KW Little Knights Preschool
Spring Program Newsletter
Classroom news:This month: we are learning about ocean animals and spring! Next month we will be learning about farm animals and Dinosaurs Along with letters R-V
Thank you parents for continuing to participate in our book in a bag program!
Our preschool classes would always welcome a batch of homemade playdough or any art/craft supplies you would like to get rid of!
Have your preschooler show you our signs for the alphabet sounds with our fun song:
Check out KW school’s new website with updated pictures, resources and more! / Reminders:
Conferences will be April 6, 7, 10
No School April 10-14
Have fun playing outside together, going on a letter or pattern hunt around your house, count items inside/outside or make a book together! Don’t forget to read, read, read!
Watch for preschool registration information to come home with your child-current preschool families get priority! Our open house/registration night for new families will be Wednesday, April 19
Kindergarten Meeting will be on March 30th at 6:30, incoming K families let me know if you have not received information about it!
The 7th preschool payment was due March 1st. We do not send monthly statements, please pay your tuition monthly. Questions about billing or online payments? Call 507-789-7015. Thank you, our school depends on it!
Early Childhood Screening
Our last screening day is on April 11 in Kenyon. Please call Sara at 507-789-7016 if you have not completed screening yet, or if you know of someone who has not been screened. Your child only needs to complete this once, and if it was completed in another district we only need a copy of the summary. Thanks!
**Fun option for our local daycare providers! Have a teacher visit the daycare monthly with circle time, stories, songs and art as well as resources for families, all for free!! Help get the word out! / ECFE Announcements:
Don’t forget about our upcoming ECFE events:
Super Sensory Night March 16th 6:00-7:00 pm (KMS/HS)
Family Cooking Night April 18th 6:00-7:00 pm (KMS/HS)
Magic Maniac! April 21 3:30-4:30 (KMS gym)
Gigantic Game Night May 9th 6:00-7:00 pm (WES)
**Kenyon-Wanamingo Early Childhood programs will be participating in the Ed Foundation fund raiser at the Elementary Carnival. We are looking for donations for our baking themed basket, and a copy of your favorite family recipe please!
Kenyon Classroom 507-789- 6186 x3292 Wanamingo Classroom 507-824-2211 x2245