’s resolution: M/S/A.

Wayne Preston’s resolution: M/S/A.

Tenure Certificates……………………………………………………………...…..Michele Hester-Reyes

Curriculum…………………………………………………………………………………….Joni Jordan

Gina Haycock moved to approve the curriculum; Sondra Bergen (for Steve Howland) seconded the motion. M/S/A.

BA/GE Policy………………………………………………………………………………….Joni Jordan

BA Transfer policy:

Greg Turner moved to approve the policy; Gina Haycock seconded the motion.

Frank moved to make the following amendment to the policy: in area b.2, strike the word “field” and replace with the word “subject.” Jan Woodall seconded the motion. Senators discussed the proposed amendment. Frank clarified that the divisions he serves requested the change because they felt the term “field” was too subjective. He further suggested that the change would allow instructors to define the content of their courses. His division is in favor of the policy, with the proposed amendment, because they recognize that it has undergone due process. A question about other uses of the word “field” in the policy allowed Joni Jordan to make the appropriate substitutions. M/S/A.

GE Policy:

Gina Haycock moved to approve the policy; Greg Turner seconded the motion. Senators discussed implementation of the policy. With the proposed addition of one unit of information competency, Senators questioned whether we would have enough sections available to accommodate students. Milli clarified that the committee was asked to draft the best policy possible; they were told that Administration would work to handle staffing issues. The counseling division suggested that COS incorporate literacy into current classes rather than having a separate one unit class. It was determined that a separate course was necessary to teach the required depth for the competency. Janelle Spencer (representing Andy Hinijosa), from the Business department, voted against approving the policy. All other Senators voted to approve the amended policy. M/S/A.

Strategic Plan……………………………………… ………………………………………….Jeff Basham

The plan was finished yesterday by Dr. Scroggins. The change was primarily format related. The measurable goals are now next to the objectives. Jeff stressed that this is a dynamic document which has already been modified several times. The new format aligns everything. When we begin work on accreditation, this format makes it easy to align accreditation standards. The document will be reviewed every five years. A Senator asked about the urgency of passing the document. Jeff responded that the committee plans to take the document to the June board meeting in order to get started on the objectives. Part of the urgency involves ELI who will be focused on basic skills and seeking guidance from the strategic plan. Also, our next accreditation review is in Fall 2012. Several Senators expressed concern about not being able to thoroughly read the document prior to voting. Regardless of Senate’s vote, the document will go forward to the board because it has already passed in College Council. Jeff assured Senators that Dr. Scroggins was willing to discuss changes next semester. Greg Turner moved to postpone the vote until the first senate meeting in the fall; Frank Tebeau seconded the motion. M/S/A.

5.  Discussion Items

6.  Reports from Standing Committees

a.  Curriculum Committee

b.  Honors Committee

c.  Facilities Committee

b.  Committee A

c.  Committee B – see report

d.  Committee C

e.  COSTA Liaison Committee

f.  FEC

g.  Budget Committee

h.  Adjunct Faculty report

i.  Vice President’s Report – see report

j.  ASB—Student Rep. Report -

Graduation is May 27th.

k.  DECOS Committee

l.  ELI Committee

m.  SLO Committee

n.  Program Review Committee

o.  Student Equity Committee

p.  President’s Report – see report

7.  New Business

Executive Members Division Senators

Michele Hester-Reyes Agriculture/Natural Resources Frank Tebeau

Marla Prochnow Business Andy Hinojosa

Gina Haycock Consumer Family Studies Rebecca Griffith

Jeff Basham ELI representative David Hurst

Janice Brown FEC Deborah Nolan

Carol Enns Fine Arts James McDonnell, Chris Mangels

Jacquelynn Newman Non-Teaching Faculty in Library & Distance Ed: Gina Haycock, Deborah Nolan

Linda Amaral Language / Communication Arts: Jane Thomas, Steve Howland, Greg Turner

Deborah Nolan Mathematics / Engineering Keith Eddy, Vineta Harper

Joni Jordan Nursing / Health Science Janice Brown, Jan Woodall

Physical Education Linda Amaral, John Boragno

Science Heather Moore, Jeanette Rollinger

Social Sciences Josh Muller, Christian Anderson

Student Services Adrian Beltran, Stephanie Yocum

Adjunct Faculty Lynne McGivern, Vanessa Buldo

Industry and Technology Stephen Chance