FEBRUARY, 25, 2014


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Non Metallic Materials Manufacturing Task Group (NMMM) was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 25-Feb-2014

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with 15 subscribing members present with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Monica / Alcala / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Peter / Atwell / Airbus / Secretary
* / Mike / Bemis / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Ping / Chen / COMAC
* / Kevin / Dowling / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Patrick / Dunleavy / SAFRAN Group
* / Achim / Enzmann / Airbus Helicopters
* / Brett / Hemingway / BAE Systems - Military & Air Information (MAI)
* / Evelyn / Jacobson / Pratt & Whitney
* / John / Key / Bell Helicopter / Chairperson
* / Betty / Kocsis / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Lance / Loeks / The Boeing Company
* / Andreas / Mastorakis / GE Aviation
Angelina / Mendoza / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Keith / Panuska / Lockheed Martin Corporation / Vice Chairperson
* / Alberto / Portal / Airbus Defence And Space
* / Elliott / Schulte / Bell Helicopter
* / Sally / Spindor / Triumph Group Inc.
* / Ken / Sposato / Triumph Group Inc.
* / Colin / Stuart / Rolls-Royce
David / Trawinski / Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Klaus / Albers / Hexcel Composites GmbH
Marie-Guadeloupe / Alza / Toray CFE
* / Natalia / Becerra Pozo / Exova (UK) Limited
* / Jim / Brown / Hexcel Composites
Xavier / Carteron / Toray CFE
Eric / Chabault / Bureau Veritas Laboratories
Christopher / Cowap / Exova (UK) Limited
David / Crain / CFAN
Annick / Dartinet / Hexcel
Stephen / Davies / Hexcel
Niall / Dodds / Exova
Chris / Downs / Instron
* / Doug / Jacques / Renegade Materials Corporations
Angelique / Lornage / Bureau Veritas Laboratories
Opeyemi / Moyegun / Hexcel Corporation
Elena / O'Mullony / Applus Laboratories
* / Rick / Price / Park Aerospace Technologies Corp.
Nuria / Ruiz / Hexcel Composites S.L.
* / Don / Russell / Toray Composites America
* / Arno / Toelkes / Euro-Composites
* / Nancy / Vancil / Toray Carbon Fibers America, Inc.

PRI Staff Present

John / Tibma

1.2  Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct – OPEN

Meeting conduct was reviewed and the Code of Ethics/Antitrust video was shown to meeting attendees.

1.3  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

The minutes from October 2013 were approved as written.

1.4  Review Agenda – OPEN

The Staff Engineer (SE) presented the agenda to the Task Group (TG).

2.0  Staff Report – OPEN

SE presented staff report including auditor status, NCR data and future meeting locations.

3.0  Revised Procedure Review – OPEN

The recent procedure changes to NOP – 011 Risk Mitigation Review was presented and reviewed by the task group. The process was discussed which will now involve subscribing members to participate in the RCCA closure of a failed audit.

The procedure changes to NOP – 012 Auditor Consistency were reviewed.

Reviewed changes to NOP-008 and NTGOP-001 Appendix COMP-NMMM-NMMT.

4.0  Action Item Report Out – OPEN

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.

1 action closed with 1 action remaining open.

For specific details, please see the current NMMM Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.

5.0  SSC Report – open

The Supplier Support Committee (SSC) report was presented by Arno Toelkes on behalf of Vitorio Stana.

6.0  Open Discussion – open

Task Group discussed the current skill sets for all of the auditors for all of the AC 7124 scopes.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add to the October 2014 Auditor Training – Refresher training for each of the different scopes. (Due Date: 01-Oct-2014)

7.0  joint Meeting with Elasomer Seals – open

Presentation was given by the Elastomer Seals Task Group (SEALS) on their current initiatives, followed by discussion to understand if any of the checklists overlap. SEALS inquired if there is a possibility that a COMP auditor could assist in performing some of their audits. COMP SE to discuss with the auditors.


8.0  STAFF REPORT – closed

SE presented current delegation status, maintaining concurrence better than 95%.


Discussed individual auditor performances.

ACTION ITEM: For future meetings PRI to include 2012 data to provide a larger dataset for review. (Due Date: 27-Jun-2014)


The proposed failure mode B criteria for both initial and re-accreditation audits was discussed.

Motion made to include the modified Mode B criteria in NOP-011 for the AC 7124 checklist. Motion Passed Unanimously

ACTION ITEM: PRI to modify the Mode B Failure Criteria for NMMM in NOP-011. (Due Date: 30-Jun-2014)

11.0  AC7124/5 PILOT AUDIT REPORT OUT – closed

Motion made to accept pilot audit 155854 for AC 7124/4 and waive the need for a VCA following the addition of Q 3c 2.11 and issue the certificate. Motion Passed.

The first supplier to schedule an AC7124/5 fibers audit or Cytec-Greenville upon completion of construction (December 2014 estimated completion) will serve as pilot audit, whichever comes first.

Training for various slash sheets will be conducted at the Auditors Conference with the following TG members to make presentations:

ACTION ITEM: Mike Bemis to provide a presentation for auditor training in October 2014 for AC 7124/5 – Manufacture of Carbon Fiber. (Due Date: 01-Oct-2014)

ACTION ITEM: John Key to provide a presentation for auditor training in October 2014 for AC 7124/2 and /3 – Adhesive and Prepreg manufacture. (Due Date: 01-Oct-2014)

ACTION ITEM: Keith Panuska to provide a presentation for auditor training in October for AC 7124/4 – Core manufacture. (Due Date: 01-Oct-2014)


Discussed changes to the NTGOP-001 Appendix COMP-NMMM-NMMT necessary for compliance with NOP-012.

13.0  MEETING CLOSE OUT – closed

Four new voting members were put forth for review and acceptance:

·  Douglas Jacques-Renegade Materials Supplier VM

·  Elliott Schulte-Bell Helicopter Alternate Subscriber VM

·  Evelyn Jacobson-Pratt & Whitney Subscriber VM

·  Natalia Becerra- Exova Supplier Voting Member

Motion made to accept all proposed new voting members. Motion Passed

The Action Items from this meeting were reviewed.

Agenda Topics for the June 2014 meeting in Dublin were discussed:

o  AC7124

§  NOP012 Report Out

§  Auditor Evaluation/Observation Audits

§  NOP011 RMT adjustments and discussion

§  AC7124/5 Pilot Audit Situation Update

§  Add Thermoplastic or other new Material Class?

§  Joint meeting with Elastomer Seals (.5 hour)

§  Combined AC7122 & AC7124 on one day

Final Comments: The revision to NOP-011 for Risk Mitigation was not popular.

ADJOURNMENT – 25-Feb-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Peter Atwell -

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******
Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)
YES* ☒ NO ☐
*If yes, the following information is required:
Documents requiring revision: / Who is responsible: / Due date:
NOP-011 Mode B Criteria / PRI Staff / 30-Jun-2014